
Grave Danger Skeletons Costumes

1 byte added, 17:07, 16 January 2021
Notes and Trivia
== Notes and Trivia ==
* In October 2016, there was some confusion on TE's part which resulted in them re-releasing the Grave Danger Pack on PC when they're not supposed to. It resulted in forum threads being created by players to voice their displeasure since to them, TE could be breaking their promise on the costumes being limited editions. The thread alerted TE on their mistake and they clarified that it was a confusion on their part and shortly after, discontinued all PC and PS4 DLCs that includes those costumes for good and later releases its successor - The [[Burning Souls Skeleton Skeletons Costumes]].
* While these costume can be just be referred to as "Skeleton Costumes" as originally. The Grave Danger Skeleton Costumes is better for distinguishing between its 2016 successor - Burning Souls Skeletons Costumes. The label "Grave Danger" also came from the DLC that the costumes were included in.