
Revision as of 11:34, 26 October 2015 by Laruae (talk | contribs) (testing table)

Revision as of 11:34, 26 October 2015 by Laruae (talk | contribs) (testing table)

Defense Interaction
Heroes can interact with defenses in a few particular ways: Building, Repairing, and Upgrading. The base range a hero must be to interact with a defense is 1500 unreal units, or 28.57m.


Each Defense costs a specific amount of Green Mana to Build. The Mana consumed to build a defense is also reduced from the current Defense Limit Capacity. The Defense Limit lost from building a defense is refunded when the defense is either lost or sold.


A player can repair a Defense by pressing R (by default) and then left clicking on a defense

  • Repairing a Defense does not change in cost according to the upgrade tier. The repair cost is always based off of the base cost of the Tier 1 version of the Defense


A Player may sell a defense by pressing Z (by default) and then left clicking on the defense.

A Defense will sell for Green Mana based on its condition and upgrade status. A Defense sold in the same build phase it was built in will give a full refund, including any Green Mana spent on upgrades. A Defense sold at any other point after it has been built will sell for 75% of its cost (Including Upgrade costs) times its percent health left. Example: a Flameburst Tower costs 40 mana, if it is sold at half health you will get 11 mana back, 30 mana * 75% * 50% health.


A Player may Upgrade a defense by pressing Q (by default) and then left clicking on a Defense.

Upgrading a defense costs different amounts of Green Mana for each upgrade tier:

Upgrading a Tower will increase its Defense Power ratio, Defense Health ratio, and range if it has one. These upgrading values can be found on each Defenses' page

Each Upgrade Tier is also unlocked at specific levels:

  1. Level 1
  2. Level 3
  3. Level 8
  4. Level 15
  5. Level 20

Build Unlock Levels=

Each Defense is unlocked at specific levels:
