

14,427 bytes removed, 2 April
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== Description ==Pets are creatures that help [[Heroes]] by attacking [[Enemies]] and providing [[Stats|Empowerment Stats]].
Pets are various creatures that players can acquire in hatched from pet eggs acquired from [[Enemies]] or [[Victory Chests]]. To hatch an egg, interact with the game[[Non_Playable_Characters#Petrinarian and Stable Boy's Pets Shop | Stable Boy]].
They help Gato and Creeper eggs can be transformed into Premium eggs via the [[HeroesNon_Playable_Characters#Petrinarian and Stable Boy's Pets Shop | Stable Boy]] by attacking enemies with their own Pet Attack and provide spending [[StatsGems]].Only one pet These pets can hatch in any rarity and can be equipped per Hero at onceroll unique special abilities.
== Regular Pets are hatched from eggs that can be dropped from enemies. To do this, talk to the [[Tavern#Petrinarian_and_Stable_Boy.27s_Pets_Shop =={| Stable Boy]] and drag an egg (or double click the egg) into the slot and Incubate it. Eggs take 1 second to hatch and any eggs that are not incubated spoil after 48 hours. Nonclass="mw-standard eggs do not ever spoil.collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width: 100%;"|+ style="text-align: left; position: relative; top: -30px; left: 125px; width: 70px;" |Gato and Creeper eggs can be transformed into Premium eggs by paying [[Gems]] which will then hatch into one of a few unique pets. These pets roll the same stats and abilities as the equivalent non|-premium pets and can hatch up to Legendary. This is only a cosmetic difference. ==List of Pets==|<tabber> |-|Gato=
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Standard Gato''' </span>
[[File:Gato_Egg_iconGato Egg icon.png|right]][[File:Purrlin_icon.png]] '''[[Purrlin]]''' - <span div style="colordisplay: flex; flex-wrap:#008000wrap;"> [[ {{Pet Info | File:Powerful_IconPurrlin icon.png | Purrlin |18px]] Powerful </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Cathatter_iconCathatter icon.png]] '''[[ | CatHatter]]''' - <span style="color:#008000"> [[File:Powerful_Icon.png |18px]] Powerful </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Purrpeller_iconPurrpeller icon.png]] '''[[ | Purrpeller]]''' - <span style="color:#008000"> [[File:Powerful_Icon.png |18px]] Powerful </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Furlin_iconFurlin icon.png]] '''[[ | Furlin]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png |18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Mad_Catter_iconMad Catter icon.png]] '''[[ | Mad Catter]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png |18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Propeller_Cat_iconPropeller Cat icon.png]] '''[[| Propeller Cat]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png|18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Magicat_iconMagicat icon.png]] '''[[ | Magicat]]''' - <span style="color:#ff00ff"> [[File:Mythical_Icon.png |18px]] Mythical </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Top_Cat_iconTop Cat icon.png]] '''[[ | Top Cat]]''' - <span style="color:#ff00ff"> [[File:Mythical_Icon.png |18px]] Mythical </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Kitty General_iconGeneral icon.png]] '''[[| Kitty General]]''' - <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary }}</spandiv>
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Premium Gato''' </span>
<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;"> {||-{Special Pet Info | [[File:Katkarot_iconKatkarot icon.png]] |Katkarot |Any*'''[[Katkarot]]'''* Able to hatch in any rarity - Requires [[File:Gem_Icon.png |18px]] Costs 250 Gems* Special Ability: ''' | Metsu Gatodouken''' or ''' | Shinku Gatodouken'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Shinobi_Kitty_iconShinobi Kitty icon.png]] || *'''[[Shinobi Kitty]]'''* Able to hatch in any rarity - Requires [[File:Gem_Icon.png | Any |18px]] Costs 200 Gems * Special Ability: ''' | Shuriken Fury'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Autumeow_iconAutumeow icon.png]] |Autumeow | Any*'''[[Autumeow]]'''* Able to hatch in any rarity - Requires [[File:Gem_Icon.png |18px]] Costs 400Gems* Special Ability: ''' | Cyclone'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:G4- T0_iconT0 Icon.png|66px]] || * '''[[G4-T0]]'''* Able to hatch in any rarity - Requires [[File:Gem_Icon.png | Any |18px]] Costs 600 Gems* Special Ability: ''' | Radial Blast'''| }}</div> |-| Creeper=
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Standard Creeper''' </span>
[[File:Creeper_Egg_iconCreeper Egg icon.png|right]][[File:Voodu_icon.png]] '''[[Voodu]]''' - <span div style="colordisplay: flex; flex-wrap:#008000wrap;"> [[ {{Pet Info | File:Powerful_IconVoodu icon.png | Voodu |18px]] Powerful </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Flickerwick_iconFlickerwick icon.png]] '''[[ | Flickerwick]]''' - <span style="color:#008000"> [[File:Powerful_Icon.png |18px]] Powerful </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Imphant_iconImphant icon.png]] '''[[ | Imphant]]''' - <span style="color:#008000"> [[File:Powerful_Icon.png |18px]] Powerful </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Whodu_iconWhodu icon.png]] '''[[ | Whodu]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png |18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Bitterwick_iconBitterwick icon.png]] '''[[ | Bitterwick]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png |18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Imphamy_iconImphamy icon.png]] '''[[ | Imphamy]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png |18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Yudu_iconYudu icon.png]] '''[[ | Yudu]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png |18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Serving Servant_iconServant icon.png]] '''[[ | Serving Servant]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png |18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Fairy_Creepermother_iconFairy Creepermother icon.png]] '''[[| Fairy Creepermother]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png|18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Imphernal_iconImphernal icon.png]] '''[[ | Imphernal]]''' - <span style="color:#ff00ff"> [[File:Mythical_Icon.png |18px]] Mythical }}</span><br /div>
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Premium Creeper''' </span>
