Template:Apprentice Defenses

List of Apprentice-specific Defenses:

Tower Type Description Additional info
Mana cost Damage Type Targets
Apprentice flameburst.png Flamethrower Tower Tower Unleashes a torrent of fire, burning all enemies caught in its flames. Only targets ground, but can hit Flyers. 40 Fire Ground
Apprentice arcane barrier.png Arcane Barrier Blockade Blocks enemies. After losing 25% of its max health, self-destructs, dealing Magical Damage. Regenerates after a delay, knocking enemies backwards. Draws extra attention from enemies. 30 Magical None (Detonate)
Apprentice frostbite.png Frostbite Tower Tower Shoots a beam of frost at an enemy, Slowing target and nearby enemies. Draws reduced attention from enemies. Does not deal direct Damage. 30 AoE Frost All
Apprentice Earthshatter.png Earthshatter Tower Tower Sends forth a long-range homing attack at a ground enemy. When the it strikes an enemy, it erupts dealing Magical Earth Damage. Can be enhanced with Earth Toss Shard, granting AoE and knock-up. 60 Earth Ground