Attack Styles

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Attack style Description Attack damage multiplier (x=Hero Damage and Hero Crit Damage)
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7
Light Fast swings but small AoE. 1x 1x 1.5x 1.5x 1.8x 1.8x 2x
Medium Medium attack speed medium range. 1x 2x 3x 4.5x - - -
Heavy Huge AoE but slow attacks. 1.3x 2x 3x 3x 4.5x - -

Attack style Description Attack speed Number of projectiles
Standard shot A simple shot towards the enemies (x-y)/s z
Burst shot All projectiles are focused in one point (x-y)/s z
Scatter shot Short-range, spreaded projectiles (shotgun style) (x-y)/s z
Falcon shot A homing projectiles (x-y)/s z
Double shot Special behaviour, accurate shot (x-y)/s 6
Dart shot Straight shot 3 projectiles in first row and 3 in the second (x-y)/s 6
Jester Arrows A couple of arrows that can pierce up to 5 targets (x-y)/s z

Attack style Description Attack speed Number of projectiles
(x-y)/s z

Attack style Description Attack damage multiplier (x=Hero Damage and Hero Crit Damage)
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5
Light Very fast attack speed 1x*3 1.5x 1.5x 2x 3x
Medium Slow attacks but high damage. 1x 1.5x 2.8x - -
Heavy Slow attacks medium AoE. 1.25x 2x 2.5x 3.5x -

Abyss Lord have only one attack style at the moment. High range and arc, huge AoE auto-attack.

Attack style Attack speed Bullets Description
Primary attack Secondary attack
Polearm Canister I 1.7/s 3 prim second
II 1.3/s 9
Staff Canister I 0.8/s 1 prim second
II 1.1/s 2
Sword Canister I 1.3/s 8 prim second
II x/s z
Tome Canister I 1/s 1 prim second
II x/s z
Bow Canister I 1.3/s 1 prim second
II 2.2/s 1
Mcdooger's Rapid Shooter 5/s 1 prim second
Meg'Manus Projector 2/s 3 prim second
Tinker's Mirvatronic Burster 0.5/s 30 prim second
Tinkerer's Protonic Diffuser 0.3/s 24 prim second
Gibler's 45th Gridlocker 0.3/s 45 prim second
Celebration!!! 2/s 2 prim second

Attack style Attack speed Bullets Description
Controlled Burst I 1.3/s 3 Rifle with series attack.
II 1.7/s 3
III 2.5/s 3
Double Tap I 1/s 3*2 times Shotgun style.
II 1.5/s 3*2 times
III 2/s 3*2 times
Hammer I 1/s 1 Powerful attack with one bullet.
II 1.1/s 1
III 1.3/s 1
Rail Round I 1.3/s 1 Straight attack can pierce up to 3 enemies with 100% dmg
for first enemy 87,5% dmg as second hit and 75% as third.
II x/s 1
III 1.7/s 1
Megashark 8/s 1 Super fast machine gun + ricochet that pierce
enemy or reflect from surface dealing 50% dmg.

Attack style Description Attack damage multiplier (x=Hero Damage and Hero Crit Damage)
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6
Light Fast attacks 1.1x 1.2x 1.5x 2.5x 1.5x 3.5x
Medium Medium attack speed 2x 1.5x 1.5x 3x 1.5x 4x
Heavy Slow but powerful attacks 2x 3.5x 2x 5x - -

Mystic basic primary attacks have the biggest AoE from all heroes especially heavy attack style.

Primary attack style Description Attack damage multiplier (x=Hero Damage and Hero Crit Damage)
#1 #2 #3 #4
Light Very fast attack speed but small AoE 1x 2x 2.5x 3x
Medium Medium AoE and medium attack speed 1.5x 2x 3.5x 6x
Heavy Huge AoE and high damage but slow attacks 2x 3x 4.5x 11x

Every secondary attack can have:

  • Attack speed: 1.4/s , 2/s or 4/s.
  • Number of projectiles: 5 or 6.
Secondary attack style Description
Shotgun Low range, spreaded bullets
Standard Projectiles in one row
Multi-shot Rain of projectiles
Burst shot Series attacks

Poison damage = 40% of your Hero Damage stats and poison can stack 2 times max 80% Hero Damage per second.

Attack style Description Attack damage multiplier (x=Hero Damage and Hero Crit Damage)
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6
Light Fast attacks and poison 2 times 1x 3x+poison 3x 4x 4x 5x+poison
Medium Little faster than heavy but less damage 2x 3x 4x+poison - - -
Heavy Little slower than medium style 2x 3x 5x+poison - - -