

3 bytes added, 22 May
Adding a word I forgot to put in
* While weapons and relics of different types can be tinkered with each other (i.e. transferring a mod from Bow to a Magic staff or from a Medallion to a Totem), Armors can only be tinkered from a specific type of piece to the same type of piece (i.e mods from a glove piece can only be moved to another glove).
* Certain items have locked mods that cannot be tinkered, though they can be rerolled.
* Due to Rings being heirloom items, ring mods are locked and won't be de-leveled by Ancient Power resets.
* Hero-specific mods are added to the drop table if the Hero the mod is for is present as one of the 4 Heroes in your party. The [[Barbarian]] and the [[Gunwitch]] will add ''all'' Hero-specific mods to the drop table.
** If you wanted to obtain a mod specific to a hero such as Embermount Flames for the [[Lavamancer]], putting the [[Lavamancer]] in your party is sufficient. Technically, removing all heroes other than the [[Lavamancer]] from your party would give you the best chances, but doing so only increases your chances by less than a tenth of a percent.