Series EV2

Revision as of 08:57, 5 July 2016 by CGF Fozzie (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 08:57, 5 July 2016 by CGF Fozzie (talk | contribs)

Series EV2.0 brings to Dungeon Defenders 2 a powerful builder and versatile and powerful ranged DPS hero.

The Proton Beam can be placed in a myriad of fiendish designs in the map lanes. These beams shock, slow and can freeze the enemy hordes as they attempt to pass through the beams.

The Reflect Beam creates a reflective wall that turns back enemy projectiles, it also has torpedoes traveling along its nodes which explode causing damage to nearby enemies.

The Buff Beam makes a welcome return and boosts damage and attack speed of towers through which the beam passes.

The Weapon manufacture node brings the same active playstyle to EV2 as Direct Command did to the Abyss Lord. The Weapon manufacturer powers up as it defeats enemies within range and once powered up presents the Atomic launch or Mega Death laser for the EV2.0 to use. These are real Boss killer weapons.