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Genie King

72 bytes added, 7 April
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=== Eyebeams ===
One of the Genie King main means of attack, these eyebeams has map-wide targeting coverage along with aimbot-level of tracking targeted players when they're within the boss' line-of-sight. The eyebeams are able to pierce through Reflect Beams but can be blocked by terrainand will also deal minor continuous knockback to any heroes being struck. Each eyebeam attack last for 5 seconds <br/>
There are 5 types of eyebeams, each inflicting a crippling debuff. Most of the time the Genie King will utilize two types of eyebeams at the same time (one from each eye) - if there's only one player both eyebeams will be focused on the direction of that player and if there's two players or more, the eyebeam will be fired in two different directions dependent on the location of both targeted players. Note that the different debuffs' crippling effects (excluding duration) are able to be stacked with each other and conventional elemental combo logic does not apply with these attacks.

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