* Ol' Peepers! A returning vendor that now provides new daily login rewards in place of the Christmas Tree. Rewards includes daily gifts and Carnival Buffs Consumables.
* Two new shards - Lava Warrior, a Chaos II shard for the Lavamancer and Boosted Beam, a Chaos VI shard for Series EV2.
* Pet Rebalancing - Pet upgrades now buffed and pet damage now scales off gear score. And introducing a new pet as well too - The Crystalline Betsy, only found in Incursion Prime VI Wyvern Den.* New elemental combos - Fire and Oil melts enemy armor while Ice and Earth no longer requires crushing damage and now also stuns frozen enemiesas well.
* New bundles for heroes, costumes and shards.
* New Tower Skins - Now all towers have a Hypno-themed tower skin!