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420 bytes added, 18:10, 14 July 2022
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* '''Enemy Type :''' ''Gobu, Melee.''
* '''Variants :''' [[File:Griblok_Icon.png|24px|link=]] ''Griblok, Timmy, Carnival Goblin.''
* ''Light melee attacker.''
* '''Enemy Type :''' ''Gobu, Ranged.''
* '''Variants :''' ''Quibly, Sammie the Trapper, Carnival Bomb Goblin.''
* ''Light close-ranged attacker.''
* '''Enemy Type :''' ''Ranged.''
* '''Variants :''' ''Statch the Stalker, Pie Thrower.''* ''Medium ranged attacker. Projectiles pierces through defenses.''
| [[File:Orc_Icon.png|100px|link=]]
* '''Enemy Type :''' ''Orc, Melee.''
* '''Variants :''' ''Steiner the Hunter, Treet.''
* ''Heavy melee attacker that also deals knockback.''
|| [[File:Drakin_Icon.png|100px|link=]]
* '''Enemy Type :''' ''Melee, Miniboss.''
* '''Variants :''' [[File:MR._SKWISH%27N_SMASH_Icon.png|24px]] ''MR. SKWISH'N SMASH, Wyvern Enthusiast brothers.''
* ''Extreme melee attacker. Also deals Deals slam attacks for a small area damage and throws snot balls that slows heroes on hit''
* '''Enemy Type :''' ''Ranged, Support.''
* '''Variants :''' ''Malthius, Elemental Mages.''
* ''Summons skeletons from dead enemies while also healing nearby allies.
* '''Enemy Type :''' ''Support.''
* '''Variants :''' ''[[24px]] Golden Witherbeast.''
* ''Damage resistant enemy that burrows underground to emit an aura that increases damage taken by defenses while also healing allies.
* '''Enemy Type :''' ''Support.''
* '''Variants :''' ''Carnival Flyer.''
* ''Suicidal flying enemy that dive-bombs at high speed and exploding on contact when near a target or on low health.
|| [[File:Goblin-Siege-Roller-Icon.png|100px|link=]]
* '''Enemy Type :''' ''Support, Chaos.''
* '''Variants :''' [[File:Zapper_Icon.png|24px]] ''Zapper.''
* ''Chaos VII enemy. Dive-bombs towards targets when aggroed, exploding in an EMP burst that disables Tower-type defenses while also dealing high damagetoo.''
[[File:Death_Weaver_Icon.png|100px|link= Weaver]]
[[File:Death_Weaver_Name.png|link= Weaver]]
* '''Enemy Type :''' ''???Melee, Chaos.''
* '''Variants :''' [[File:Queen_Death_Weaver_Icon.png|24px]] ''Queen Death Weaver.''
* ''Chaos VIII enemy. Attacks will web heroes down on hit, slowing them down. Also leaves Leaves behind a large spiderweb on the ground when defeated - any defenses within the webbing will be debuffed. Highly resistant to crowd control effects.''|-| [[|100px|]] || [[File:Elder_Wyvern_Name.png|link= Weaver]]* '''Enemy Type :''' ''Ranged, Support, Chaos.''* '''Variants :''' [[24px]] ''Ancient Wyvern.''* ''Chaos IX enemy. Emits an aura that will grant other enemies additional resistance to damage and immunity to crowd control effects.''
== Special Level Enemies ==
* '''Enemy Type :''' ''Ranged.''
* '''Original Origin Level :''' ''The Demon's Lair Incursion.''
* ''Attacks produces an AoE line of damaging lava fissures that also launches any heroes in its way upwards. Drops a lava ball that grants a speed boost on death.''
|| [[File:Bastille_Master_Icon.png|110px]]
* '''Enemy Type :''' ''Melee, Miniboss.''
* '''Original Origin Level :''' ''Bastille Master Incursion.''
* ''Periodically puts up golden energy shields around her and any surrounding allies that multiplies any damage taken, before reflecting it back to the source.''
* '''Enemy Type :''' ''Orc, Melee, Miniboss.''
* '''Original Origin Level :''' ''Dark Awakening Incursion.''
* ''Cursed power buffs nearby allies and also debuffs heroes when they are struck by his scythe. Very speedy.''
|| [[File:Frost_Goblin_Icon.png|100px]]
* '''Enemy Type :''' ''Frosty, Gobu, Melee.''
* '''Original Origin Level :''' ''Revenge of the Yeti incursion.''
* ''Tougher and faster than regular goblins. Attacks produces chill effects that slows their target.''
* '''Enemy Type :''' ''Frosty, Gobu, Ranged.''