<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;"> {{||-Special Pet Info | [[File:Table_Flipper_iconTable Flipper icon.png]] |Table Flipper |Any*'''[[ | Costs 250 Gems | Table Flipper]]'''Flip }} {{Special Pet Info* Able to hatch in any rarity - Requires [[ | File:Gem_IconEvilwick icon.png | Evilwick | Any |18px]] Costs 250 Gems | Void Tendrils }}* {{Special Ability: '''Table Flip'''|-Pet Info | [[File:Evilwick_iconHeadless Horseman icon.png]] |Headless Horseman | Any*'''[[Evilwick]]''' | Costs 400 Gems | Tormented Thoughts }} {{Special Pet Info* Able to hatch in any rarity - Requires [[ | File:Gem_IconElder Shinobi Turtle Icon.png | Shinobi Turtle |18px]] 250 Any* Special Ability: '''Void Tendrils''' | Costs 400 Gems |-Bouncing Shell }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Headless_Horseman_iconChainsaw Corgi.png]] |Chainsaw Corgi | Any *'''[[Headless Horseman]]''' | Costs 400 Gems | Chained Saw }} {{Special Pet Info* Able to hatch in any rarity - Requires [[ | File:Gem_IconCyborgie.png | Cyborgie | Any |18px]] Costs 400Gems* Special Ability: '''Tormented Thoughts''' | Whirlwind| }</div> |-| Dragon=
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Standard Dragon''' </span>
[[File:Dragon_Egg_iconDragon Egg icon.png|right]][[File:Serpentiny_icon.png]] '''[[Serpentiny]]''' - <span div style="colordisplay: flex; flex-wrap:#008000wrap;"> [[ {{Pet Info | File:Powerful_IconSerpentiny icon.png | Serpentiny |18px]] Powerful </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Growld_iconGrowld icon.png]] '''[[ | Growld]]''' - <span style="color:#008000"> [[File:Powerful_Icon.png |18px]] Powerful </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Serpentor_iconSerpentor icon.png]] '''[[ | Serpentor]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[ | Epic}} {{Pet Info | File:Epic_IconDragold icon.png | Dragold |18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Dragold_iconBlinkee icon.png]] '''[[Dragold]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[ | Blinkee | Mythical}} {{Pet Info | File:Epic_IconGreen Eyes icon.png |18px]] Epic </span><br />Green Eyes | Mythical}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Blinkee_iconBrrragon icon.png]] '''[[Blinkee]]''' - <span style="color:#ff00ff"> [[ | Brrragon | Mythical}} {{Pet Info | File:Mythical_IconHoardagron icon.png | Hoardagron |18px]] Mythical </span><br />Legendary}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Green_Eyes_iconSerpentagon icon.png]] '''[[Green Eyes]]''' - <span style="color:#ff00ff"> [[| Serpentagon | Legendary}} {{Pet Info | File:Mythical_IconJadedragon.png |18px]] Mythical Jaderagon | Legendary}}</span><br /div>[[File:Brrragon_icon.png]] '''[[Brrragon]]''' - <span style="colorfont-size:#ff00ff150%"> [[File:Mythical_Icon.png|18px]] Mythical </span><br />[[File:Hoardagron_icon.png]] '''[[Hoardagron]]Premium Dragon''' - </span ><div style="colordisplay:#FFF380flex; flex-wrap: wrap;"> [[ {{Special Pet Info | File:Legendary_IconElder Cyberdragon Icon.png | Cyberdragon | Any | Costs 400 Gems |18px]] Legendary Overcharged Laser }}</spandiv><br |-|Region/>Gamemode Specific=[[File:Serpentagon_icon.png]] '''[[Serpentagon]]''' - <span style="colorfont-size:#FFF380150%"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span><br />[[File:Jadedragon.png]] '''[[Jaderagon]]Maps and Gamemodes: Gato''' - </span ><div style="colordisplay: flex; flex-wrap:#FFF380wrap;"> [[ {{Special Pet Info | File:Legendary_IconSlimy Ghost Cat Icon.png | Slimy Ghost Cat |18px]] Legendary | Chance to acquire from Malakai's Sewer, Chaos VIII onwards | Poison Cloud }}</span><br /div>
Region/Gamemode Specific=
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Maps and Gamemodes: Creeper''' </span>
[[File<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap:Grumpy_icon.png|1px|right]]wrap;"> {|{Special Pet Info |-| [[File:Jackalope_IconJackalope Icon.png |66px]]Jackalope |Any |*'''[[Jackalope]]'''* Able to hatch in any rarity - Chance to acquire from maps in The Wild West region, Chaos VIII onwards* Special Ability: ''' | Jackalope's Curse'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Corrupted_Jackalope_IconCorrupted Jackalope Icon.png|66px]] || *'''[[Corupted Jackalope]]'''* Able to hatch in any rarity - | Any | Chance to acquire from maps in The Wild West region, Chaos VIII onwards* Special Ability: ''' | Jackalope's Curse'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Haunted_Ship_IconHaunted Ship Icon.png|66px]] || *'''[[Haunted Ship]]'''* Able to hatch in any rarity - | Any | Chance to acquire from maps in The High Seas region, Chaos VIII onwards* Special Ability: ''' | Tsunami'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Fenix_IconFenix Icon.png |66px]]Fenix |Any | *'''[[Fenix]]'''* Able to hatch in any rarity - Chance to acquire from Embermount Volcano, Chaos VIII onwards* Special Ability: ''' | Bouncing Phoenix'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Genie_Prince_IconGenie Prince Icon.png|66px]] || *'''[[Genie Prince]]'''* Able to hatch in any rarity - | Any | Chance to acquire from Tornado Highlands, Chaos VIII onwards* Special Ability: ''' | Mana Swirl'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Corrupted_Genie_Prince_IconCorrupted Genie Prince Icon.png|66px]] || *'''[[Corrupted Genie Prince]]'''* Able to hatch in any rarity - | Any | Chance to acquire from Tornado Highlands, Chaos VIII onwards* Special Ability: '''Mana Swirl''' or ''' | Magical Burst'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Kobold_King_Pet_IconEarthen Dragon Icon.png | Earthen Dragon |66px]]Any |Chance to acquire from Hidden Caverns, Chaos VIII onwards | Dust Devil*'''[[ }} {{Special Pet Info | File:Kobold King Pet Icon.png | Kobold King]]'''* Able to hatch in any rarity - | Any | Chance to acquire from Kobold Bling King Prime Incursions* Special Ability: ''' | Sticky Bomb'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Kobold_Bling_King_Pet_IconKobold Bling King Pet Icon.png|66px]] || *'''[[Kobold Bling King]]'''* Able to hatch in any rarity - | Any | Chance to acquire from Kobold Bling King Prime Incursions* Special Ability: ''' | Sticky Bomb'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Voodoo_Apprentice_IconVoodoo Apprentice Icon.png|66px]] || *'''[[Voodoo Apprentice]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | Chance to acquire from any Incursions in Prime VII regions* Special Ability: ''' | Tornado'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Voodoo_Squire_IconVoodoo Squire Icon.png|66px]] || *'''[[Voodoo Squire]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | Chance to acquire from any Incursions in Prime VII regions* Special Ability: ''' | Sword Beam'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Voodoo_Huntress_IconVoodoo Huntress Icon.png|66px]] || *'''[[Voodoo Huntress]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | Chance to acquire from any Incursions in Prime VII regions* Special Ability: ''' | Hawk Strike'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Voodoo_Monk_IconVoodoo Monk Icon.png|66px]] || *'''[[Voodoo Monk]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | Chance to acquire from any Incursions in Prime VII regions* | Chi Blast }} {{Special AbilityPet Info | File: Friendly Ghost Icon.png | Friendly Ghost | Any | Chance to acquire from Malakai'''Chi Blast'''s Manor, Chaos VIII onwards |Ring of Fire }}</div>
