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Petrify is an elemental combo in Dungeon Defenders 2. It is applied by dealing magical earth damage to poisoned enemies. == Effects ==Petrified enemies are stunned and receive 5% more damage. However, petrified enemies don't lose health until the petrify condition ends. This effectively stacks damage onto the target and applies all of the damage the target receives at once, making this a great combo for clogging up lanes. == Strategies ===== Poison Dart Tower + Earthshatter ===This is the easiest way to apply the petrify combo, being available at the start of the game and requiring no MODs. Use the Poison Dart Tower to poison enemies; then, strike them with an Earthshatter. Despite being an easy way to access the petrify combo, this requires at least 100 Defense Units to build one PDT and Earthshatter. Additionally, Earthshatters are only single target, meaning multiple will be required to effectively block a lane. The PDT + Earthshatter combo is great for tackling on minibosses, but can get mowed down by hordes of enemies.=== Shattering Torpedo Reflect Beams ===The Shattering Torpedo shard causes Reflect Beams to deal crushing earth damage - all without the use of a MOD! Any defense can be used to poison enemies. The PDT is a decent and fairly cheap tower for applying poison, but you may want to use a defense that is better at AOE damage, like the Skeletal Ramster or Weapon Manufacturer. The reflect beams themselves are also cheap too, and their torpedoes can hit enemies from a fair distance away. They can even provide protection from any monsters wanting to poke your defenses from afar. While this combo is relatively cheap in terms of DU, it requires a chaos 8 shard, which can only be obtained from onslaught floor 30+, prime incursions, or the Gran Ma'ster. Cyborks can also disable your reflect beams, and depending on what setup you're using to apply poison, berserkers can charge through your defenses.#Redirect [[Elements]]

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