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1,126 bytes added, 20:23, 12 February 2023
Cryo moved page Skeletons to Skeleton without leaving a redirect
{{stubEnemy Infobox|image = <tabber>Goblin Skeleton=[[File:Goblin_Skeleton.png|300px]]|-|Orc Skeleton=[[File:Orc_Skeleton_-_White.png|300px]]|-|Orc Skeleton Armored=[[File:Orc_Skeleton_-_White_Armored.png|300px]]|-|Orc Skeleton Dark=[[File:Orc_Skeleton_-_Black.png|300px]]|-|</tabber>|damage_type = ??|damage = ??|health = ??}}== Description ==The Skeleton is normally a summoned [[Enemies|enemy]] from the fallen by the [[Dark_Mages|Dark Mage]] or Frost Mage but can also have its own lane that it can spawn from. They are all melee [[Enemies|enemies]] that can come in two forms:* Small Goblin sized skeletons that are on the lower side of health and damage* Large Orc sized skeletons that have a moderate amount of health and damageWhen summoned from fallen enemies by the Mages they are brought back in the same place they fell. This makes them particularly dangerous because they have less distance to walk than [[Enemies|enemies]] that walk out from spawn.
==Summoned EnemyStrategy =={{stub}}There is no specific way to deal with them outside of just dealing damage as normal. == Schedule Icon ==[[File:Small Skeletons.png]] [[File:Large Skeletons.png]]
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