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Maps and Gamemodes: Dragon''' </span>
<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;"> {|{Special Pet Info |-| [[File:Lithicoatl2.png]] ||*'''[[Lithicoatl]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | Chance to acquire from Onslaught* Able to roll only ''' | Sparkle Party''', ''' | Gato Fireworks''' or ''' | Poisonous Tips''' as ablity|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Dino_IconDino Icon.png |66px]]Dino |Any | *'''[[Dino]]'''* Able to hatch in any rarity - Chance to acquire from Lost Dungeons region, Chaos VIII onwards* Special Ability: ''' | Jurassic War Cry'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Crystal_Betsy_IconCrystal Betsy Icon.png|66px]] || *'''[[Crystal Betsy]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | Chance to acquire from The Wyvern's Den Prime Incursion* Special Ability: ''' | Lil Betsy Projectile'''| }}</div> |-| Purchasable=
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Purchasable: Gato''' </span>
[[<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;"> {{Special Pet Info | File:Grumpy_iconReforged Thunder-O Icon.png |1pxReforged Thunder-O |right]]Legendary{ |7,500 Defender Medals from the Colonel |-Thunderstorm }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Reforged_Thunder-O_IconDapper Ghost Cat Icon.png | Dapper Ghost Cat |66px]]Legendary |1 Billion Gold from the Black Market Dealer |Cat Wail }}*'''[[Reforged Thunder-O]]''' {{Special Pet Info* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[ | File:Legendary_IconGhost Cat Icon.png | Ghost Cat |18px]] Legendary </span> - | 7,500 [[file:Defender Medal.png|14px]] Medals from the Colonel* Special Ability: '''Thunderstorm''' | Cat Wail| }}</div>
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Purchasable: Creeper''' </span>
<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;"> {{||-Special Pet Info | [[File:Unbound_Bearkira_IconUnbound Bearkira Icon.png|66px]] ||*'''[[Unbound Bearkira]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | 7,500 [[file:Defender Medal.png|14px]] Medals from the Colonel* Special Ability: ''' | Maelstrom'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Tainted Sword.png|66px]] ||*'''[[Tainted Sword]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | 7,500 [[file:Defender Medal.png|14px]] Medals from the Colonel* Special Ability: ''' | Fields of Swords'''| }}</div>
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Purchasable: Dragon''' </span>
<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;"> {{|Special Pet Info |-| [[File:Itsy-Betsy_Fully_Evolved_IconBetsy Fully Evolved Icon.png|66px]] ||*'''[[Itsy-Betsy]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | 10,000 [[file:Defender Medal.png|14px]] Medals from the Colonel* Special Ability: ''' | Lil Betsy Projectile'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Blighted Dragon2.png]] ||*'''[[Blighted Dragon]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | 7,500 [[file:Defender Medal.png|14px]] Medals from the Colonel* Special Ability: ''' | Plague Claw'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Drago DM.png|66px]] ||*'''[[Terror Dragolich]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | 7,500 [[file:Defender Medal.png|14px]] Medals from the Colonel* Special Ability: ''' | Ghost Wail'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Left Narwhagon.png|66px]] ||*'''[[Left Narwhagon]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | 7,500 [[file:Defender Medal.png|14px]] Medals from the Colonel* Special Ability: ''' | Unified Defense'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Amber_Dino_IconAmber Dino Icon.png|66px]] ||*'''[[Amber Dino]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | 7,500 [[file:Defender Medal.png|14px]] Medals from the Colonel* Special Ability: ''' | Jurassic War Cry'''| }}</div> |-| Events-Limited=
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Events-Limited: Gato''' </span>
[[File<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap:Grumpy_icon.png|1px|right]]wrap;"> {||-{Special Pet Info | [[File:Thunder-0_icon0 icon.png]] ||*'''[[Thunder-O]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | Conquer Etheria Monthly Mission (August 2015)* Special Ability: ''' | Maelstrom'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Purville2.png]] ||*'''[[Purville]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | Beat the Heat Summer Event (2017) | N/A }} {{Special Pet Info | File:Spooky Ghost Cat Icon.png | Spooky Ghost Cat Icon | Legendary | Defender Pass Season 1 |Cat Wail }}</div>
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Events-Limited: Creeper''' </span>
<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;"> {{||-Special Pet Info | [[File:Grumpy_IconGrumpy Icon.png|66px]] ||*'''[[Grumpy]]'''* <span style="color:#ff00ff"> [[File:Mythical_Icon.png |18px]] Mythical </span> - | Wipegaddon (2015) |-N/A }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Alien_spectreAlien spectre.png]] ||*'''[[Alien Specter]]'''* <span style="color:#ff00ff"> [[File:Mythical_Icon.png |18px]] Mythical </span> - | Alienware Giveaway (2016) |-N/A }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Possessed_Sword_IconPossessed Sword Icon.png|66px]] ||*'''[[Possessed Sword]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | The Big Hunt Monthly Mission (September 2015)* Special Ability: ''' | Field of Swords'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Bearkira.png]] ||*'''[[Bearkira]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | Teddy Bear Nightmare Monthly Mission (October 2015)* Special Ability: ''' | Maelstrom'''| }}</div>
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Events-Limited: Dragon''' </span>