* '''Original Origin Level :''' ''Revenge of the Yeti Incursion.''
* ''More ferocious than regular bomb goblins. Attacks produces chill effects that slows their target.''
|| [[File:Frost_Orc_Icon.png|100px]]
* '''Enemy Type :''' ''Frosty, Orc, Melee.''
* '''Original Origin Level :''' ''Revenge of the Yeti Incursion.''
* ''Emits a chilling aura that slows nearby defenses down.''
* '''Enemy Type :''' ''Frosty, Support''
* '''Original Origin Level :''' ''Revenge of the Yeti Incursion.''
* ''Charged attack fires a large chilling snowball that passes through heroes and slowing down defenses as well.''
|| [[File:Drakin_Skeleton_Icon.png|100px]]
* '''Enemy Type :''' ''Frosty, Ranged.''
* '''Original Origin Level :''' ''Revenge of the Yeti Incursion.''
* ''Fires a volley of chilling snowballs that slows both heroes and defenses on hit.''
* '''Enemy Type :''' ''Frosty, Melee, Miniboss.''
* '''Original Origin Level :''' ''Revenge of the Yeti Incursion.''
* ''Furry Ogre that throws snowballs that completely freezes both heroes and defenses alike instead of a snot ball.''
* '''Enemy Type :''' ''Frosty, Melee, Miniboss.''
* '''Original Origin Level :''' ''Drakenfrost Keep Expeditions.''
* ''Covers himself with an icy spherical aura that greatly reduces any damage taken while also chilling and eventually freezing anything within its radius. Frozen heroes within the sphere will shortly be struck down by specters.''
| [[File:Miscellaneous_Enemy_Icon.png|100px]]
[[File:Skeleton_Heroes_Enemy_NameWindshaper_Name.png||link=]]* '''Enemy)Type :''' ''???.''* '''Origin Level :''' ''Tornado Valley Region Expeditions.''* '''Variants :''' [[24px]] ''Cyclone Shaper, Tornado Rager, Wind Lord.''* ''Casts large cyclones that can knock heroes up.'' || [[File:Miscellaneous_Enemy_Icon.png|100px]] || [[File:Spooky_Heroes_Name.png||link=]]
* '''Enemy Type :''' ''???, Miniboss.''
* '''Original Origin Level :''' ''Return of Maldonis and Dawn of the Blood Moon Incursions, The Wildest West Expeditions.''
* ''Four minibosses - skeleton versions of the original four heroes. Deals a good amount of damage and knockback.''
* '''Encountered in :''' ''The Wyvern's Den in Campaign or Prime VI Incursion.''
* ''Mostly being passive aggressive Plays a support role during the first four waves, supporting her allies through by speeding them other enemies up, placing curse marks, overloading heroes, summoning wyverns and occasionally raining fireballs. She will finally be able to be damaged during the fifth wave but heroes will also be dealing with her devastating firebreaths and deadly melee swipe attacks.''
|| [[File:The_Harbinger_Icon.png|100px|link=]]
* '''Encountered in :''' ''The Demon's Lair in Chaos IV or Prime II Incursion.''
* ''A triple-phased boss fight, in which a phase can only end when a third of his health has been removed. Can only be damaged when stunned by a catapult-launched lava ball dropped by lava guardiansballs. Attack patterns includes involves frequently throwing three giant lava boulders at heroes, defenses or core and core. He also sets setting everyone ablaze with his roar roars dealing very minimal chipping damage.''
|| [[File:Eye_of_Cthulhu_Terraria_Icon.png|100px|link=]]
* '''Encountered in :''' ''Dawn of the Blood Moon in Chaos III or Prime VI Incursion.''
* '''Variant :''' [[File:Demon_Eye_Terraria_Icon.png|24px]] ''Demon Eye.''* ''Giant flying boss that appears only in wave 5. Goes through two Two phases of attack patterns - The first phase will have the Eye keeping a short distance from heroes while spawning Demon Eyes from its iris. The second phase starts when the Eye is damaged to less Removing more than half of its health resulting in its triggers the second phase - Increased speed being increased and executing physical charges at heroesdive charge attacks.''
* '''Encountered in :''' ''Return of Maldonis in Adventures and Incursions.''
* ''Puts out Dark Marks on the ground that damages any heroes standing on it while at the same time spawning Trikk and Treet minibosses each wave. Similar to Malthius or Dark Mages in general.''
* '''Encountered in :''' ''Dawn of the Blood Moon Incursion.''
* ''Small flying eyeballs that targets heroes in a swarm, ignoring Cores and defenses.''

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