Flairs are accessory-like cosmetic items that makes your heroes look more legendary. They are meant to add more customization ability for the heroes aside from costume accessories and also to add some "flair" hence the name. They can only be equipped through the Hero Customization Manager which can be accessed through the cosmetic button in the player's inventory. Along with costumes, accessories and tower skins, they make up Dungeon Defenders II's cosmetic system.
The flairs system is divided into five categories : Head (halos, hats and crowns), Face (masks, helmets/heads, mustaches and eyepatches), Back (wings, tendrils and backpacks), Waist (auras, tails and floating objects) and Feet (auras and other effects)
[hide]How to acquire
Currently there are no flairs available that can be directly purchased with gold, or defender medals. Instead, the ways they can only be acquired are through defender packs, reaching a certain milestone in specific gamemodes, solving map secrets or obtaining codes from giveaways.
Certain limited seasonal flairs can be also be bought through DLCs or directly with gems during seasonal times too.
Flairs sets
While there are various different types of flair, certain flairs are made together to form a set giving a complete thematic look. Two or four pieces of themed flairs usually makes a set. Some sets will be provided as a set when obtained through defender packs, DLCs or a gamemode's milestone while others may be acquired separately.
There are currently 17 flair sets in the game:
- Crow Lord set - (Raven Lord Crest, Raven Lord Wing, Raven Lord Molt and Raven Lord Mist)
- Bramblewood set - (Bramblewood Crowns and Bramblewood Wings)
- Bonemancer's set - (Bonemancer's Crown and Bonemancer's Wings)
- Holy set - (Glimmer of Au and Path of Au)
- Nature set - (Blessing of Entwood and Wildbloom Growth)
- Rotbane set - (Rotbane Aura and Path of Pestilence)
- Ancient's set - (Ancient's Mark of Wisdom, Ancient's Runewings, Ancient's Rune Belt and Ancient's Aura)
- Hero's Valor set - (Hero's Valor Crown, Hero's Prestigious Wings, Hero's Waistguard of Valor and Hero's Valorous Aura)
- Angel set - (Lightforged Halo, Wing's of Glory, Lightfeather Plumage and Light's Radiance)
- Old Doom set - (Mark of Old Doom, Tendrils of Old Doom, Dark Whispers Aura and Writhing Dark)
- Final Form set - (Final Form Aura and Final Form Wake)
- Hellion's set - (Hellion's Glare, Hellion's Flight, Hellion's Whiptail and Hellion's Embers)
- Tundraken set - (Tundraken Head, Tundraken Wings and Tundraken Tail)
- Krampus set - (Krampus Hat, Krampus Wings and Krampus Tail)
- Otherworldly Drakin set - (Otherworldly Drakin Head, Otherworldly Drakin Wings and Otherworldly Drakin Tail)
- Crimson set - (Mark of Crimson Doom, Mask of Crimson, Crimson Tendrils, Crimson Whispers Aura, and Writhing Crimson)
- Vampire Lord set - (Vampire Lord's Crown, Vampire Lord Wings, Vampire Lord Belt, and Bat Aura)
List of Flairs
Defender Packs
Each Defender Pack will have a chance to give one of these flair pieces below. Some flairs will be given together as a set rather than individual pieces. They cannot be directly bought with gems, defender packs are the only way to acquire them in-game. However, they could also be obtained through codes acquired from various giveaways.
Gamemodes Rewards
These flairs can only be acquired by reaching a certain point in various gamemodes (currently only in Mastery and Onslaught). While the Mastery gamemode awards flairs piece by piece when a milestone is reached, the later stage of the Onslaught gamemode instead awards a set when a milestone is reached. Both gamemodes offers different flairs as they are meant to signify that the player has reached a certain point or completion of the gamemodes.
Map Rewards
These flairs can only be obtained by solving the secret mechanic of certain maps or simply by just clearing them for the first time. However, certain flairs can only be acquired when its respective map or secret puzzle is cleared in a specific gamemode and/or difficulty.
