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No change in size, 00:34, 2 January 2019
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Reward Weapon - North Pole (light staff for the Monk/Initiate). It has 1 spread and 2 speed.
Special Weapon MOD - Pole Launcher, "Secondary Attacks fire additional North Poles that deal XXX-XXX% Hero Damage as Frost Damage, pierce 2 enemies and slows them by 40% for X-XX seconds". C1 C2 vlaues [?-?, ?-?], C7 values [303-390%, 8.1-11s]. Note that this attack fires in an arc path and has a short range. You must aim high or jump to increase its range to hit enemies further away.
Reward Weapon - Tsunamic Chlorophyte (bow for Huntress). Has 5 spread, 2 speed, and "Chlorophyte Arrows" which is in the shape of a vertical straight line.
Reward Weapon MOD - Chlorophyte Chip, "fires a column of Chlorophyte Arrows that deal XX% bonus magical earth damage and may reflect off of one surface." C1 C2 vlaues [14.4-26%], C7 values [34.4-46%]. All 5 arrows can uniquely reflect off of surfaces, but that does not include enemies.

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