Difference between revisions of "Elemental Rumble"

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(Added pets, created basis for cleaner Armor set look (so it's not a big paragraph))
(Rewards: Commented out rewards test table)
(7 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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[[File:Elemental Rumble Overview Image.png|right|thumb|400px|]]
[[File:Elemental Rumble Overview Image.png|right|400px|]]
:From blaze balloons to poison pufferfish, Defenders have long since harnessed the elements to combat Etheria’s enemies—so much so that the corrupt magi of the Old One’s Army have taken a keen interest in the craft themselves! They’ve bound Etheria’s primal forces to stone, attuned their foot soldiers en masse, and set their sights on the Gates of Dragonfall. Brace yourself, Defender, for an all-out Elemental Rumble!
:From blaze balloons to poison pufferfish, Defenders have long since harnessed the elements to combat Etheria’s enemies—so much so that the corrupt magi of the Old One’s Army have taken a keen interest in the craft themselves! They’ve bound Etheria’s primal forces to stone, attuned their foot soldiers en masse, and set their sights on the Gates of Dragonfall. Brace yourself, Defender, for an all-out Elemental Rumble!
Elemental Rumble enters Dungeon Defenders 2 as a new gamemode that seeks to challenge Defenders’ elemental expertise and adaptability. Five maps will be available to play in Elemental Rumble at any given time, and these maps will rotate every week as the Old One’s war parties march across the kingdom. Successfully defend Eternia Crystals from earthen orcs, water-attuned warboars, and goblins that might actually just be on fire for a chance to discover ancient armor, new pets, and more!
:Elemental Rumble enters Dungeon Defenders 2 as a new gamemode that seeks to challenge Defenders’ elemental expertise and adaptability. Five maps will be available to play in Elemental Rumble at any given time, and these maps will rotate every week as the Old One’s war parties march across the kingdom. Successfully defend Eternia Crystals from earthen orcs, water-attuned warboars, and goblins that might actually just be on fire for a chance to discover ancient armor, new pets, and more!
The ‘Easy’ difficulty of Elemental Rumble can be unlocked by completing an expedition in Chaos VII or greater. ‘Medium’ and ‘Hard’ difficulties can be unlocked by completing an expedition in Chaos X.
:The ‘Easy’ difficulty of Elemental Rumble can be unlocked by completing an expedition in Chaos VII or greater. ‘Medium’ and ‘Hard’ difficulties can be unlocked by completing an expedition in Chaos X.
==Easy Mode==
==Medium Mode==
==Difficulty Tiers==
<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;">
<div style="flex-wrap: wrap; padding-right: 10%;">
  {{Elemental Rumble
  | Easy
  | Chaos VII
  | Orc Elemental Commander
  | Mage Elemental Commander
  | Elemental Rumble Rewards
<div style="flex-wrap: wrap; padding-right: 10%;">
  {{Elemental Rumble
  | Medium
  | Chaos X
  | Orc Elemental Commander
  | Mage Elemental Commander
  | Elemental Rumble Rewards
<div style="flex-wrap: wrap;">
  {{Elemental Rumble
  | Hard
  | Chaos X
  | Orc Elemental Commander
  | Mage Elemental Commander
  | Elemental Rumble Rewards
==Hard Mode==
==Elemental Enemies==
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
! Element !! Empowered !! Elites !! Commanders
| Earth || Are immune to petrify, take 200% damage from fire, 50% from earth, physical, and magical damage types, and only 25% damage from storm sources. || Release an EMP blast every 5s, stunning all towers and traps in range. || [[Orc Elemental Commanders|Orc]] - Create earthquakes, dealing damage in a radius. <br> [[Elemental Mage Commanders|Mage]] - Grants all enemies damage reduction.
| Storm || Are immune to electrocute, take 200% damage from earth, 50% from storm, physical, and magical damage types, and only 25% damage from water sources. || Take 50% less damage from projectiles. || [[Orc Elemental Commanders|Orc]] - Creates EMP waves capable of stunning towers and traps. <br> [[Elemental Mage Commanders|Mage]] - Stuns all towers and players in range.
