

223 bytes removed, 21 May
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== Armor Mods ==
Mods for the 4 Gear Slots (Helmet, Chest, Gloves, and Boots), which have the Chip suffix. Their effects are additive between each Slot.{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width: 100%;"|+ style="text-align: left; position: relative; top: -30px; left: 125px; width: 70px;" ||-|<tabber>
Standard Armor M.O.D.S.=
:'''(Displaying Min (Campaign 1/10 UPs) to Max (Chaos VIII 10/10 Ups), not range of damage)'''
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
==Relic Mods==
<div {| class="mw-collapsiblemw-contentcollapsed" style="width: 100%;"> Mods for defenses only. Most can be identified by the Servo suffix. Elemental Mods and Boom Mods can not be stacked on a single item. Multiple sources of Anti|+ style="text-align: left; position: relative; top: -Mods stack Additively (As long as the [[Enemies]] meet each Enemy Types). 30px; left: 115px; width: 70px;" ||-|<tabber>
Standard Relic M.O.D.S.=
:'''(Displaying Min (Campaign 1/10 UPs) to Max (Chaos VIII 10/10 Ups), not range of damage)'''
==Weapon Mods==
Mods for the Weapon Slot Type, which have the Chip suffix. Elemental Mods and Boom Mods can not be stacked on a single item. Multiple sources of Anti{| class="mw-Mods stack Additively (As long as the [[Enemies]] meets the Enemy Types).collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width: 100%;"|+ style="text-align: left; position: relative; top: -30px; left: 145px; width: 70px;" ||-|<tabber>
Standard Weapon M.O.D.S.=
:'''(Displaying Min (Campaign 1/10 UPs) to Max (Chaos VIII 10/10 Ups), not range of damage)'''
== Trivia ==
* MODS officially stands for Magical Offensive/Defensive Subroutines.
* Some developers liked to call the quality of a mod "qualibean" in reference to the bean shaped quality indicator present on mods.