

567 bytes added, 12:41, 14 March 2022
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[[File:Shield_Gear_Basics.png|350px|thumb]]Shields are secondary [[:Category:Weapons|Weaponsweapons]] for the [[Squire]] and the [[Countess]]. The stats will always consists of Armor as the primary stat and [[:Category:Heroes#Health|Hero Health]] as the secondary stat. These weapons also holds two [[Shards]] slots but doesn't have any slots for M.O.D.S.
== Usage ==
Shields are meant to be used for the Squire/Countess' secondary attack Block - when utilized, any frontal damage dealt to the player will be reduced, the hero's speed will also be slowed to a crawl. However, this eventually becomes very ineffective during the late game where the players will be better off always moving and attacking rather than blocking as the enemies gets extremely ferocious. The only reason most players would utilize Block these days is when they have an Unholy Fire shard equipped which allows the Squire or Countess to become a walking flamethrower while Block is being used. That said, while the damage of the Unholy Fire isn't that bad, most wouldn't use it for serious progression as it's still heavily outclassed by much stronger hero builds.
Basically, this result in the shield's main usage primarily becoming a stat boost to a hero's health and armor which would help them to be a little more tankier when fighting hordes of enemies.
* Shields in DD1 and DD2 are very different each other. In DD1, shields are accessory-esque loots that may contain hero or defense stats or both while shields in DD2 are secondary weapons that only contains hero health and armor stats. The only aspect that's identical in both games is that shields are also used by the Squire and Countess to Block.
* In Dungeon Defenders Awakened, shields takes certain aspects from both games. Having more than two stats (and also using DD1 models) are aspects that came from DD1 while the shield being offhand weapon instead of being an accessory is an aspect that's taken from DD2.
== History ==
* [[File:DD2_Splash_Logo.png|35px]] '''??? :''' Added Flame Warden's Shield.
* [[File:DD2_Splash_Logo.png|35px]] '''??? :''' Added one returning and two new shields, obtainable through Mananode's Gift.
* [[File:Drakenfrost_Logo.png|35px]] '''4.1 :''' Added Glacial Guard.
* [[File:Isle_of_Dread_Logo_Splash.png|35px]] '''4.0 :''' Added Shipwrecked Shield.
* [[File:Protean_Shift_Logo_Splash.png|35px]] '''3.0 :''' Added Protean Protector.
* [[File:DD2_Splash_Logo.png|35px]] '''1.0 :''' Included.