| Water || Slams the ground causing frost spikes to erupt from the earth, slowing the attack rate of defenses and traps. || Heal for 5% of their total health every second. || [[Orc Elemental Commanders|Orc]] - Slams the ground causing frost spikes to erupt from the earth, slowing the attack rate of defenses and traps. <br> [[Elemental Mage Commanders|Mage]] - Heals enemies surrounding enemies and grants them a movement speed boost.
| Fire || Are immune to ignite, take 200% damage from water, 50% from fire, physical, and magical damage types, and only 25% damage from earth sources. || Possess a 50% increased movement speed and apply a burn on-hit. || [[Orc Elemental Commanders|Orc]] - Slams the ground and leaves a trail of fire that burns all heroes and towers. <br> [[Elemental Mage Commanders|Mage]] - Burns all towers and heroes in range.
==Empowered Enemies==
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
<li><b>Earth</b> enemies are immune to petrify, take 200% damage from fire, 50% from earth, physical, and magical damage types, and only 25% damage from storm sources.</li>
<li><b>Storm</b> enemies are immune to electrocute, take 200% damage from earth, 50% from storm, physical, and magical damage types, and only 25% damage from water sources.</li>
! style="text-align:center;" colspan="3" | Gear/Armor
<li><b>Water</b> enemies are immune to freeze, take 200% damage from storm, 50% from water, physical, and magical damage types, and only 25% damage from fire sources.</li>
<li><b>Fire</b> enemies are immune to ignite, take 200% damage from water, 50% from fire, physical, and magical damage types, and only 25% damage from earth sources.</li>
! Element !! 2/4 Set Bonus !! 4/4 Set Bonus
| Earth || Armor pieces grants 10,000 hero health. || Armor pieces grants +50% tenacity, and the following ability; After taking damage, gain 50% damage reduction temporarily, and enemies that attack you become rooted. This ability can only activate once every 10s.
| Storm || Armor pieces grants 5,000 hero damage and 5,000 ability power. || Armor pieces grants the following ability; Whenever the hero deals damage, a lightning bolt strikes their target, dealing 500% hero damage and ability power as magic damage to all enemies in range and stunning them for 3s. This ability can only activate once every 10s.
| Water || Armor pieces grants 10,000 ability power. || Armor pieces are equipped, abilities will have a chance to activate ‘Tidal Flow’. While in ‘Tidal Flow’, gain 25% more ability power and regenerate an additional 25 mana per second for 5s.
| Fire || Armor pieces grants 10,000 hero damage. || Armor pieces grants the following abilities; Damaging an enemy enrages you, increasing your hero damage by 25% and movement speed by 25% for 5s. You also release a heatwave, dealing 250% hero damage as fire damage 3 times per second to nearby targets.
