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<u>Chrome Enemies</u>
Map - [ Forgotten Ruins ] (Ancient Ruins)
Playing Condition - all map enemies will only have the 'Chrome' mutator, "cannot be stopped", which means that no slowdown effects will work (includes stun, freeze, and slow). All spawned enemies will also have a chrome skin flair applied, but lose it on their death animation. Summoned enemies will not have chrome skin, but the mutator is applied. Slowdown animations are still applied (e.g. frozen enemies are encased in ice) but have no effect.
Special Weapon - Terra Blade (light sword for [ Squire]/[ Dryad]/[ Barbarian]). Although two different versions of this sword drop with only the Squire or Dryad listed as usable, all three sword using heroes can use either one. Up to two special weapons can drop in one victory chest.
Special Weapon MOD - Terra Wisp, "fire a wisp that deals XX-XX% Hero Damage. It pierces up to X-X enemies and fires once per a second." Chaos 1 values [17.7-38%, 2-5 enemies], Chaos 7 values [59.7-80%, 8-11 enemies]. The wisp is a short projectile that fires out at chest level horizontally.
<u>Griblock's Horde</u>
Map - [ Gates of Dragonfall ] (Dragonfall Town)
Playing Condition - this map has three ground lanes, two of which will spawn normal Chaos 1 enemy schedules. There are no air lanes. This incursion uses the common pool of mutators. Each wave one of the three lanes will be designated as the Griblock Horde lane, and will blink red on the schedule. This is assigned at random, and may change lanes each wave. Lane bosses can also spawn each wave on any lane at random. The Horde lane will consist of large numbers of three enemy types - [ Kobolds ] (skate version), [ Bomb Goblins ] (bright purple skin flair), and mini versions of [ Griblock ] (high health version of Goblins with bright purple skin flair added). The Horde comes in groups of tight packs with Kobolds in front, mini-Griblocks next, and followed by Bomb Goblins. Enemy types in a group typically number from 3-12 of each class, with about 15-20 total in each group. Groups are separated by small packs of 3 or so Bomb Goblins. The Horde lane will last longer than the other two lanes with larger numbers and spread out groups. On wave 5, the Horde lane will change to 39 Kobolds and 140 Bomb Goblins. Griblock may also spawn as a large lane boss on any red schedule lane, on any wave, and can spawn on more than one lane on a single wave. Wave 5 can have zero boss spawns.
Special Weapon - Lunar Portal (staff for [ Apprentice]/[ Adept]). Staff has 4 spread, 3 speed, and "diamondshot" which is in the shape of a tight square pattern turned 45 degrees.
Special Weapon MOD - Lunar Caller, "secondary attacks summon Lunar Portals that deal XX% Ability Power as magical damage per second for XX seconds. Up to X portals." Chaos 1 values [56-155%, 9.65-17.5s, 1-6 portals], Chaos 7 values [116-215%, 18.65-33.5s, 4-9 portals]. The portal is a stationary star with wide range that you place, it then fires a continuous beam from it, attacking a singular enemy until it dies, and each portal can only attack one separate enemy at a time.
'''Chaos 2 Maps'''
On both Chaos 2 maps, the only additional lane boss that spawns is Thorc, the large [ Cyborc]. He can spawn on multiple waves, and more than one lane at a time. His spawn rate is low.
<u>Wyvern Enthusiast</u>
Map - [ Forrest Crossroads ] (The Liferoot)
Playing Condition - this incursion is very similar to a Chaos 2 expedition of Forrest Crossroads, where the four ground lanes are the same but the air lanes have greatly increased numbers and a 3rd air lane is added on the north end of the map. This incursion uses the common pool of mutators. Air lanes will have up to three different types of enemies ([ Wyverns], [ Flying Kobolds], and [ Lightning Bugs]) and number from 30-50 each lane as waves progress. On wave 4, one air lane will drop to only 12, and on wave 5 all three drop to only 12. On wave 5, three different [ Ogres ] with various armor will spawn as bosses, each with a separate mutator. If you look at the schedules, you can see where and in what order they spawn, as the first type Ogre spawns first, and second type second, and third spawns last. The Ogre spawns are delayed to be spread out. No Ogres will come from the west spawn point.
Reward Weapon - North Pole (light polearm for the [ Monk]/[ Initiate]). It has 1 spread and 2 speed.
