Sub Objectives

Revision as of 13:20, 18 April 2015 by Syclic (talk | contribs) (Sub Objective Mechanics)

Revision as of 13:20, 18 April 2015 by Syclic (talk | contribs) (Sub Objective Mechanics)


Sub Objectives or Sub Cores are defense points on maps that, if destroyed, open up a new spawn point for Enemies in the next wave.

Sub Objective Mechanics

  • Sub Objectives can be identified by the spinning Grey shield above them.
  • Sub Objectives are marked on the mini-map with a Grey Shield Icon.Grey Shield Icon.png
  • Sub Objectives have a Health Pool. This gets fully healed at the start of each build phase. If the Health Pool is reduced to 0, the Sub Objective is destroyed.
  • The Wave after a Sub Objective is destroyed will spawn Enemies from an additional spawn point.
  • Having a Sub Objective get destroyed does not end the map.
  • Billboards for these additional spawn points do not appear until the connected Sub Objective is destroyed.
  • Sub Objectives and the extra spawn points they open are fixed for each map and wont change.
  • Sub Objectives have the highest target priority for the Aggression of nearby Enemies