Limited Seasonal Offering
Limited Seasonal Offering flairs are often used as initiatives or celebrations for certain events such as seasonal commemorations. They will only be available for a limited-duration at a time, but they could be released again at a later date unlike unobtainable exclusives.
Black Market Exclusives
These very expensive flairs are only available from the Black Market Dealer for gold. Emphasis on very expensive... These flairs are meant to be something for veteran players (who has amassed a huge amount of gold) to spend on.
Not all Golden Flairs will be available at the same time. Each piece will have a time-limited window to purchase before eventually getting swapped out for a different Golden Flair in the roster.
Defender Pass Exclusives
These flairs can only be unlocked by reaching specific tiers within the Defender Pass.
Community Exclusives
These flairs can only be obtained by participating in various community activities such as engaging in giveaways by Chromatic Games and other streamers or by partaking in remote playtesting if it is open.
Unobtainable Exclusive
These flairs are currently unobtainable as they are specifically for exclusive events and players such as 2017 Ancient's Prelude's Prove Your Mastery Race Winners.
Trivia and Notes
- Some flairs like Boozarro's Grin, Mutagenous Talons, Tony Strange & Blazing Hellgeist Mask and The Connery are references to real-life popular cultures such as Stephen King's It, the works of David Cronenburg, Marvel Comics' Tony Stark/Doctor Strange & Ghost Rider and James Bond (with Sean Connery) respectively.
- Dragonfall Carnival consumable masks have been re-added as actual flairs as of Power of the Ancients Expansion (2.0). Though their consumable version will still be in players' inventory unchanged.
- When the Protean Shift expansion (3.0) went live, all Xbox One Players at that time gets to redeem a code for the Protean Shellmet as appreciation for installing DD2 on Xbox One. A short time later, [CG]Lawlta decided to also repurposed it as a stream giveaway item so it can be accessible to PC and PS4 players too.
- The Pizza Gliders made it into DD2 because [CG]Lawlta loves pizza. So much that he was persistently pushing for the wings' implementation for quite a while.
- The Caster's flairs was CG's way of supporting the TCG streamers who have been reliable for a year and have helped make DDII better.
- Interestingly, flairs only comes in Epic, Mythical and Legendary rarity. No Worn, Sturdy or Powerful flair exist. This is most likely due to the "premium" ways of acquiring them such as through (higher-tiered) Defender Packs, reaching milestones in gamemodes and being part of specific events.
March 29th 2023 : Added Harambe's Monkey Madness Flair.
January 24th 2024 : Added Streamer Program Rewards.
December 16th 2023 : Added Defender Pass Season 1 Flairs (Vampire Lord Set).
December 14th 2023 : Added December 2023 Twitch Drops.
October 26th 2023 : Added October 2023 Twitch Drops.
October 5th 2023 : Added Twitch Back Drops from August 2023 and Survival Flairs.
March 30th 2023 : Added Corrupted Ancient Wings and Golden Wings.
December 16th 2022 : Winter Wonderland Accessory flairs, Rustic Winter Hat & its Golden Variant and Gold Shimmer added. Also introduced "Face" as an additional flair category - certain head flairs has been moved over there as well.
??? : Spooky Pumpkin Mask and its Golden variant added.
??? : Golden Skull Mask available. Mask of Owls added.
??? : Corrupted Ancient Mask and Fancy Golden Top Hat added.
??? : Winter Wonderland-themed flairs added.
??? : Tundraken flair set added.
??? : Two carnival-themed mascot head pieces and Living Cactus Head added.
4.2 : Frost themed flairs added. TCG flairs and Pizza Gliders also added.
4.1 : More flairs added.
4.0 : Pirate themed flairs and more added. First Secret Map Reward flair also added.
3.0 : Protean Shellmet added.
2.4 : Shutter Shades added.
2.3 : More flairs added.
2.0 : Added defender pack exclusive flairs. Onslaught flairs also added.
1.2 : Introduced.