<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;"> {|{Special Pet Info |-| [[File:Narwhagon.png]] ||*'''[[Narwhagon]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | An Etherian Pilgrimage Monthly Mission (November 2015)* Special Ability: ''' | Unified Defense'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Scourge Dragon.png]] ||*'''[[Scourge Dragon]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | No Fear New Year Monthly Mission (January 2016)* Special Ability: ''' | Plague Claw'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Dragolich.png]] ||*'''[[Dragolich]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | A Harrowing Harbinger Holiday Monthly Mission (December 2015)* Special Ability: ''' | Ghost Wail'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Caustic Dragolich icon.png|66px]] ||*'''[[Caustic Dragolich]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | Mesmerization! Monthly Mission (May 2016)* Special Ability: ''' | Ghost Wail'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Jolly_Santolich_IconJolly Santolich Icon.png|66px]] ||*'''[[Jolly Santolich]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | Winterfest Event 2021* Special Ability: ''' | Ghost Wail'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Frostbite_Santolich_IconFrostbite Santolich Icon.png|66px]] ||*'''[[Frostbite Santolich]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | Winterfest Event 2021* Special Ability: ''' | Ghost Wail'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Krampuslich_IconKrampuslich Icon.png|66px]] ||*'''[[Krampuslich]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | Winterfest Event 2021* Special Ability: ''' | Ghost Wail'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Nightmare_Krampuslich_IconNightmare Krampuslich Icon.png|66px]] ||*'''[[Nightmare Krampuslich]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | Winterfest Event 2021* Special Ability: ''' | Ghost Wail'''|-| [[File:Betsy White.png|66px]] }}||*'''[[Betsy White]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </spandiv> - Tester Reward* Special Ability: '''Lil Betsy Projectile'''|}|-| Events-Seasonal=
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Events-Seasonal: Creeper''' </span>
[[<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;"> {{Special Pet Info | File:Grumpy_iconPenguin Commander Icon.png |1pxPenguin Commander |right]]Legendary | Winter Event | Frost Spike | Heavy Blizzard | Snow Storm }} {{Special Pet Info |File:Snow Mage Icon.png | Snow Mage | Legendary | Winter Event | Frost Spike | Heavy Blizzard |-Snow Storm }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Penguin_Commander_IconKing Nutcracker Icon.png | King Nutcracker | Legendary | Winter Event | Frost Spike | Heavy Blizzard |68px]]Snow Storm }}</div> |-|Defender Pack=*<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''[[Penguin Commander]]Defender Pack: Creeper'''</span>* <span div style="colordisplay:#FFF380flex; flex-wrap: wrap;"> [[ {{Pet Info | File:Legendary_IconMadwick Icon.png | Madwick |18px]] Legendary </span> - Winter EventMythical}}* Special Ability {{Pet Info | File: '''Frost Spike''', '''Heavy Blizzard''' or '''Snow Storm'''Pixiebell Icon.png | Pixiebell | Mythical}} {{Pet Info |-File:Protobud.png | Protobud | Legendary}} {{Pet Info | [[File:Snow_Mage_IconNigel2.png | Nigel |68px]]Legendary}}</div> |-| Exclusives=*<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''[[Snow Mage]]Exclusives: Dragon'''</span>* <span div style="colordisplay:#FFF380flex; flex-wrap: wrap;"> [[ {{Special Pet Info | File:Legendary_IconBetsy White.png | Betsy White |18px]] Legendary </span> - Winter Event* Special Ability: '''Frost Spike''', '''Heavy Blizzard''' or '''Snow Storm''' | Playtester Reward |-Lil Betsy Projectile }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:King_Nutcracker_IconMegadon Icon Border.png |68px]]Megadon |Legendary | Xbox Exclusive: Acquired from Drakenfrost Resort* | Sharknado }}</div><span style="font-size: 150%"> '''[[King Nutcracker]]Exclusives: Creeper'''</span>* <span div style="colordisplay:#FFF380flex; flex-wrap: wrap;"> [[ {{Special Pet Info | File:Legendary_IconProtobot Icon.png | Protobot |18px]] Legendary | Protobot Council Reward | Laser Eye }}</spandiv> - Winter Event* Special Ability: '''Frost Spike''', '''Heavy Blizzard''' or '''Snow Storm'''</tabber>
Defender Pack=
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Defender Pack: Creepers''' </span>
| [[File:Madwick_Icon.png|66px]]
'''[[Madwick]]''' - <span style="color:#ff00ff"> [[File:Mythical_Icon.png|18px]] Mythical </span>
| [[File:Pixiebell_Icon.png|66px]]
'''[[Pixiebell]]''' - <span style="color:#ff00ff"> [[File:Mythical_Icon.png|18px]] Mythical </span>
| [[File:Protobud.png|66px]]
'''[[Protobud]]''' - <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span>
| [[File:Nigel2.png|66px]]
'''[[Nigel]]''' - <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span>
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Exclusives: Dragons''' </span>
| [[File:Megadon_Icon_Border.png|66px]]
* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - Xbox Exclusive: Acquired from Revenge of the Yeti Incursion
* Special Ability: '''Sharknado'''
== Golden Pets ==
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width: 100%;"|+ style="text-align: left; position: relative; top: -30px; left: 120px; width: 70px;" ||-|<tabber> |-|Gato=
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Standard Golden Gato''' </span>
[[File:Gato_Egg_icon.png|1px|right]][[File:Golden_Purrpeller_Icon.png]] '''[[Golden Purrlin]]''' - <span div style="colordisplay: flex; flex-wrap:#008000wrap;"> [[ {{Pet Info | File:Powerful_IconGolden Purrpeller Icon.png | Golden Purrlin |18px]] Powerful </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Golden_CatHatter_IconGolden CatHatter Icon.png]] '''[[ | Golden CatHatter]]''' - <span style="color:#008000"> [[File:Powerful_Icon.png |18px]] Powerful </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Golden_Purrlin_IconGolden Purrlin Icon.png]] '''[[ | Golden Purrlin]]''' - <span style="color:#008000"> [[File:Powerful_Icon.png |18px]] Powerful </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Golden_Furlin_IconGolden Furlin Icon.png]] '''[[ | Golden Furlin]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png |18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Golden_Mad_Cat_IconGolden Mad Cat Icon.png]] '''[[ | Golden Mad Cat]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png |18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Golden_Propeller_Cat_IconGolden Propeller Cat Icon.png]] '''[[| Golden Propeller Cat]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png|18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Golden_Magicat_IconGolden Magicat Icon.png]] '''[[ | Golden Magicat]]''' - <span style="color:#ff00ff"> [[File:Mythical_Icon.png |18px]] Mythical </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Golden_Top_Cat_IconGolden Top Cat Icon.png]] '''[[ | Golden Top Cat]]''' - <span style="color:#ff00ff"> [[File:Mythical_Icon.png |18px]] Mythical </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Golden_Kitty_General_IconGolden Kitty General Icon.png]] '''[[| Golden Kitty General]]''' - <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary }}</spandiv> |-| Creeper=
