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Lava Beast

19 bytes added, 23 February
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Having a scenario where all heroes dying with none active on field due to respawn timer should be avoided. This will result in the Lava Beast going for the nearest core and it'll be game over. If your DPS heroes aren't strong enough to deal high damage while also happens to be too squishy, these strategies can be used -
* Placing a blockade with a bunch of auras/nodes to block the Lava Beast in the middle of its travel path. The auras/nodes will assist with whittling down the boss and even if your hero dies, it'll still be preoccupied with attacking the blockade while you're waiting to respawn. Keep in mind to make sure the rear of the blockade isn't facing the core as to prevent damages from a crystal hammer attack.
* Having a second player as a hero (such as the [[Squire]], [[Countess]] or [[Barbarian]]) with a tank build that's able to keep themselves alive drawing the attention of the Lava Beast while a DPS hero attacks the boss. There won't be a need to worry about a game over if the DPS hero ever dies since the tank hero will be keeping the Lava Beast preoccupied.
== History ==
* [[File:DD2_Splash_Logo.png|35px]] '''March 30th 2023''' : Introduced.

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