

876 bytes added, 20:26, 12 February 2023
Updating enemy infobox and removing unnecessary info
[[{{Enemy Infobox|tier1_image = File:Drakin - Tier 1.png|tier2_image = File:Drakin - Tier 2.png|tier3_image = File:Drakin - Tier 3.png|enemy_types = Ranged|lane_type = Ground|appearances = All game modes|schedule_icon = File:DrakinIcon.png}}== Description ==The Drakin is a ranged [[Enemies|thumbenemy]] type that spits fireballs in an arc or will attempt to bite at [[Heroes|300x300pxheroes]]if they get too close. It has decent health and deals a moderate amount of damage but are slow and easy to distract. == Strategy ==Like other ranged [[Enemies|enemies]], placing [[Defense|defenses]] that have long range or placing [[Defense#Types|traps]] and [[Defense#Types|auras]] in the lane will kill them before they get into range to attack. If you have [[Series_EV2#Defenses|Series Ev2]] you can use her [[Series_EV2#Defenses|Reflect Beam]] defense in front of a [[Defense#Types|blockade]] to bounce the projectiles away.{{stub}}
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