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Standard Golden Creeper''' </span>
[[File:Creeper_Egg_icon.png|1px|right]][[File:Golden_Voodu_Icon.png|66px]] '''[[Golden Voodu]]''' - <span div style="colordisplay: flex; flex-wrap:#008000wrap;"> [[ {{Pet Info | File:Powerful_IconGolden Voodu Icon.png | Golden Voodu |18px]] Powerful </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Golden_Flickerwick_IconGolden Flickerwick Icon.png |66px]] '''[[Golden Flickerwick]]''' - <span style="color:#008000"> [[File:Powerful_Icon.png |18px]] Powerful </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Golden_Imphant_IconGolden Imphant Icon.png |66px]] '''[[Golden Imphant]]''' - <span style="color:#008000"> [[File:Powerful_Icon.png |18px]] Powerful </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Golden_Whodu_IconGolden Whodu Icon.png |66px]] '''[[Golden Whodu]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png |18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Golden_Bitterwick_IconGolden Bitterwick Icon.png |66px]] '''[[Golden Bitterwick]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png |18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Golden_Imphamy_IconGolden Imphamy Icon.png |66px]] '''[[Golden Imphamy]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png |18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Golden_Yudu_IconGolden Yudu Icon.png |66px]] '''[[Golden Yudu]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png |18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Golden_Serving_Servant_IconGolden Serving Servant Icon.png |66px]] '''[[Golden Serving Servant]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png |18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Golden_Fairy_Creepermother_IconGolden Fairy Creepermother Icon.png|66px]] '''[[Golden Fairy Creepermother]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png|18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Golden_Imphernal_Icon_BorderGolden Imphernal Icon Border.png |66px]] '''[[Golden Imphernal]]''' - <span style="color:#ff00ff"> [[File:Mythical_Icon.png |18px]] Mythical }}</span><br /div> |-| Dragon=
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Standard Golden Dragon''' </span>
[[File:Dragon_Egg_icon.png|1px|right]][[File:Golden_Serpentiny_Icon.png|66px]] '''[[Golden Serpentiny]]''' - <span div style="colordisplay: flex; flex-wrap:#008000wrap;"> [[ {{Pet Info | File:Powerful_IconGolden Serpentiny Icon.png | Golden Serpentiny |18px]] Powerful </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Golden_Growld_IconGolden Growld Icon.png |66px]] '''[[Golden Growld]]''' - <span style="color:#008000"> [[File:Powerful_Icon.png |18px]] Powerful </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Golden_Serpentor_IconGolden Serpentor Icon.png |66px]] '''[[Golden Serpentor]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png |18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Golden_Dragold_IconGolden Dragold Icon.png |66px]] '''[[Golden Dragold]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png |18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Golden_Blinkee_IconGolden Blinkee Icon.png |66px]] '''[[Golden Blinkee]]''' - <span style="color:#ff00ff"> [[File:Mythical_Icon.png |18px]] Mythical </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Golden_Green_Eyes_Icon_BorderGolden Green Eyes Icon Border.png|66px]] '''[[Golden Green Eyes]]''' - <span style="color:#ff00ff"> [[File:Mythical_Icon.png|18px]] Mythical </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Golden_Brrragon_IconGolden Brrragon Icon.png |66px]] '''[[Golden Brrragon]]''' - <span style="color:#ff00ff"> [[File:Mythical_Icon.png |18px]] Mythical </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Golden_Jaderagon_IconGolden Jaderagon Icon.png |66px]] '''[[Golden Jaderagon]]''' - <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary }}</spandiv> |-| Region/Gamemode Specific=
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Region/Gamemode Specific Golden Creeper''' </span>
[[File <div style="display: flex; flex-wrap:Grumpy_icon.png|1px|right]]wrap;"> {|{Special Pet Info |-| [[File:Golden_Haunted_Ship_IconGolden Haunted Ship Icon.png|66px]] || * '''[[Golden Haunted Ship]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | Chance to acquire from maps in The High Seas region, Chaos VIII onwards* Special Ability: ''' | Tsunami'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Golden_Fenix_IconGolden Fenix Icon.png |66px]]Golden Fenix |Legendary | Chance to acquire from Embermount Volcano, Chaos VIII onwards | Bouncing Phoenix* '''[[Golden Fenix]]''' }} {{Special Pet Info* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[ | File:Legendary_IconGolden Earthen Dragon Icon.png | Golden Earthen Dragon |18px]] Legendary </span> - | Chance to acquire from Embermount VolcanoHidden Caverns, Chaos VIII onwards* | Overcharged Laser }} {{Special AbilityPet Info | File: Golden Friendly Ghost Icon.png | Golden Friendly Cat | Legendary | Chance to acquire from Malakai'''Bouncing Phoenix'''s Manor, Chaos VIII onwards |Ring of Fire }}</div>
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Region/Gamemode Specific Golden Dragon''' </span>
<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;"> {{|Special Pet Info |-| [[File:Golden_Dino_IconGolden Dino Icon.png|66px]] || * '''[[Golden Dino]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | Chance to acquire from maps in Lost Dungeons region, Chaos VIII onwards* Special Ability: ''' | Jurassic War Cry'''| }}</div> |-|Events-Limited=
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Events-Limited Golden Creeper''' </span>