Special Weapon MOD - Pole Launcher, "Secondary Attacks fire additional North Poles that deal XXX-XXX% Hero Damage as Frost Damage, pierce 2 enemies and slows them by 40% for X-XX seconds". Chaos 2 values [?-?, ?-?], Chaos 7 values [303-390%, 8.1-11s]. This attack fires in an upwards arc path and has a short range. You must aim high or jump to increase its range to hit enemies further away.
<u>Forrest Poachers</u>
Map - [ Liferoot Forrest ] (The Liferoot)
Playing Condition - this incursion is very similar to a Chaos 2 expedition of Liferoot Forrest, where the four ground lanes are the same but the air lanes have increased numbers and only a single enemy type. On wave 4, there are no air lanes. This incursion uses the common pool of mutators. 4 Poachers inhabit this map and spawn as bosses, once per a wave, starting on wave 2. They can spawn on any lane at random. All 4 are enlarged versions of normal enemies with large health amounts and unique skin flairs. The lane they spawn on will have a red blinking schedule. They do not get separate mutators from the lane they spawn in. When they first spawn, their icon will appear as a purple question mark, until they pass the spawn point. Thorc can spawn on the same lane as well on any wave. Poachers: Sammie the Trapper spawns on wave 2 as a [ Bomb Goblin ] whose attacks inflict Oiled status, Sach the Stalker spawns on wave 3 as a [ Javelin Thrower ] whose attacks inflict Poisoned status, Steiner the Hunter spawns on wave 4 as an [ Orc], and Sturgis the Falconer spawns on wave 5 as a [ Lady Orc].
Reward Weapon - Tsunamic Chlorophyte (bow for []). Has 5 spread, 2 speed, and "Chlorophyte Arrows" which is in the shape of a vertical straight line.
Reward Weapon MOD - Chlorophyte Chip, "fires a column of Chlorophyte Arrows that deal XX% bonus magical earth damage and may reflect off of one surface." Chaos 2 values [14.4-26%], Chaos 7 values [34.4-46%]. All 5 arrows can uniquely reflect off of surfaces, and that does not include enemies.
<u>Dawn of the Blood Moon</u>
Map - [ Forrest Biome ] (The Liferoot)
Playing Condition - this is a [ Terraria ] crossover map, with a big red moon added in the night sky, making the color of the level mostly dark pink/purple, and torches can be found all around. All ground lanes are the same as Chaos 3 expedition. In addition, there are spawn points that are added that are not marked on the map that generate 3 types of skeleton [ Skeleton] enemies. There are 7 in total, and there is no way to know how many enemies it produces or if any bosses will spawn from one. There are no air lanes on wave 1. On wave 2 one of the two air lanes will randomly activate, and from wave 3 and on both will be active. All air enemies are Demon Eyes (mini eyeballs) that track and attack only the hero. They do not attack any type of tower or the crystal. Waves 1, 3, and 5 have infinite building timers, however waves 2 and 4 start automatically after 30 seconds unless you ready-up before then. Wave 5 is a boss round and enemies will infinitely spawn until the boss is defeated, which will then end the stage immediately. The boss is Eye of Cthulhu (giant eyeball) that tracks and attacks the hero while spawning mini eyeballs as well. It spawns randomly from either air spawn point, and it can be seen on the schedule before the wave starts. No mutators are found on any lanes for this incursion.
Skeleton Spawn Points (7 total) - a map can be found below (pic coming soon). 3 spawn points are on the north end of map, in the front of each of the cottage doorways on the path that goes off to the east. One spawn point is just inside the lower southwest cave entrance (single enemy path), next to the crystal. One is found inside the cave on the second floor between the previous point and the triple spawn lane, next to the some treasure chests and a skeleton. The final two are midway down the triple spawn lane, next to a group of sunflowers on either side of the lane.