==Elemental Commanders==
<p style="font-size: 24px;">[[Orc_Elemental_Commanders|Orc Commanders]]</p>
<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; padding-left: 7%;">
<li><b>Earth</b> creates earthquakes, dealing damage in a radius.</li>
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
<li><b>Electric</b> creates EMP waves capable of stunning towers and traps.</li>
<li><b>Water</b> slams the ground causing frost spikes to erupt from the earth, slowing the attack rate of defenses and traps.</li>
! style="text-align:center;" colspan="2" | Standard Pets
<li><b>Fire</b> slams the ground and leaves a trail of fire that burns all heroes and towers.</li>
! Element !! Standard/Golden
<p style="font-size: 24px;">[[Mage_Elemental_Commanders|Mage Commanders]]</p>
| Earth || {{ Special Pet Info | File:Elemental Earth Cat Icon.png | Elemental Earth Cat | Legendary | Chance to acquire from Elemental Rumble Victory Chest, Normal and Hard difficulty | Earth Spike}}
<li><b>Earth</b> grants all enemies damage reduction.</li>
<li><b>Electric</b> stuns all towers and players in range.</li>
| Storm || {{ Special Pet Info | File:Elemental Storm Cat Icon.png | Elemental Storm Cat | Legendary | Chance to acquire from Elemental Rumble Victory Chest, Normal and Hard difficulty | High Voltage}}
<li><b>Water</b> heals enemies surrounding enemies and grants them a movement speed boost.</li>
<li><b>Fire</b> burns all towers and heroes in range.</li>
| Water || {{ Special Pet Info | File:Elemental Water Cat Icon.png | Elemental Water Cat | Legendary | Chance to acquire from Elemental Rumble Victory Chest, Normal and Hard difficulty | Water Gun}}
| Fire || {{ Special Pet Info | File:Elemental Fire Cat Icon.png | Elemental Fire Cat | Legendary | Chance to acquire from Elemental Rumble Victory Chest, Normal and Hard difficulty | Volcanic Shrapnel}}
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
! style="text-align:center;" colspan="2" | Golden Pets
! Element !! Standard/Golden
| Earth || {{ Special Pet Info | File:Golden Elemental Earth Cat Icon.png | Golden Elemental Earth Cat | Legendary | Chance to acquire from Elemental Rumble Victory Chest, Normal and Hard difficulty | Earth Spike}}
| Storm || {{ Special Pet Info | File:Golden Elemental Storm Cat Icon.png | Golden Elemental Storm Cat | Legendary | Chance to acquire from Elemental Rumble Victory Chest, Normal and Hard difficulty | High Voltage}}
| Water || {{ Special Pet Info | File:Golden Elemental Water Cat Icon.png | Golden Elemental Water Cat | Legendary | Chance to acquire from Elemental Rumble Victory Chest, Normal and Hard difficulty | Water Gun}}
| Fire || {{ Special Pet Info | File:Golden Elemental Fire Cat Icon.png | Golden Elemental Fire Cat | Legendary | Chance to acquire from Elemental Rumble Victory Chest, Normal and Hard difficulty | Volcanic Shrapnel}}
==Elemental Elites==
<li><b>Earth</b> elites release an EMP blast every 5s, stunning all towers and traps in range.</li>
<li><b>Storm</b> elites take 50% less damage from projectiles.</li>
<li><b>Water</b> elites heal for 5% of their total health every second.</li>
<li><b>Fire</b> elites possess a 50% increased movement speed and apply a burn on-hit.</li>
==Ancient Armor==
<div style="padding-left:11%;">
<p style="font-size: 24px;">Earth Lord Set</p>
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
<li>Equipping 2/4 armor pieces grants 10,000 hero health.</li>
! style="text-align:center;" colspan="3" | Elemental Candy
<li>In addition to the previous bonus, equipping 4/4 armor pieces grants +50% tenacity, and the following ability; After taking damage, gain 50% damage reduction temporarily, and enemies that attack you become rooted. This ability can only activate once every 10s.</li>
! Element !! Effect
<p style="font-size: 24px;">Storm Lord Set</p>
| Earth || Killing an enemy has a 65% chance to summon an earthquake, dealing 150% of your hero damage as earth damage to nearby enemies.
<li>Equipping 2/4 armor pieces grants 5,000 hero damage and 5,000 ability power.</li>
<li>In addition to the previous bonus, equipping 4/4 armor pieces grants the following ability; Whenever the hero deals damage, a lightning bolt strikes their target, dealing 500% hero damage and ability power as magic damage to all enemies in range and stunning them for 3s. This ability can only activate once every 10s.</li>
| Storm || Randomly create an EMP blast that deals 150% of your hero damage as electric damage and stuns enemies.
<p style="font-size: 24px;">Water Lord Set</p>
| Water || Attacking an enemy has a 55% chance to spawn a geyser under them, dealing magical water damage and knocking them up.
<li>Equipping 2/4 armor pieces grants 10,000 ability power.</li>
| Fire || Randomly shoot out a volcanic, homing projectile to nearby enemies, dealing 2500% of your ability power as fire damage.
