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1,282 bytes removed, 17 March
Undo revision 21189 by Paloverde zfogshooterz (talk)
.TemplateDocumentation td {
padding: 0 5px;
body.mediawiki {
/* Replace <URL> with the URL of the image you want the background to be. */
background-image: url(" Greystone Plaza_Background Image.jpg");
/* Changes the color of the background, use a hex code or color name (i.e. "red"). */
background-color: #0b0c0e;
/* Combines two or more background layers together with different blend modes, use one of the names of the blend mode to change the resulting background appearance (examples: "color-dodge", "screen", "multiply", "hard-light", "difference", "luminosity"). */
background-blend-mode: normal;
/* Set to "scroll" to allow it to scroll with the page, or to "fixed" to keep its position static */
background-attachment: fixed;
/* Set to either the directions from which to start the image (i.e. "top left", "left center", "right center", etc), percentages (x% y%), or position (xpos ypos). (Note: % and pos are mixable). */
background-position: top left;
/* The default setting is repeating the image both vertically and horizontally, setting to "repeat-y" will repeat the image only vertically, setting it to "repeat-x" will repeat it only horizontally, and setting it to "no-repeat" prevents it from repeating at all. */
background-repeat: no-repeat;

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