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1 byte added, 20:02, 4 September 2019
Chaos 2 Incursions
* <u>Special Weapon MOD</u> - '''Pole Launcher''', "Secondary Attacks fire additional North Poles that deal XXX-XXX% Hero Damage as Frost Damage, pierce 2 enemies and slows them by 40% for X-XX seconds". Chaos 2 values [?-?, ?-?], Chaos 7 values [303-390%, 8.1-11s]. This attack fires in an upwards arc path and has a short range. You must aim high or jump to increase its range to hit enemies further away. Attacks hit with Frost, so they have a chance to chill the enemy on contact.
===Forrest Poachers===
<u>Special Weapon MOD</u> - '''Chlorophyte Chip''', "fires a column of Chlorophyte Arrows that deal XX% bonus magical earth damage and may reflect off of one surface." Chaos 2 values [14.4-26%], Chaos 7 values [34.4-46%]. All 5 arrows can uniquely reflect off of surfaces, and that does not include enemies and does not pierce. The projectile will apply any crowd control or elemental values of the hero upon contact with the enemy. This attack does not pierce.
==[[Chaos#Chaos_III|Chaos 3]] Incursions==

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