
Revision as of 19:34, 28 July 2017 by Valkyrie (talk | contribs) (Expanded on the article and made it more specific.)

Revision as of 19:34, 28 July 2017 by Valkyrie (talk | contribs) (Expanded on the article and made it more specific.)

Ascension is an account-wide system in which players continue to gain power in a limitless fashion. A player can start gaining Ascension Points after a hero on the account reaches level 50. Heroes under level 50 cannot apply any ascension points, however, upon reaching level 50, heroes can apply all ascension points that have been earned on that account. Ascension points can be spent and viewed by accessing the ‘Ascension’ tab on a hero in the inventory. Once ascension points have been spent, they cannot be recovered unless the player pays a fee of either 200 Defender Medals or 50 Gems to reset the ascension points on a hero.

Ascension points are awarded every time the player levels up and fall into one of three categories: Offence, Defence and Utility. Offence deals with hero and ability damage, Defence focuses on defence power and health and utility focuses on miscellaneous upgrades such as movement speed and ability mana.

Ascension Powers
