

58 bytes added, 17:17, 8 January 2019
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<u>Playing Condition</u> - the schedules on this map will produce enemies similar to a Chaos 5 expedition of the same map. No mutators are applied to any lanes. All normal minibosses may spawn from any lane. On this map all defenses are built with zero build time, with increased attack and speed stats, but disappear from the map after 35 seconds. The timer starts from when the defense is placed, no matter what phase it is, so it is recommend to ready-up the stage as quickly as you can on each build phase. Dryad Trees do not ever disappear, so that all Dryad defenses can be used. This is the only defense that does not disappear. Abyss Lord defenses still have a 4 second lag from placement until activation. EV2 Reflect Beams fire constantly at a fixed rate, no matter what size the beam is, and the node only travels along the bottom of the beam. If you sell a defense before it disappears, you get the mana back. If the defense disappears due to the timer, you will not get any mana from it. You can still upgrade defenses if you choose to. You will begin with 1200 mana, and the stage has 5 waves.