
User Interface

2,762 bytes added, 15:40, 29 November 2023
In-Game Menu: Need new interface image with the defender pass shortcut
{{The main User Interface}}consists of the HUD and the In-Game menu.
*Hero Level: Equipped Hero Level *Hero Experience: Experience Bar==HUD==*Hero Portrait[[File: Equiped Hero Portrait*Hero Health: Current / Maximum Health*Press "G" to End WarmUp!: After all the players press "G" the Defense Unit Chest can be open*Wave Counter: Number of the current Wave*Enemies Remaining: Shows how many enemies needs to be killed to end the wave*Minimap: Shows Allies,Enemies,Towers Location, Drops by ColorLabeledHUD.*Pet Skill: If you pet has enough level your will be able to see a icon in the box, if used a timer will be show to indicate the time to be used again*Hero Mana: Current Mana / Maximum Hero mana*Skill Mana Cost: The cost to use a skill, if you don't have enough to use a skill his icon will be red*Defense Unit Used/Max: It shows how many towers has been build and can be build*Defense Unit Available/Max: It shows how many defense units you have to spent *Defense Unit Cost: The value of a tower to be createdjpg|700px|thumb|right|HUD Details]]
<gallery>The HUD (Heads-Up Display) is an interface through which the player can see information about their [[Heroes|Hero]], [[Maps|Map]], and available [[Abilities]]. The HUD can be toggled on and off with [[Controls|Ctrl + H]] by default. ===Hero Info=== Located in the top left corner, this is where all the Hero information is displayed. *[[Heroes|Hero Level]]: Shows the level of the current Hero*[[Ascension|Ascension level]]: Shows the user’s Ascension*[[Health|Health Bar]]: Displays the current and maximum health of the current Hero*Hero Portrait: Indicates what Hero is currently in use, and the hotkeys to switch Heroes*Party Members: Shows the current [[Heroes|Hero]] and [[Heroes|Hero]] level of each party member*Ready Status: Shows which players are ready ===Map Info=== Located in the top right corner, this is where all the [[Maps|Map]] information is displayed. *Wave Counter: Shows current wave and number of waves remaining*Enemy Counter: Shows number of enemies remaining in the wave*[[Defense Limit Capacity]]: Displays the amount of defense units used on the current map*Minimap: Shows location of players, enemies, spawn points, towers, objectives, and Epic and above drops on the map ===Abilities and Defense Info=== Interface_Edit_1Located at the bottom, this is where the [[Heroes|Hero]] and [[Defenses|Defense]] options are shown.pngEach [[Abilities|ability]] or tower shows its [[mana]] cost, and the corresponding hot key to activate. Icons can be grey when unavailable, red when out of [[mana]], or overlayed with number of seconds remaining on cooldown. *[[Mana|Hero Mana]]: Displays the current and maximum mana of the current Hero*[[Abilities|Hero Abilities]]: Displays available Hero abilities*[[Defense Units]]: Displays the current and maximum [[DU]] of the player*[[Defenses]]: Displays [[defenses]] available to the current [[Heroes|Hero]]*[[Pet Abilities|Pet Skill]]: Active ability of equipped [[pet]] ==In-Game Menu==[[File:InGameMenu.jpg|700px|thumb|right|Interface Details]] The In-Game Menu can be brought up by pressing the ESC key. The menu lists the players in the server and various options such as inventory, stats, and game settings. ===Left Side=== *Location: Shows the current location*Currency: Displays the player's [[Defender Medals]], [[Gold]] and [[Gems]]*[[Ancient Power|Ancient Powers]]: Displays which [[Ancient Power|ancient power]] bonuses are active*Inventory: Access the players bags aswell as the [[Hero Deck|hero deck]]*Create Hero: Create or buy new [[Heroes]]*[[Tavern|Emporium]]: A shortcut to buy [[Costumes]], [[Gems]], [[Tower Skins]], Bundles, etc*[[Defender Pass]]: A shortcut to access the [[Defender Pass]] where players can see which rewards they unlock for each tier*[[Non_Playable_Characters#Gran_Ma.27ster.27s_Shop|Shard Shop]]: A shortcut to buy [[shards]] from [[Non_Playable_Characters#Gran_Ma.27ster.27s_Shop|The Gran Ma'ster]]*[[Material Shop]]: A shortcut to buy [[Crafting Materials|Materials]] from [[Non_Playable_Characters#First_Mate|First Mate]]*Player Shops: Access to shops where players sell [[Pets|pets]], [[Crafting Materials|materials]], [[Armor|armor]], [[Weapons|weapons]], etc*[[Titles|Title]]: View all Titles*Collections: View all challenges*Options: Change game settings*Leave Game: Returns the player to the public hub or to the main menu*Quit: Exits to the desktop ===Right Side===*Multiplayer Bonus: A bonus in gear and EXP for playing with others*Player List: Lists players in the server, with options to inspect their Heroes or to send friend and party invites     [[Category:Mechanics]]</gallery>[[Category:Dungeon Defenders 2]]