<li>In addition to the previous bonus, when 4/4 armor pieces are equipped, abilities will have a chance to activate ‘Tidal Flow’. While in ‘Tidal Flow’, gain 25% more ability power and regenerate an additional 25 mana per second for 5s.</li>
! style="text-align:center;" colspan="3" | <i>Elemental Candy effects do not stack. Consuming an Elemental Candy while a buff is already active will replace the current buff regardless of the Elemental Candy buff type or remaining buff duration.</i>
<p style="font-size: 24px;">Fire Lord Set</p>
<li>Equipping 2/4 armor pieces grants 10,000 hero damage.</li>
<li>In addition to the previous bonus, equipping 4/4 armor pieces grants the following abilities; Damaging an enemy enrages you, increasing your hero damage by 25% and movement speed by 25% for 5s. You also release a heatwave, dealing 250% hero damage as fire damage 3 times per second to nearby targets.</li>
<i style="font-size: 18px;">Note:</i><br>
<li>Ancient armor attunes to it’s wearer, and therefore can not be traded.</li>
<li>Ancient armor is upgraded via the use of Elemental Stones, a new material exclusive to the Elemental Rumble gamemode. Elemental stones are also available to purchase from the Material Shop.</li>
<li>Set bonuses can be mixed and matched, for example, wearing two pieces of both the Fire Lord Set and Water Lord Set will grant the user 10,000 hero damage and 10,000 ability power.</li>
==Elemental Candy==
<b>Earth Candy</b> – Killing an enemy has a 65% chance to summon an earthquake, dealing 150% of your hero damage as earth damage to nearby enemies.
<b>Storm Candy</b> – Randomly create an EMP blast that deals 150% of your hero damage as electric damage and stuns enemies.
<b>Water Candy</b> – Attacking an enemy has a 55% chance to spawn a geyser under them, dealing magical water damage and knocking them up.
<b>Fire Candy</b> – Randomly shoot out a volcanic, homing projectile to nearby enemies, dealing 2500% of your ability power as fire damage.
<i style="font-size: 18px;">Note:</i><br>
<li>Elemental Candy effects do not stack. Consuming an Elemental Candy while a buff is already active will replace the current buff regardless of the Elemental Candy buff type or remaining buff duration.</li>
==Difficulty Tiers==
<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; padding-left: 15%;">
<div style="padding-right:5%;">
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
! style="text-align:center;" colspan="3" | Elemental Stones
! Element !! Description !! Acquisition
| Earth || A Earth Lord Set upgrade material. || Elemental Rumble: Earth Week
<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;">
| Storm || A Storm Lord Set upgrade material. || Elemental Rumble: Storm Week
  {{ Special Pet Info
  | File:Elemental Earth Cat Icon.png
| Water || A Water Lord Set upgrade material. || Elemental Rumble: Water Week
  | Elemental Earth Cat
  | Legendary
| Fire || A Fire Lord Set upgrade material. || Elemental Rumble: Fire Week
  | Chance to acquire from any Elemental Rumble map, on Easy/Medium/Hard
  | Earth Spike
  {{ Special Pet Info
  | File:Golden Elemental Earth Cat Icon.png
  | Elemental Earth Cat
  | Legendary
  | Chance to acquire from any Elemental Rumble map, on Easy/Medium/Hard
  | Earth Spike
<div style="display: block; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width:50%;">
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
! style="text-align:center;" colspan="3" | Elemental Essence
'''Earth Lord Set'''<br>
! Total Essence !! Rewards
<sub>'''''Acquired from:''' Rare Loot Drops and Victory Chest''</sub><br>
| 20 [[File:Elemental Essence Icon.png|50px]] || 500,000 gold.
| 40 [[File:Elemental Essence Icon.png|50px]] || 1 defender pack.
| 60 [[File:Elemental Essence Icon.png|50px]] || 500 defender medals.