[[File<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap:Grumpy_icon.png|1px|right]]wrap;"> {||-{Special Pet Info | [[File:Golden_Madwick_IconGolden Madwick Icon.png|66px]] || * '''[[Golden Madwick]]'''* <span style="color:#ff00ff"> [[File:Mythical_Icon.png |18px]] Mythical < | Obtained through special means | N/span> - ''A }} {{Special''|-Pet Info | [[File:Golden_Pixiebell_IconGolden Pixiebell Icon.png|66px]] || * '''[[Golden Pixiebell]]'''* <span style="color:#ff00ff"> [[File:Mythical_Icon.png |18px]] Mythical < | Obtained through special means | N/span> - ''A }} {{Special''|-Pet Info | [[File:Golden Bearkira C.png]] || * '''[[Golden Bearkira]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | Dragonfall Carnival Event (2016)* Special Ability: ''' | Maelstrom'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Golden Possessed Sword C.png]] || * '''[[Golden Possessed Sword]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | Dragonfall Carnival Event (2016)* Special Ability: ''' | Field of Swords'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Golden_Evilwick_Fully_Evolved_IconGolden Evilwick Fully Evolved Icon.png|66px]] || * '''[[Golden Evilwick]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | Dragonfall Carnival Event (2016)* Special Ability: ''' | Void Tendrils'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Golden Table Flipper C.png]] || * '''[[Golden Table Flipper]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | Dragonfall Carnival Event (2016)* Special Ability: ''' | Table Flip'''|-| [[File:Sodium Champion.png]]|| }}* '''[[Sodium Champion]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </spandiv> - Tester Reward* Special Ability: '''???'''|}
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Events-Limited Golden Gato''' </span>
<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;"> {{||-Special Pet Info | [[File:Golden_ThunderGolden Thunder-O_IconO Icon.png|66px]] || * '''[[Golden Thunder-O]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | Dragonfall Carnival Event (2016)* Special Ability: ''' | Thunderstorm'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Golden_Katkarot_Fully_Evolved_IconGolden Katkarot Fully Evolved Icon.png|66px]] || * '''[[Golden Katkarot]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | Dragonfall Carnival Event (2016)* Special Ability: ''' | Metsu Gatodouken''' or ''' | Shinku Gatodouken'''|- }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Golden_Shinobi_Kitty_Fully_Evolved_IconGolden Shinobi Kitty Fully Evolved Icon.png|66px]] || * '''[[Golden Shinobi Kitty]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span> - | Dragonfall Carnival Event (2016)* Special Ability: ''' | Shuriken Fury'''| }}</div>
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Events-Limited Golden Dragon''' </span>{||-| [[File:Golden_drag.png]]|| * '''[[Golden Dragolich]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> * Special Ability: '''Ghost Wail'''|-| [[File:Golden_Itsy-Betsy_Icon.png|66px]]|| * '''[[Golden Itsy-Betsy]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - Tester Reward* Special Ability: '''Lil Betsy Projectile'''|}|-| Events-Seasonal=
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Events-Seasonal Golden Creeper''' </span>
[[<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;"> {{Special Pet Info | File:Grumpy_iconGolden Penguin Commander Icon.png | Golden Penguin Commander | Legendary |1pxPurchasable for 400 Gems from the Black Market Dealer during Winter Event |right]]Frost Spike{ |Heavy Blizzard |-Snow Storm }} {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Golden_Penguin_Commander_IconGolden Snow Mage Icon.png |66px]]Golden Snow Mage |Legendary | Purchasable for 400 Gems from the Black Market Dealer during Winter Event* '''[[Golden Penguin Commander]]''' | Frost Spike | Heavy Blizzard | Snow Storm }} {{Special Pet Info* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[ | File:Legendary_IconGolden King Nutcracker Icon Border.png | Golden King Nutcracker |18px]] Legendary </span> - | Purchasable for [[File:Gem_Icon.png|18px]] 300 400 Gems from the Black Market Dealer during Winter Event* Special Ability: ''' | Frost Spike''', ''' | Heavy Blizzard | Snow Storm }}</div> |-|Exclusives=<span style="font-size: 150%"> ''' or '''Snow StormExclusives: Golden Gato'''</span>|<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;"> {{Special Pet Info | [[File:Golden_Snow_Mage_IconGolden Purville Icon.png | Golden Purville |66px]]Legendary |Playtester Challenge Reward (2016) | N/A }}</div>* <span style="font-size: 150%"> '''[[Exclusives: Golden Snow Mage]]Dragon'''</span>* <span div style="colordisplay: flex; flex-wrap:#FFF380wrap;"> [[ {{Special Pet Info | File:Legendary_IconGolden Dragolich Icon.png | Golden Dragolich |18px]] Legendary </span> - Purchasable for [[File:Gem_Icon.png | Playtester Reward |18px]] 300 from the Black Market Dealer during Winter EventGhost Wail }}* {{Special Ability: '''Frost Spike''', '''Heavy Blizzard''' or '''Snow Storm'''Pet Info |-| [[File:Golden_King_Nutcracker_Icon_BorderGolden Itsy-Betsy Icon.png | Golden Itsy-Betsy |66px]]Legendary |Playtester Reward | Lil Betsy Projectile }}</div>* <span style="font-size: 150%"> '''[[Exclusives: Golden King Nutcracker]]Creeper'''</span>* <span div style="colordisplay: flex; flex-wrap:#FFF380wrap;"> [[ {{Special Pet Info | File:Legendary_IconSodium Champion.png | Sodium Champion |18px]] Legendary | Playtester Reward | ??? }}</spandiv> - Purchasable for [[File:Gem_Icon.png|18px]] 300 from the Black Market Dealer during Winter Event* Special Ability: '''Frost Spike''', '''Heavy Blizzard''' or '''Snow Storm'''</tabber>
==Raising your Pet==
* Pet Attack Damage - All pets have different attack values that go up by an amount depending on the pet. Premium pets have different values depending on their rarity.
* Pet Attack Rate - How often a pet attacks per X seconds. Unlike the other two stats, the lower number is better.
* Empower Empowerment Stats - Starts off as [20-55] and gains +5 per Affection level. At level 60, gives [315-350]<br>'''Formula: '''<code>ROUNDDOWN((Gearscore*Base Stat Roll)*(Evolution Multiplier/70)/2) </code><br> {| class="wikitable"! Evolution !! Multiplier|-| Hatchling || 0.15|-| Fledgling || 0.25|-| Veteran || 0.3|-| Elder || 0.4|}Pets can become stronger by levelling leveling them up in two ways:* Power - Feeding your pet, Pet Food, which can be bought from the Petrinarian or looted from [[enemies]]. 5',000 EXP is required to level up.<br />* Affection - Your pet gains affection in battle alongside your [[Heroes|Hero]]. Affection is gained by being present when defeating a wave.
{| class="wikitable"
(Needs renewed confirmation)
Pet affection can be manually increased with Large Pet Affection Boosters and Pet Affection Boosters. To make use of these boosters, you need to equip your pet and select the character for which you have equipped it.
[[File:Large Affection Booster.png|35px|right]]
[[File:Small Affection Booster.png|35px|right]]
* Large Pet Affection Boosters : They are obtainable through [[Mastery]] rewards in the "Pet Power Packs". These boosters will give 16 affection levels to any type of pet.
