

4,537 bytes added, 15:07, 18 October 2019
Fixed a major error with Bullet Sponge. Also cleaned up certain areas on this page.
=== Rule 1 ===
The further you progress through floors in Onslaught, the higher level enemies will become. This seems straightforward on the surface, but you can end up with enemies far stronger than in [[Chaos|chaos 7]] difficulty on floors above 30+.
=== Rule 2 ===
=== Frosty- ===
Any [[Frost Enemy|frost enemiesEnemies]] can be seen here. This will only appear around at [[Chaos]] 7 difficulty or higher (floor 30 and beyond28+). The Yeti [[Incursions|incursion]] will introduce you to these mobs.
=== Lava- ===
[[Lava Guardians]] will spawn here. This also only appears around at [[Chaos]] 7+ difficulty (floor 30+28 or higher). If you are having trouble dealing with these guys, they can also be found in the Demon Lord [[Incursions|incursion]].
=== Air Raid ===
Hence the name, this will only appear in flyer lanes. This causes all types of enemies to spawn - usually in a larger quantity than usual. Heavy anti-air is highly recommended, but careful not to spend too many Defense Units!
=== The Front Line ===
[[Vanguards]] will spawn here in huge quantities along with a few [[Geodes]], making projectile-based towers essentially useless, possibly even with a piercer [[Mods|servo.]]
This lane can easily be dealt with by using [[Flame Aura|Flame Auras]] or by crowd-controlling enemies with nodes.
=== Sparks And Shields ===
This lane specializes with [[Vanguards]] and [[Cyborks]], but unlike The Front Line, vanguards won't appear in as big of quantities. This lane can be tricky, since vanguards will block projectiles from towers, and cyborks will disable and traps, auras, and nodes they come across.
One strategy is to try and pick off the cyborks with towers; then, use an aura/node setup behind your towers to deal with the vanguards. Alternatively, [[Earthshatter Tower|Earthshatter Towers]] can bypass shields while not attracting the attention of cyborks and getting disabled.
Also unlike The Front Line, this lane won't solely spawn vanguards and cyborks. Support troops like [[Dark Mages]] and [[Kobolds]] may also be seen, especially in later rounds.
=== Orcish Horde ===
Any assortment of mobs can spawn here, but only if they're orcs. This ranges from [[Orcs|regular orcs]] to [[Cyborks]] to [[Berserker Orcs]]. The anti-orc or orc-boom [[Mods|servos]] are great counters for these lanes.
=== Omega Squad X ===
Omega Squad lanes specialize in spawning [[Chaos]] monsters. The types of chaos enemies that spawn in omega squad lanes depends on what greek letter replaces "X" in the name (e.g. Alpha, Beta, Epsilon, etc.). Plan accordingly to what spawns.
=== Dreadbones' Crew ===
=== Just Timmy ===
[[Timmy]] spawns multiple times. Just like with Game-Ogre, single-targeting defenses are great for handling this lane.
=== High Roller ===
Only [[Goblin Siege Roller|Goblin Siege Rollers]] will spawn. Unlike Game Ogre, there are no miniature seige rollers that will appear.
Goblin Siege Rollers move very slowly, so don't worry about them making huge progress to your core(s) if another lane needs your attention. If you want to use defenses against this lane, you will need to use ones that can specifically target the back of rollers. Siege Rollers take double damage when hit from behind, but they can absorb 90% damage dealt to them when hit anywhere else. If you can't find a good spot for a [[Cannonball Tower]] or a [[Poison Dart Tower]], consider using [[Reflect Beam|Reflect Beams]] as their explosions can hit the roller's weak point once the roller passes the node.
Alternatively, you can actively defend in this lane. Keep in mind that siege rollers will shoot rockets at you, so don't stop moving unless you like to explode. Don't accidentally move in front of a roller either, because their roller attacks deals heavy damage and can kill you in seconds.
== Lane Mutators ==
=== Bullet Sponge ===
This gives monsters a shield that reflects any projectiles that hit it, essentially giving all monsters in that lane the same properties that [[Geodes]] have. However, unlike Geodes, these shields can will break with enough punishment, so don't completely avoid in a single hit from a non-projectileattack -based towers if you have to use oneeither from your hero or from a defense.
An Traps, auras, and nodes are all great for removing bullet sponges. AOE towers like the [[Earthshatter Flamethrower Tower]] is great for long-range targeting and ignoring the shield at the same time. If you need to use another defense, a piercer [[Mods|servoSkeletal Ramster]] allows projectiles are also capable of removing bullet sponge. Once this mutator is removed from an enemy, it becomes vulnerable to penetrate through shields at the cost of less damageall projectile attacks.
=== Detonator ===
Instead of releasing mushrooms that damage heroes, cursi-kaze causes [[Kobolds]] to curse nearby defenses. Cursed defenses have their attack damage and range reduced. Cursi-kaze can affect any defense, including traps, auras, and nodes. Therefore, long-range towers are the best way to deal with them.
Cursi-kaze is capable of stacking, should multiple kobolds be defeated at the same time. This can result in nonexistent damage and rangeon your defenses, effectively rendering your defenses them useless. Be careful! If you boost a defense's range far past its range cap, it can become resistant to this mutator and reduce (or even completely nullify) the range debuff. However, your defense's range can still be easily overwhelmed should multiple curse zones stack, so it's not a permanent solution to this mutator. === Controlled Burn ===This is arguably the scariest lane mutator in Onslaught, as enemies are completely invincible if they don't have status effect. Any status effect works, so crowd control builds won't suffer from this mutator. If you want to be able to damage these enemies with your hero, [[Shards|Drenching Strikes]] will allow you to damage them (this also sets up the [[Electrocute]] combo should enemies take storm damage afterwards). [[Shards|Burning Strikes]] also works effectively, but it doesn't activate as often as drenching strikes does. If you do not have a decent crowd control build, consider using [[Poison Dart Tower|Poison Dart Towers.]] [[Geyser Trap|Geyser Traps]] applies [[Drenched|drench]] to enemies, which not only allows them to take damage, but it also slows them. However, geyser traps have one of the smallest ranges in the game and a very long recharge, so it is not a reliable way to deal with controlled burn. [[Frostbite Tower|Frostbite Towers]] will chill enemies, which also counts as a status effect. However, frostbite towers alone cannot deal damage, so be sure to pair it with another defense while the frostbite if focused on a group of enemies. If you also manage to drench enemies as well, your Frostbite can [[Freeze]] them solid.
== History ==
Onslaught used to be much harder before it was taken out of the game during temporarily removed in the Trials update. Each floor required you to beat multiple maps to pass it - usually around 3 per floor. Additionally, should one of your main cores get destroyed, Onslaught has been brought was much less forgiving. Instead of being able to restart at the wave you lost to, you had to start back with on the first wave AND on the first map! [[Mods]] weren't featured in the recent updategame at that time either, meaning it was much harder to attune a defense to a specific element and use said defense to apply elemental combos.
From the 19.0 [ Patch notes], "Onslaught is finally taking the rest we’ve been talking about. In the future, we have plans for an Onslaught revamp or for a new system to take its place. It shall be reborn!"