Template:Aquarion Guard Accessories

- This costume contains 2 changeable and 3 non-changeable accessories.

Aquarion Guard Accessory Loadouts.png

Possible accessory loadouts for Aquarion Guard.

Accessory: Head Pieces Rarity Flavor Text
Royal Guardsfish Icon.png

Royal Guardsfish

Mythical Icon.png Mythical Intelligent enough to control the armor with its mind!
Shaded Visor Icon.png

Shaded Visor

Mythical Icon.png Mythical Don't be fooled - the fish is still there.
Accessory: Non-Changeable Rarity Flavor Text
Enchanted Plate Icon.png

Enchanted Plate

Mythical Icon.png Mythical
The humanoid appearance lets it blend in with surface-dwellers.
Water Tank Icon.png

Water Tank

Mythical Icon.png Mythical
Left Arm
Keeps life-giving water flowing through the armor.
Aquatic Boots.png

Aquatic Boots

Mythical Icon.png Mythical
Even those who normally don't have legs can operate these!