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130 bytes removed, 07:14, 7 May 2021
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* '''Encountered in :''' ''Harbinger's Warship in Adventures.''
* ''A quadruple-phased boss fight that adds an additional attack pattern with each passing phase. Attack pattern which includes dealing vicious punches, ground pounds that create an erupting line of shards, summoning of meteors on targets and damaging power drains. He will also utilize Also utilizes functions of his warship such as using the Harbinger Cannons his cannons to fire at the Core or the opening of a hatch that vacuums nearby heroes into the brig.''
| [[File:Demon_Lord_Icon.png|100px]]
* '''Encountered in :''' ''The Demon's Lair in Chaos IV or Prime II Incursion.''
* ''A triple-phased boss fight in which each can only end when a chunk of his health has been removed and can only be damaged when stunned by a catapult-launched lava ball dropped by lava guardians. Attack patterns includes frequently throwing three giant lava boulders that targets at heroes, defenses and core. He also sets everyone ablaze with his roar dealing very minimal chipping damage.''
|| [[File:Eye_of_Cthulhu_Terraria_Icon.png|100px]]
* '''Encountered in :''' ''Dawn of the Blood Moon in Chaos III or Prime VI Incursion.''
* ''Giant flying boss that appears only in wave 5. Goes through two phases of attack patterns - The first phase will have the Eye keeping a short distance from heroes while spawning Demon Eyes from its iris. The second phase starts when the Eye is damaged to less than half of its health resulting in its speed being increased while also and executing physical charges at heroes. Contact hit from the Eye will deal massive damage and fighting near the Cores will enrage it.''

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