| 80 [[File:Elemental Essence Icon.png|50px]] || 5 elemental stones of the week’s designated element.
| 100 [[File:Elemental Essence Icon.png|50px]] || 1 piece of ancient armor of the week’s designated element.
| Easy Completion || 10 [[File:Elemental Essence Icon.png|50px]]
| Medium Completion || 25 [[File:Elemental Essence Icon.png|50px]]
| Hard Completion || 50 [[File:Elemental Essence Icon.png|50px]]
<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;">
  {{ Special Pet Info
  | File:Elemental Storm Cat Icon.png
  | Elemental Storm Cat
  | Legendary
  | Chance to acquire from any Elemental Rumble map, on Easy/Medium/Hard
  | High Voltage
  {{ Special Pet Info
  | File:Golden Elemental Storm Cat Icon.png
  | Elemental Storm Cat
  | Legendary
  | Chance to acquire from any Elemental Rumble map, on Easy/Medium/Hard
  | High Voltage
<div style="display: block; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width:50%;">
'''Storm Lord Set'''<br>
<sub>'''''Acquired from:''' Rare Loot Drops and Victory Chest''</sub><br>
<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;">
<!-- Commenting out table
  {{ Special Pet Info
  | File:Elemental Water Cat Icon.png
  | Elemental Water Cat
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
  | Legendary
  | Chance to acquire from any Elemental Rumble map, on Easy/Medium/Hard
! Materials !! Armor !! Pets !! Essence
  | Water Gun
| rowspan="4" |
  {{ Special Pet Info
<gallery widths=70px heights=50px>
  | File:Golden Elemental Water Cat Icon.png
File:Fire Candy Icon.png|'''Fire Candy'''
  | Elemental Water Cat
File:Fire Stone Icon.png|'''Fire Stone'''
  | Legendary
  | Chance to acquire from any Elemental Rumble map, on Easy/Medium/Hard
'''(Acquired during Fire Week)'''
  | Water Gun
<gallery widths=70px heights=50px>
<div style="display: block; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width:50%;">
File:Water Candy Icon.png|'''Water Candy'''
File:Water Stone Icon.png|'''Water Stone'''
'''(Acquired during Water Week)'''
'''Water Lord Set'''<br>
<gallery widths=70px heights=50px>
<sub>'''''Acquired from:''' Rare Loot Drops and Victory Chest''</sub><br>
File:Earth Candy Icon.png|'''Earth Candy'''
File:Earth Stone Icon.png|'''Earth Stone'''
'''(Acquired during Earth Week)'''
<gallery widths=70px heights=50px>
File:Storm Candy Icon.png|'''Storm Candy'''
File:Storm Stone Icon.png|'''Storm Stone'''
'''(Acquired during Storm Week)'''
'''Fire Lord's Armor Set'''
[[File:Fire Lord's Helmet.png|80px]]
[[File:Fire Lord's Chestpiece.png|80px]]
[[File:Fire Lord's Arms.png|80px]]
[[File:Fire Lord's Leggings.png|80px]]
'''Water Lord's Armor Set'''
[[File:Water Lord's Helmet.png|80px]]
[[File:Water Lord's Chestpiece.png|80px]]
[[File:Water Lord's Arms.png|80px]]
[[File:Water Lord's Leggings.png|80px]]
'''Earth Lord's Armor Set'''
[[File:Earth Lord's Helmet.png|80px]]
[[File:Earth Lord's Chestpiece.png|80px]]
[[File:Earth Lord's Arms.png|80px]]
[[File:Earth Lord's Leggings.png|80px]]
'''Storm Lord's Armor Set'''
[[File:Storm Lord's Helmet.png|80px]]
[[File:Storm Lord's Chestpiece.png|80px]]
[[File:Storm Lord's Arms.png|80px]]
[[File:Storm Lord's Leggings.png|80px]]
[[File:Elemental Fire Cat Icon.png|center]]
'''Elemental Fire Cat'''
[[File:Elemental Water Cat Icon.png|center]]
'''Elemental Water Cat'''
[[File:Elemental Earth Cat Icon.png|center]]
'''Elemental Earth Cat'''
[[File:Elemental Storm Cat Icon.png|center]]
'''Elemental Storm Cat'''
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
! Total Essence !! Rewards
| 20 [[File:Elemental Essence Icon.png|50px]] || 500,000 gold.
