Template:Battle Warden Accessories

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Revision as of 11:36, 19 July 2024 by Paloverde zfogshooterz (talk | contribs) (Test)

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Accessory Rarity and Piece Flavor Text
Wardens Helm Icon.png

Warden's Helm

Legendary Icon.png Legendary
No living soul has looked into the Battle Warden's gaze and lived.
Lion Guard Icon.png

Lion Guard

Legendary Icon.png Legendary
Adorned with orbs of latent ancient energies and mounted with the visage of a fearsome beast.
Wardens Battle Grips Icon.png

Warden's Battle Grips

Legendary Icon.png Legendary
Gauntlets that enhance the wearers strength a thousand fold.
Wardens Boots Icon.png

Warden's Boots

Legendary Icon.png Legendary
Only available in sizes 9 through 13.