Ebonfire Warlord

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Ebonfire Warlord

Ebonfire Warlord Wallpaper.jpg

Cosmetic Type Costume
Accessories 12 in total
Rarity Mythical Icon.png Mythical
Price Gem Icon.png 1,600
Availability Available
Hero Squire

Embrace the might of the ebon flame and bring blue fiery doom on your enemies.

The Ebonfire Warlord is a Mythical costume for the Squire. Purchase this ruler's costume for 1,600 gems from the Seamstress or in the cosmetic interface because control must be maintained - there must always be an Ebonfire Warlord.


Changeable - Head Pieces

Accessories Rarity Flavor Text In-Game
Ebonfire's Champion Casque Icon.png

Ebonfire's Champion Casque

Mythical Icon.png Mythical The perfect head gear for a dark broody avenger. Example
Darksteel Ebonfire Barbute Icon.png

Darksteel Ebonfire Barbute

Mythical Icon.png Mythical Tough, sturdy and probably really evil.. Example
Overlord's Ebonfire Crown Icon.png

Overlord's Ebonfire Crown

Mythical Icon.png Mythical If looks could kill, conquer and enslave. Example

Changeable - Torso Pieces

Accessories Rarity Flavor Text In-Game
Ebonfire Warlord's Battle Armor Icon.png

Ebonfire Warlord's Battle Armor

Mythical Icon.png Mythical Imposing enough to strike fear into your foes, tough enough to keep your inside bits inside. Example
Blazing Ebonfire Chestguard Icon.png

Blazing Ebonfire Chestguard

Mythical Icon.png Mythical This could stop a ballista bolt and probably incinerate it. Example
Curiass of the Ebonfire Champion Icon.png

Curiass of the Ebonfire Champion

Mythical Icon.png Mythical Chest armor for a proper warlord, strength and mobility. Example

Changeable - Armor Pieces

Accessories Rarity Flavor Text In-Game
Spiked Darksteel Pauldron Icon.png

Spiked Darksteel Pauldrons

Mythical Icon.png Mythical If all else fails you can use the spikey bits on this shoulder pierce as a weapon. Example
Pauldrons of the Ebonfire Champion Icon.png

Pauldrons of The Ebonfire Champion

Mythical Icon.png Mythical Brutality and noble elegance personified, the cloak is a nice touch too. Example
Erupting Ebonfire Spaulder Icon.png

Erupting Ebonfire Spaulder

Mythical Icon.png Mythical It slices, it dices, it could probably set stuff on fire. Example

Changeable - Legs Pieces

Accessories Rarity Flavor Text In-Game
Blazing Ebonfire Greaves Icon.png

Blazing Ebonfire Greaves

Mythical Icon.png Mythical Stomp your enemies with these heavy greaves of fiery doom, it's fun for everyone! Example
Ebonfire Darksteel Legplates Icon.png

Ebonfire Darksteel Legplates

Mythical Icon.png Mythical Top of the line Warlord fashion, sure they're on fire but you wouldn't call him a liar to his face. Example
Warlord's Darksteel Legguards Icons.png

Warlord's Darksteel Legguards

Mythical Icon.png Mythical Offer significant protection from shorter enemies...nothing cheaper than a low blow. Example

Notes & Trivia

  • This costume has unique animations for spawning, healing, death and when using the seismic slam ability.
  • The wallpaper depicts the Ebonfire Warlord wielding an Umbral Blade Icon.png Umbral Blade. However the shield appears to be an ebon-flamed black version of Visage of the Inferno Icon.png Visage of the Inferno which doesn't really exist in-game currently. The Ebonfire Warlord also appears to be standing outside of the sealed door at the Forgotten Ruins which can be seen when the match is lost.
  • The Ebonfire Soulsplitter Icon.png Ebonfire Soulsplitter's design is most likely based off from this Squire costume. Of course due to the weapon being an axe, the Ebonfire Warlord won't be able to wield it.
  • Design cues of Ebonfire Warlord seems to have been inspired from The Lich King and the Death Knights of Warcraft.
  • The Ebonfire Warlord and Dark Arts Apprentice also seems to share a common theme - both costumes are themed around being dark and evil and both also displays blazing ebonfire.



  • [Early Access] 9.6 : Introduced