| 40 [[File:Elemental Essence Icon.png|50px]] || 1 defender pack.
| 60 [[File:Elemental Essence Icon.png|50px]] || 500 defender medals.
| 80 [[File:Elemental Essence Icon.png|50px]] || 5 elemental stones of the week’s designated element.
| 100 [[File:Elemental Essence Icon.png|50px]] || 1 piece of ancient armor of the week’s designated element.
| Easy Completion || 10 [[File:Elemental Essence Icon.png|50px]]
| Medium Completion || 25 [[File:Elemental Essence Icon.png|50px]]
| Hard Completion || 50 [[File:Elemental Essence Icon.png|50px]]
<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;">
  {{ Special Pet Info
  | File:Elemental Fire Cat Icon.png
  | Elemental Fire Cat
  | Legendary
  | Chance to acquire from any Elemental Rumble map, on Easy/Medium/Hard
  | Volcanic Shrapnel
  {{ Special Pet Info
  | File:Golden Elemental Fire Cat Icon.png
  | Elemental Fire Cat
  | Legendary
  | Chance to acquire from any Elemental Rumble map, on Easy/Medium/Hard
  | Volcanic Shrapnel
<div style="display: block; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width:50%;">
'''Fire Lord Set'''<br>
<sub>'''''Acquired from:''' Rare Loot Drops and Victory Chest''</sub><br>
==Elemental Essence==

Latest revision as of 17:09, 13 March 2025


Elemental Rumble Overview Image.png
From blaze balloons to poison pufferfish, Defenders have long since harnessed the elements to combat Etheria’s enemies—so much so that the corrupt magi of the Old One’s Army have taken a keen interest in the craft themselves! They’ve bound Etheria’s primal forces to stone, attuned their foot soldiers en masse, and set their sights on the Gates of Dragonfall. Brace yourself, Defender, for an all-out Elemental Rumble!
Elemental Rumble enters Dungeon Defenders 2 as a new gamemode that seeks to challenge Defenders’ elemental expertise and adaptability. Five maps will be available to play in Elemental Rumble at any given time, and these maps will rotate every week as the Old One’s war parties march across the kingdom. Successfully defend Eternia Crystals from earthen orcs, water-attuned warboars, and goblins that might actually just be on fire for a chance to discover ancient armor, new pets, and more!
The ‘Easy’ difficulty of Elemental Rumble can be unlocked by completing an expedition in Chaos VII or greater. ‘Medium’ and ‘Hard’ difficulties can be unlocked by completing an expedition in Chaos X.

Difficulty Tiers

Rumble Tier:
  • Chaos: VII
  • Enemies:
    Orc Electric Commander Icon.png Electric Mage Commander Icon.png
  • Rewards:
    Elemental Earth Cat Icon.pngElemental Storm Cat Icon.pngElemental Water Cat Icon.pngElemental Fire Cat Icon.png
    Elemental Candies:
    Water Candy Icon.pngFire Candy Icon.png
    Elemental Essence: 10,
    Elemental Armor Sets
Rumble Tier:
  • Chaos: X
  • Enemies:
    Orc Electric Commander Icon.png Electric Mage Commander Icon.png
  • Rewards:
    Elemental Earth Cat Icon.pngElemental Storm Cat Icon.pngElemental Water Cat Icon.pngElemental Fire Cat Icon.png
    Elemental Candies:
    Water Candy Icon.pngFire Candy Icon.png
    Elemental Essence: 25,
    Elemental Armor Sets
Rumble Tier:
  • Chaos: X
  • Enemies:
    Orc Electric Commander Icon.png Electric Mage Commander Icon.png
  • Rewards:
    Elemental Earth Cat Icon.pngElemental Storm Cat Icon.pngElemental Water Cat Icon.pngElemental Fire Cat Icon.png
    Elemental Candies:
    Water Candy Icon.pngFire Candy Icon.png
    Elemental Essence: 50,
    Elemental Armor Sets

Elemental Enemies

Element Empowered Elites Commanders
Earth Are immune to petrify, take 200% damage from fire, 50% from earth, physical, and magical damage types, and only 25% damage from storm sources. Release an EMP blast every 5s, stunning all towers and traps in range. Orc - Create earthquakes, dealing damage in a radius.
