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The various weapons of Dungeon Defenders II

Weapons are hero-specific gear that focuses on hero damage as it's primary stat. Most heroes wields a single weapon but there are some who are able to wield two.

Weapons can be Standard (normal types of stats and features) or Unique (Having unique shot types or mods). Most Standard weapons can be obtained through normal loot drops while Unique weapons are acquired through specific locations or vendors though there are some exceptions.

There are a variety of weapons for each heroes to use for combat. And also cosmetic purposes.

Types of Weapons

Equippable for:

Apprentice, Adept, & Frostweaver
Apprentice icon trans.png Adept icon trans.png Frostweaver HeadIcon.png

Equippable for:

Squire, Barbarian, Dryad, & Countess
Squire icon trans.png Chibi barb copy.png Dryad icon trans.png Countess icon trans.png

Equippable for:

Squire & Countess
Squire icon trans.png Countess icon trans.png

Equippable for:

Huntress & Hunter
Huntress icon trans.png Hunter HeadIcon.png

Equippable for:

Monk, Initiate & Aquarion
Monk icon trans.png Initiate icon trans.png Aquarion HeadIcon.png

Equippable for:

Abyss Lord
AbyssLord icon trans.png

Equippable for:

Series EV2 & Engineer
SeriesEV2 icon trans.png Engineer Icon.png

Equippable for:

Gunwitch icon trans.png

Equippable for:

Lavamancer icon trans.png

Equippable for:

Mystic & Mercenary
Mystic icon trans.png Mercenary icon trans.png

Equippable for:

Squire, Barbarian, & Countess
Squire icon trans.png Chibi barb copy.png Countess icon trans.png

Weapon Details


Weapons have a number of stats that effect how they work.
Certain weapon types such as Polearms and Daggers can have properties of a melee and ranged weapon.
Shields do not have any of the following properties.

Weapon Shot Speed.png

Standard Ranged Properties

Weapon Shot Type Example.png

Ranged weapons have shot types and speeds depending on the weapon.

Weapon Projectile Count.png
  • Attack Speed - How fast the weapon can shoot per second.
  • Shot Type - Determines the type of projectile and pattern.
  • Number of Projectiles - The number of projectiles the weapon shoots per shot.

Weapon Swing Speed.png

Standard Melee Properties

Light Weapon Weight.png

Melee weapons have different attack swings and its swing rate per hero.

Medium Weapon Weight.png
  • Attack Speed - Bonus swing speed ranging from +0% to +20%.
Heavy Weapon Weight.png
  • Light - Each swing deals less damage but the weapon will be swung in a rapid rate.
  • Medium - Moderate damage and rate per swing.
  • Heavy - Deals heavy damage per swing but in a slower rate.

Weapon Stat Types

Weapons can be equipped with every Hero, and has 1 Primary stat which is Hero Damage and 1 Secondary stat that can be Hero Health or Ability Power.
When weapons reaches the godly rarity level, 1 random Tertiary stat will appear that can be Hero Health, Ability Power, Hero Crit Chance, Hero Crit Damage, or Movement Speed.
The tertiary stat will not roll the exact same stat type as the secondary.

Stat Ranges

Note: Shield stats don't apply to the following:


All Stats Assume Max Upgrades (Minimum-Maximum stat rolls)
Stat Campaign Chaos 1 Chaos 2 Chaos 3 Chaos 4 Chaos 5 Chaos 6 Chaos 7 Chaos 8 Chaos 9 Chaos 10
Hero Damage Hero Damage Icon.png 1,138-1,270 1,869-2,086 3,400-3,795 5,648-6,303 8,611-9,610 12,360-13,794 16,719-18,658 23,119-25,801 31,201-34,820 39,305-43,865 49,513-55,257
HH/AP Hero Health Icon.pngAbility Power Icon.png 759-854 1,246-1,402 2,267-2,550 3,765-4,263 5,741-6,458 8,240-9,270 11,146-12,539 15,413-17,339 20,801-23,401 26,204-29,479 33,009-37,135
Tertiary - Crit Chance Hero Crit Chance Icon.png 0.1%-0.1% 0.2%-0.2% 0.3%-0.4% 0.5%-0.6% 0.8%-0.9% 1.1%-1.2% 1.5%-1.7% 2.1%-2.3% 2.8%-3.1% 3.5%-3.9% 4.4%-4.9%
Tertiary - Crit Damage Hero Crit Damage Icon.png 0.3%-0.4% 0.5%-0.6% 1%-1.1% 1.6%-1.7% 2.4%-2.7% 3.3%-3.7% 4.6%-5% 6.3%-7% 8.4%-9.4% 10.6%-11.8% 13.4%-14.9%
Tertiary - HH/AP Hero Health Icon.pngAbility Power Icon.png 271-302 444-496 808-903 1,342-1,499 2,046-2,285 2,937-3,280 3,972-4,436 5,493-6,135 7,413-8,279 9,338-10,429 11,763-13,138
Tertiary - Movement Speed Hero Movement Speed Icon.png 10-11 15-17 27-31 45-50 69-77 98-110 133-148 184-205 248-276 312-348 393-438


Item Quality is represented by rarities shown below listed from the worst to the best.
  • Epic Icon.png Epic Two Shard and Mod Slots.
  • Godly Icon.png Godly Three Shard and Mod Slots and one Tertiary Stat.
  • Ancient Icon.png Ancient Three Shard and Mod Slots and one Tertiary Stat and Set Bonus.

Bonus Elemental Effects

Weapons may have their own Elemental Effects, which act as bonus damage for that weapon. This also allows the attacks from that weapon to trigger combos based upon the element they are using. The additional damage is displayed as an extra line of purple numbers during attacks.
Having an Element on a weapon also gives it visual effect. This visual effect is based off the element on the weapon and is different depending on the weapon.