
Revision as of 10:08, 22 October 2016 by (talk) (End Game Map Summaries)

Revision as of 10:08, 22 October 2016 by (talk) (End Game Map Summaries)

Dungeon Defenders II is set in the fictional world of Etheria. You'll start in Etheria's Tavern, the gathering spot, the Social Hub/Lobby. This is where you'll spend any time not in battle to sell, manage, and test gear. Etheria is broken down into playable maps to explore. Each map is an arena with set enemy spawners and objectives to defend.






There are two types of Objectives for Heroes to be concerned with. The Main Objectives or Main Cores are defense points on maps that, if destroyed, end the current map. The Sub Objectives or Sub Cores are defense points on maps that, if destroyed, open up a new spawn point for Enemies in the next wave.

Main Objective Mechanics

  • Main Objectives can be identified by the spinning red trimmed yellow shield above them.
  • Main Objectives are marked on the mini-map with a red trimmed yellow Shield Icon.Red Shield Icon.png
  • Main Objectives have a Health Pool. This gets fully healed at the start of each build phase. If the Health Pool is reduced to 0, the Main Objective is destroyed.
  • The players lose if the Main Objective is destroyed.
  • Main Objectives are fixed for each map and wont change.
  • Main Objectives have the highest target priority for the Aggression of nearby Enemies.

Sub Objective Mechanics

  • Sub Objectives can be identified by the spinning Grey shield above them.
  • Sub Objectives are marked on the mini-map with a Grey Shield Icon.Grey Shield Icon.png
  • Sub Objectives have a Health Pool. This gets fully healed at the start of each build phase. If the Health Pool is reduced to 0, the Sub Objective is destroyed.
  • The Wave after a Sub Objective is destroyed will spawn Enemies from an additional spawn point.
  • Having a Sub Objective get destroyed does not end the map.
  • Billboards for these additional spawn points do not appear until the connected Sub Objective is destroyed.
  • Sub Objectives and the extra spawn points they open are fixed for each map and wont change.
  • Sub Objectives have the highest target priority for the Aggression of nearby Enemies
  • Keeping Sub Objectives alive til the end of the map will yield bonus experience.

End Game Map Summaries

Map Type Waves Monster Totals Boss Totals Special Loot
Griblok's Horde Incursion 5 1627 4 Impaling Cutter
Impaling Cutter.png
Power Surge Incursion 5 858 10 Glaive of the Storms, 750 Boots
Malthius Incursion 5 1561 4 Infernal Combuster
Kobold Bling King Incursion 5 (Unlimited Waves) 10 Bling-o-Midas, 750 Glove
Wyvern Enthusiasts Incursion 5 1629 3 Aerial Bane
Forest Poachers Incursion 5 1585 4 Chilling Touch
Chrome Enemies Incursion 5 1391 3 Toxic Shock
Unholy Catacombs Incursion 7 2149 9 Sword of Unholy Fire, 750 Chest
Bastille Master Incursion 5 1564 10 Ghastly Halberd, 750 Helmet
The Demon's Lair Incursion 3 (Unlimited Waves) 1 Scorched Tome of Molten Brimstone (DPS or Builder), 750 Relic (Builder)
Altar of the Athame Incursion 3 (Unlimited Waves) 0 Dark Ritual Blade
Nimbus Reach 660-700 IP 7 2114 10 Harbinger's Punch (DPS)
Little Horn 660-700 IP 7 1794 10 Harbinger's Watch (DPS)
GreyStone Plaza 660-700 IP 7 1492 10 Harbinger's Punch (Builder)
The Throne Room 660-700 IP 7 2099 10 Harbinger's Watch (DPS)
Liferoot Forest 620-650 IP 7 1538 13 Sky Dragon's Fury
Assault at Throne Room 660-700 IP 7 2408 10 Harbinger's Punch (Builder), Storm Gloves
Harbinger 660-700 IP 4 (Unlimited Waves) 1 Harbinger's Portal
Dead Road 660-700 IP 7 2306 10 Harbinger's Voidreaver (Builder)
Temple of the Necrotic 660-700 IP 7 2850 10 Harbinger's Fist (DPS)
Buried Bastille 660-700 IP 7 2149 10 Storm Helmet
Dragonfall Sewers 620-650 IP 7  ? 10 Storm Boots
Unholy Catacombs 610-625 IP 7  ?  ? Storm Chest
Wyvern Den 660-700 IP 5 (Unlimited Last Wave) 11 Betsy's Wrath