Lane Bosses/Special Weapon Drops - on waves 2-4, the only normal lane bosses that spawn are giant [ Skeletons], and then on wave 5 a one [ Geode Prime ] will also randomly spawn. Keep track of all the Skeletons, as they will regenerate on the beginning of the next wave where they died, and by wave 5 they can stack up. There is also a Orc lane boss named Treet that may spawn randomly and has a unique zombie skin flair. In addition to these bosses there is also 4 special hero skeleton bosses, one for each of the 4 starting heroes (Monk/Huntress/Apprentice/Squire) at normal size, and each will have a unique purple skeleton flair. They spawn with only a purple question mark as their icon and are named "Skeleton X", where X is the name of the class (e.g. Skeleton Monk). They mostly only spawn from the north spawn point, and the 3 skeleton points by the cottages, although they sometimes spawn from the south as well. Multiples ones often spawn on each wave, from waves 2-4. These 4 skeleton bosses are special because they each have a low probability of dropping a unique weapon, only found on this map. Each class only drops one weapon for their class, so only the Skeleton Squire drops the sword weapon. There are 4 special weapons, each with a unique skin, but no special MODs. MOD slot one will be empty and has no effect, even though it shows a MOD level, and slot two will have a random normal MOD. All shot styles are "spooky" flair. Special Weapons: Wailing Glaive polearm, Bow O'Lantern bow, Raven's Claw staff, and Iron Reaper sword.
Reward Weapon - Celebration!!! (canister for [ EV2]). It has 2 spread and 2 speed, and fires "Celebration!!!" shots.
Reward Weapon MOD - Celebration!!!, "fires two homing projectiles that detonate in a festive explosion dealing 72% Hero Damage as magical damage over a small area." The values are fixed, so it does not matter what level the weapon is or what level the MOD is. The explosion flair is fireworks, and hits for a very limited AOE attack. The projectiles are two homing rockets that fire in separate horizontal arcs, making a oval pattern, with the size of the arc is based on how far away the target you are aiming at when you fire. If it misses, it will spin around the target and attempt to hit it again, and eventually explode. Since the projectiles arc, there is a void spot directly in front of EV2 that it cannot hit at very close range, so it is best used at any distance.
<u>Kobold Bling King</u>
Map - [ Little-Horn Valley ] (Dragonfall Town).
Playing Condition - this map is a gather and collect mission where you collect gold nuggets from around the stage and bring it to the Kobold King found in the center of the map. The map is at night and is dark, so the gold nuggets can be hard to see, but they do sparkle some. Once a nugget is given to the king at a lit up circle near his feet, a small brown gold bag will appear to represent that completed nugget. Each wave has a gold amount that must be collected to end the stage, and enemies will infinitely spawn. Each wave has a time limit that the gold must be collected and returned by or you will fail the incursion. Gold can be found in 11 or so hidden locations on the map (pic coming soon) of which about 2-4 are generated at the beginning of the wave and a couple more nuggets will generate as the stage goes on. On wave 5, up to 7 hidden nuggets can spawn as the stage progresses. Gold is also dropped by special lane bosses that constantly spawn called Golden Crystal Beasts (a large gold flair [ Witherbeast]). Each of these bosses will drop one gold nugget. You can only hold 1 gold nugget at a time, and must return it to the Kobold King within XX seconds, or you will lose that nugget. Once the required amount of nuggets has been given to the Kobold King, that wave will end. All dropped and hidden gold nuggets will vanish at the end of each wave. Complete all 5 waves to win the incursion. All of the ground and air lanes will spawn normal Chaos 3 expedition enemies. This incursion uses the common pool of mutators. All normal Lane Bosses can spawn, and will have a separate mutator, but will not drop any gold. Be careful not to place or aim defenses too close to spawn points so that when the Golden Crystal Beasts drops the nugget, that it falls outside of the spawn point so that you can get it. Wave Requirements: wave 1) 7 nuggets, 245 seconds; wave 2) 9 nuggets, 270 seconds; wave 3) 9 nuggets, 270 seconds; wave 4) 9 nuggets, 270 seconds; wave 5) 10 nuggets, 300 seconds.
Reward Weapon - Bling King Bow, which shows up in inventory as "Bling-O-Midas" (bow for []). Has 1 spread, 2.5 speed, and Single II type. Primary attacks are lava ball flair that burst on impact, but have no AOE effect.
Reward Weapon MOD - Bling Blast, "charged shots fire a stream burning enemies for XX% Hero Damage twice per second for X.XX seconds. The stream is XX degrees wide and XXXX units long." Chaos 3 values [45.5-60%, ?-?s, ?-? degrees, ?-? units], Chaos 7 values [65.5-80%, 8.83-10.44s, 53-63 degrees, 2065-2500 units]. Hold the charge button down until this fires, and keep the button pressed for it to continue firing the stream for the full time length. It fires out in a wide, continuous, horizontal fan pattern.