* Pet Affection Boosters : They are buyable from [[Colonel|The Colonel]] for 250 [[Defender Medals]]. These boosters will give 8 affection levels to any type of pet.
These boosters are sellable, which means they can be purchased from player shops.
A pet will start off as a Hatchling but can be evolved at set levels that increases their base stats and gives them [[Pet Abilities]]. Increasing tiers of Vials and Gold are required for each evolution as follows:
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Pet Food''' </span>
<gallery mode="traditional" style="text-align:center;"> File:Pet_Food_Standard_icon.png |Standard (500 XP) File:Pet_Food_Quality_icon.png |Quality (1500 1,500 XP) File:Pet_Food_Premium_icon.png |Premium (5,000 XP) File:Pet_Food_Exquisite_icon.png|Exquisite (12,500 XP)
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Evolution''' </span>
<gallery mode="traditional" style="text-align:center;"> File:Vial of a Gatos Spirit.png |Vial of a Gato's Spirit File:Vial of a Gatos Mischief.png|Vial of a Gato's Mischief File:Vial of a Gatos Soul.png |Vial of a Gato's Soul File:Vial of Fright.png |Vial of Fright File:Vial of Spooking.png |Vial of Spooking File:Vial of Pure Fear.png |Vial of Pure Fear File:Vial of Dragon Sweat.png |Vial of Dragon Sweat File:Vial of Dragon Tears.png |Vial of Dragon Tears File:Vial of Dragon Blood.png |Vial of Dragon Blood</gallery> <span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Pet Reroll''' </span><gallery style="text-align:center;"> File:Pet Reroll Icon.png | Pet Stats File:Pet Reroll Icon.png | Empowerment Stats File:Pet Reroll Icon.png | Pet Ability File:Pet Element Reroll Icon.png | Pet Element
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Pet Reroll''' </span><br />
[[File:Reroll_icon2.png]]Pet Stats<br />
[[File:Reroll_icon2.png]]Empowerment Stats<br />
[[File:Reroll_icon2.png]]Pet Ability
== [[Pet Abilities ==<tabber> Gato=[[Encouragement|Encouragement]] : Uplift your spirit by restoring 75 blue mana! 28s CD.<br />[[Gato_Fireworks|Gato Fireworks]] : Fires a trio of fireworks dealing 915% magical Hero Damage each. 30s CD. <br />[[Sparkle Party|Sparkle Party]] : Dazzles nearby enemies for 1000% magical Hero Damage and stunning them for 5s. 30s CD.|-| Creeper=[[Curse_Aura|Curse Aura]] : Boosts speed by 50%, reduces enemy damage by 50% and deals 150% magical Hero Damage for 10 sec. 45s CD.<br />[[Gravebolt|Gravebolt]] : Fire a life-stealing bolt at the the target enemy. 30s CD.<br />[[Hex|Hex]] : Nearby enemies take 1,250% magical Hero Damage and then deal 50% less damage for 9s. 45s CD.|-| Dragon=[[Dragon_Breath|Dragon Breath]] : Breathes fire in a frontal cone, dealing 200% magical Hero Damage per second for 5s. 30s CD.<br />[[Dragon_Protection|Dragon Protection]] : Shields nearby defenses for 400% Hero Dmage for 10s. 45s CD.|-| Fire=[[Bouncing_Fire|Bouncing Fire]] : Fires a bouncing fireball piercing 5 enemies and dealing 1,100% fire Hero Damage. 30s CD.<br />[[Fire_Barrage|Fire Barrage]] : Fire 6 fireballs When looking at your target, dealing 425% fire Hero Damage each. 20s CD.<br />[[Fire_Pillar|Fire Pillar]] : Creates a flaming pillar dealing 200% fire Hero Damage per second for 10s. 45s CD.<br />[[Fire_Shield|Fire Shield]] : Gain a fire shield for 6s reflecting 1,500% damage taken before resist. 30s CD.|-| Water=[[Blizzard|Blizzard]]: Summon a blizzard that slows nearby enemies for 40% and deals 125% water Hero Damage per second for 8s. 30s CD.<br />[[Frost_Shards|Frost Shards]] : Fire 8 frost shards dealing 265% water Hero Damage each. 20s CD.<br />[[Ice_Ball|Ice Ball]] : Roll an ice ball pet through 5 enemies, dealing 1800% water Hero Damage. 60s CD.<br />inventory the [[SnowballPet Abilities|Snowballability description]] : Fire a snowball dealing 2750% water Hero Damage will be to one enemy. 30s CD.<br>[[Soothing_Water|Soothing Water]] the right of this icon: Magical waters restore 300% Hero Damage as health. 20s CD.<br />[[Drenching Wave|Drenching Wave]] File: Rolls a wave dealing 625% water Hero Damage and drenching enemies for 5s. 30s CDPet Ability Icon.<br />[[Bubble Entrapmentpng|Bubble Entrapment37px]] : Fire a bubble that knocks up an enemy for 5 sec and deals 2400% water Hero Damage. 30s CD.|-| Earth=[[Boulder|Boulder]]: Roll a giant boulder through 5 enemies, dealing 1500% crushing earth Hero Damage. 45s CD.<br />[[Oil_Spit|Oil Spit]] : Lobs an oiling blob at enemies, dealing 1500% earth Hero Damage and slowing them by 40% for 5s. 30s CD. <br />[[Poison_Spit|Poison Spit]] : Fires a Poison bolt dealing 2000% earth Hero Damage and 150% damage per second for 6s. 30s CD. <br />[[Poison_shield|Poison Shield]] : Gain shield for 7s reflecting 1750% damage before resist. 45s CD.<br>[[Poison_Tips|Poisonous Tips]] : Attacks from all heroes in small radius deal 120% bonus earth damage for 8s. 45s CD.<br />[[Rock_Throw|Rock Throw]] : Throw a rock dealing 2500% earth Hero Damage and knockback to one enemy. 30s CD.<br />[[Sandstorm|Sandstorm]] : Increases speed by 50% and attacks deal 115% bonus earth Hero Damage for 7s. 30s CD.<br />[[Stalagmite|Stalagmite]] : Release stalagmites beneath your foes to knock them up and deals 1000% earth Hero Damage. 30s CD. <br />[[Stinky_Pits|Stinky Pits]] : Deals 300% earth Hero Damage With each second for 6s to nearby enemies. 45s CD.<br>[[Stranglethorn|Stranglethorn]] : Fires a piercing vine that stun enemies and deals 180% earth HD per second for 5severy pet comes with abilities. 30s CD.|-| Electric=[[Bouncing_Lightning|Bouncing Lightning]] : Fire a lightning bolt which can chain to 3 additional enemiesThe pet ability is obtained once the pet reaches Fledgling tier. <span style="color:red">(outdated)</span><br />[[Chain_LightningPet_Abilities|Chain Lightning]] : Fire a lightning ball that can hit 4 enemies for 850% storm Hero Damage. 30s CD.<br>[[Lightning_Grenade|Lightning Grenade]] : Lob a sticky grenade that detonates on enemies dealing 2000% storm Hero Damage. 45s CD.<br />[[Shock_Shield|Shock Shield]] : Creates a storm shield around the hero, reflect damage back Click Here to enemies who hit see the hero. 60s CD.<br />[[Short Fuse|Short Fuse]] : Piercing orb deals 600% storm Hero Damage and 200% storm Hero Damage per second for 6s. 60s CD.<br />|-| Premium=[[Metsu_Gatodouken|Metsu Gatodouken]] : Fire a devastating magical blast dealing 2500% magical Hero Damage and knockback to one enemy. 30s CD.<br />[[Tormented_Thoughts|Tormented Thoughts]] : Enemies take 150% magical Hero Damage per second for 8s and explode for 400% on death. 60s CD.|-| Special Pets=[[Field of Swords|Field of Swords]] : Create a field of swords dealing 130% physical Hero Damage per second for 15s. 60s CD.