

625 bytes added, 16:12, 29 October 2023
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==Overview=={{Archived}} [[File:Passive example.png|thumb|leftright]]Passives are extra effects that appear on the higher rarity [[Item|Items]] in the game. Passives give your [[Heroes]] unique effects while The Passive mechanic has since been removed from the game since the [[Item]] is equipped. Each type of [[Item]] ([[Weapon]]Trials Update, along with [[HelmSkill Spheres]], [[Body Armor]], [[Gloves]], [[Boots]], [[Relic]]) has a specific list of Passives that can appear on them. [[Item|Items]] can have a mix of global and [[Heroes|Hero]] specific Passives, but an [[Item]] will only drop replaced with [[Heroes|HeroShards]] specific Passives from one of the [[Heroes|Hero]] types.<br />*An Epic (Blue) [[Item]] will have 1 Passive.<br />
*A Mythical (Purple) [[Item]] will have 2 Passives.<br />==Description==
*A Legendary Passives give your [[Heroes]] unique effects while the [[Items|Item]] is equipped. Each type of [[Items|Item]] (Orange[[Weapon]], [[Helm]], [[Body Armor]], [[Gloves]], [[Boots]], [[Relic]]) has a specific list of Passives that can appear on them. [[Items]] can have a mix of global and [[Heroes|Hero]] specific Passives, but an [[Items|Item]] will have 3 only drop with [[Heroes|Hero]] specific Passivesfrom one of the [[Heroes|Hero]] types.<br /><br /><br />
<br />
*A Powerful (Green) [[Items|Item]] will have 0 Passives.
*An Epic (Blue) [[Items|Item]] will have 2 Passives.
*A Mythical (Purple) [[Items|Item]] will have 2 Passives.
*A Legendary (Orange) [[Items|Item]] will have 3 Passives.
===Item Passives===
{{!}}-{{!}}Abyss Lord=
{{Datafield|Passives/Abyss Lord|swap}}
{{!}}-{{!}}Series EV2=
{{Datafield|Passives/Series EV2|swap}}
{{!}}-{{!}}Gun Witch=
{{Datafield|Passives/Gun Witch|swap}}