Template:Elemental Rumble Mutators

Fire Lane Mutators

Name Icon Description Notes
Fire Elite Fire Elite Mutator Icon.png 25% of enemies are Elites, which have 50% more health, deal 25% more damage, move 50% faster and apply burn on hit. Also takes more damage from damage sources equipped with Elite Counter Chip/Servo.
Fire Elemental Fire Element Icon.png Enemies are immune to Ignite, taking 200% Water damage, 50% from Fire, Physical and Magical Damage and 25% Earth Damage. Also takes more damage from damage sources equipped with Fire Counter Servo.

Water Lane Mutators

Name Icon Description Notes
Water Elite Water Elite Mutator Icon.png 25% of enemies are Elites, which have 50% more health, deal 25% more damage, and heal 5% of their max HP per second. Also takes more damage from damage sources equipped with Elite Counter Chip/Servo.
Water Elemental Water Element Icon.png Enemies are immune to Freeze, taking 200% Storm damage, 50% from Water, Physical and Magical Damage and 25% Fire Damage. Also takes more damage from damage sources equipped with Water Counter Chip/Servo.

Storm Lane Mutators

Name Icon Description Notes
Storm Elite Storm Elite Mutator Icon.png 25% of enemies are Elites, which have 50% more health, deal 25% more damage, and emit an EMP that stuns towers for 3 seconds. Also takes more damage from damage sources equipped with Elite Counter Chip/Servo.
Storm Elemental Storm Element Icon.png Enemies are immune to Electrocute, taking 200% Earth damage, 50% from Storm, Physical and Magical Damage and 25% Water Damage. Also takes more damage from damage sources equipped with Electric Counter Chip/Servo.

Earth Lane Mutators

Name Icon Description Notes
Earth Elite Earth Elite Mutator Icon.png 25% of enemies are Elites, which have 50% more health, deal 25% more damage, and take 50% less damage from projectiles. Also takes more damage from damage sources equipped with Elite Counter Chip/Servo.
Earth Elemental Earth Element Icon.png Enemies are immune to Petrify, taking 200% Fire damage, 50% from Earth, Physical and Magical Damage and 25% Storm Damage. Also takes more damage from damage sources equipped with Elite Counter Chip/Servo.