<br />[[Thunderstorm|Thunderstormfull list!]] : Creates a thunderstorm dealing 750% storm Hero Damage per second for 3s. 60s CD.<br />[[Maelstorm|Maelstorm]] : A maelstorm reduces speed and attacks by 40% and deals 220% Hero Damage per second for 8s. 60s CD.<br />[[Unified Defense|Unified Defense]] : Shields for 6 sec, reflecting 750% water damage and dealing 400% water Hero Damage per second. 60s CD.<br />[[Ghost Wail|Ghost Wail]] : Haunt enemies, increasing damage taken by 100% for 5s. 60s CD.<br />[[Plague Claw|Plague Claw]] : Calls forth a claw dealing 650% magical Hero Damage, increasing x1.5 per hit. 60s CD.<br />[[Lil Betsy Projectile|Lil Betsy Projectile]] : Fires a bolt dealing 2500% magical Hero Damage and reducing enemy damage by 50% for 8s. 30s CD.|-|</tabber> == Pets Comparison ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"|-! Name !! Rarity !! Type !! Attack Rate MIN !! Attack Rate MAX !! Hits per attack !! Attack growth per level !! ATT Hatchling 1 MIN !! ATT Hatchling 1 MAX !! ATT Hatchling 10 MAX !! ATT Fledgling 25 MAX !! ATT Veteran 45 MAX !! ATT Elder 60 MAX !! DPS Hatchling 10 MAX !! DPS Fledgling 25 MAX !! DPS Veteran 45 MAX !! DPS Elder 60 MAX|-| [[Voodu]] || <span style="color:#00ff00"> Powerful </span> || Creeper || 180 || 258 || 4 || 10 || 87 || 220 || 310 || 460 || 660 || 810 || 689 || 1022 || 1467 || 1800|-| [[Flickerwick]] || <span style="color:#00ff00"> Powerful </span> || Creeper || 150 || 250 || 2 || 20 || 133 || 170 || 350 || 650 || 1050 || 1350 || 467 || 867 || 1400 || 1800|-| [[Imphant]] || <span style="color:#00ff00"> Powerful </span> || Creeper || 100 || 168 || 1 || 28 || 112 || 148 || 400 || 820 || 1380 || 1800 || 400 || 820 || 1380 || 1800|-| [[Whodu]] || <span style="color:#0000ff"> Epic </span> || Creeper || 190 || 225 || 3 || 16 || 69 || 386 || 530 || 770 || 1090 || 1330 || 837 || 1216 || 1721 || 2100|-| [[Imphamy]] || <span style="color:#0000ff"> Epic </span> || Creeper || 70 || 92 || 1 || 19 || 135 || 349 || 520 || 805 || 1185 || 1470 || 743 || 1150 || 1693 || 2100|-| [[Bitterwick]] || <span style="color:#0000ff"> Epic </span> || Creeper || 140 || 184 || 3 || 13 || 61 || 213 || 330 || 525 || 785 || 980 || 707 || 1125 || 1682 || 2100|-| [[Yudu]] || <span style="color:#0000ff"> Epic </span> || Creeper || 174 || 232 || 2 || 25 || 95 || 354 || 579 || 954 || 1454 || 1829 || 666 || 1097 || 1671 || 2102|-| [[Serving Servant]] || <span style="color:#0000ff"> Epic </span> || Creeper || 150 || 222 || 1 || 40 || 640 || 790 || 1150 || 1750 || 2550 || 3150 || 767 || 1167 || 1700 || 2100|-| [[Fairy Creepermother]] || <span style="color:#0000ff"> Epic </span> || Creeper || 150 || 211 || 5 || 8 || 98 || 158 || 230 || 350 || 510 || 630 || 767 || 1167 || 1700 || 2100|-| [[Imphernal]] || <span style="color:#ff00ff"> Mythic </span> || Creeper || 225 || 300 || 3 || 28 || 398 || 448 || 700 || 1120 || 1680 || 2100 || 933 || 1493 || 2240 || 2800|-| [[Serpentiny]] || <span style="color:#00ff00"> Powerful </span> || Dragon || 100 || 160 || 2 || 12 || 132 || 192 || 300 || 480 || 720 || 900 || 600 || 960 || 1440 || 1800|-| [[Growld]] || <span style="color:#00ff00"> Powerful </span> || Dragon || 200 || 300 || 3 || 15 || 165 || 315 || 450 || 675 || 975 || 1200 || 675 || 1013 || 1463 || 1800|-| [[Serpentor]] || <span style="color:#0000ff"> Epic </span> || Dragon || 149 || 205 || 5 || 8 || 82 || 154 || 226 || 346 || 506 || 626 || 758 || 1161 || 1698 || 2101|-| [[Dragold]] || <span style="color:#0000ff"> Epic </span> || Dragon || 180 || 240 || 3 || 17 || 77 || 257 || 410 || 665 || 1005 || 1260 || 683 || 1108 || 1675 || 2100|-| [[Blinkee]] || <span style="color:#ff00ff"> Mythic </span> || Dragon || 170 || 224 || 1 || 70 || 465 || 630 || 1260 || 2310 || 3710 || 4760 || 741 || 1359 || 2182 || 2800|-| [[Green Eyes]] || <span style="color:#ff00ff"> Mythic </span> || Dragon || 150 || 195 || 5 || 11 || 151 || 191 || 290 || 455 || 675 || 840 || 967 || 1517 || 2250 || 2800|-| [[Brrragon]] || <span style="color:#ff00ff"> Mythic </span> || Dragon || 176 || 207 || 6 || 10 || 118 || 232 || 322 || 472 || 672 || 822 || 1098 || 1609 || 2291 || 2802|-| [[Hoardagron]] || <span style="color:#ff0f00"> Legendary </span> || Dragon || 319 || 385 || 7 || 20 || 58 || 187 || 367 || 667 || 1067 || 1367 || 805 || 1464 || 2341 || 3000|-| [[Serpentagon]] || <span style="color:#ff0f00"> Legendary </span> || Dragon || 125 || 153 || 3 || 18 || 86 || 188 || 350 || 620 || 980 || 1250 || 840 || 1488 || 2352 || 3000|-| [[Jaderagon]] || <span style="color:#ff0f00"> Legendary </span> || Dragon || 210 || 272 || 3 || 32 || 152 || 212 || 500 || 980 || 1620 || 2100 || 714 || 1400 || 2314 || 3000|-| [[Purrlin]] || <span style="color:#00ff00"> Powerful </span> || Gato || 125 || 205 || 2 || 17 || 73 || 122 || 275 || 530 || 870 || 1125 || 440 || 848 || 1392 || 1800|-| [[CatHatter]] || <span style="color:#00ff00"> Powerful </span> || Gato || 80 || 130 || 3 || 7 || 42 || 67 || 130 || 235 || 375 || 480 || 488 || 881 || 1406 || 1800|-| [[Purrpeller]] || <span style="color:#00ff00"> Powerful </span> || Gato || 250 || 405 || 1 || 70 || 120 || 370 || 1000 || 2050 || 3450 || 4500 || 400 || 820 || 1380 || 1800|-| [[Furlin]] || <span style="color:#0000ff"> Epic </span> || Gato || 100 || 142 || 3 || 10 || 49 || 110 || 200 || 350 || 550 || 700 || 600 || 1050 || 1650 || 2100|-| [[Mad Catter]] || <span style="color:#0000ff"> Epic </span> || Gato || 98 || 137 || 5 || 6 || 17 || 58 || 112 || 202 || 322 || 412 || 571 || 1031 || 1643 || 2102|-| [[Propeller Cat]] || <span style="color:#0000ff"> Epic </span> || Gato || 380 || 585 || 1 || 130 || 225 || 310 || 1480 || 3430 || 6030 || 7980 || 389 || 903 || 1587 || 2100|-| [[Magicat]] || <span style="color:#ff00ff"> Mythic </span> || Gato || 136 || 175 || 7 || 8 || 41 || 72 || 144 || 264 || 424 || 544 || 741 || 1359 || 2182 || 2800|-| [[Top Cat]] || <span style="color:#ff00ff"> Mythic </span> || Gato || 140 || 181 || 8 || 7 || 51 || 77 || 140 || 245 || 385 || 490 || 800 || 1400 || 2200 || 2800|-| [[Kitty General]] || <span style="color:#ff0f00"> Legendary </span> || Gato || 150 || 190 || 1 || 65 || 440 || 665 || 1250 || 2225 || 3525 || 4500 || 833 || 1483 || 2350 || 3000|-| [[Itsy-Betsy]] || <span style="color:#ff0f00"> Legendary </span> || Dragon || 111 || 140 || 9 || 5 || 55 || 75 || 120 || 195 || 295 || 370 || 973 || 1581 || 2392 || 3000|-| [[Narwhagon]] || <span style="color:#ff0f00"> Legendary </span> || Dragon || 250 || 315 || 3 || 38 || 121 || 258 || 600 || 1170 || 1930 || 2500 || 720 || 1404 || 2316 || 3000|-| [[Dragolich]] || <span style="color:#ff0f00"> Legendary </span> || Dragon || 310 || 393 || 17 || 8 || 48 || 75 || 147 || 267 || 427 || 547 || 806 || 1464 || 2342 || 3000|}__NOEDITSECTION__