Mage - Grants all enemies damage reduction.
Storm Are immune to electrocute, take 200% damage from earth, 50% from storm, physical, and magical damage types, and only 25% damage from water sources. Take 50% less damage from projectiles. Orc - Creates EMP waves capable of stunning towers and traps.
Mage - Stuns all towers and players in range.
Water Slams the ground causing frost spikes to erupt from the earth, slowing the attack rate of defenses and traps. Heal for 5% of their total health every second. Orc - Slams the ground causing frost spikes to erupt from the earth, slowing the attack rate of defenses and traps.
Mage - Heals enemies surrounding enemies and grants them a movement speed boost.
Fire Are immune to ignite, take 200% damage from water, 50% from fire, physical, and magical damage types, and only 25% damage from earth sources. Possess a 50% increased movement speed and apply a burn on-hit. Orc - Slams the ground and leaves a trail of fire that burns all heroes and towers.
Mage - Burns all towers and heroes in range.


Element 2/4 Set Bonus 4/4 Set Bonus
Earth Armor pieces grants 10,000 hero health. Armor pieces grants +50% tenacity, and the following ability; After taking damage, gain 50% damage reduction temporarily, and enemies that attack you become rooted. This ability can only activate once every 10s.
Storm Armor pieces grants 5,000 hero damage and 5,000 ability power. Armor pieces grants the following ability; Whenever the hero deals damage, a lightning bolt strikes their target, dealing 500% hero damage and ability power as magic damage to all enemies in range and stunning them for 3s. This ability can only activate once every 10s.
Water Armor pieces grants 10,000 ability power. Armor pieces are equipped, abilities will have a chance to activate ‘Tidal Flow’. While in ‘Tidal Flow’, gain 25% more ability power and regenerate an additional 25 mana per second for 5s.
Fire Armor pieces grants 10,000 hero damage. Armor pieces grants the following abilities; Damaging an enemy enrages you, increasing your hero damage by 25% and movement speed by 25% for 5s. You also release a heatwave, dealing 250% hero damage as fire damage 3 times per second to nearby targets.

Standard Pets
Element Standard/Golden
Elemental Earth Cat Icon.png
  • Elemental Earth Cat - Legendary Icon.png Legendary
  • Chance to acquire from Elemental Rumble Victory Chest, Normal and Hard difficulty
  • Special Ability: Earth Spike
Elemental Storm Cat Icon.png
  • Elemental Storm Cat - Legendary Icon.png Legendary
  • Chance to acquire from Elemental Rumble Victory Chest, Normal and Hard difficulty
  • Special Ability: High Voltage
Elemental Water Cat Icon.png
  • Elemental Water Cat - Legendary Icon.png Legendary
  • Chance to acquire from Elemental Rumble Victory Chest, Normal and Hard difficulty
  • Special Ability: Water Gun
Elemental Fire Cat Icon.png
  • Elemental Fire Cat - Legendary Icon.png Legendary
  • Chance to acquire from Elemental Rumble Victory Chest, Normal and Hard difficulty
  • Special Ability: Volcanic Shrapnel
Golden Pets
Element Standard/Golden
Golden Elemental Earth Cat Icon.png
  • Golden Elemental Earth Cat - Legendary Icon.png Legendary
  • Chance to acquire from Elemental Rumble Victory Chest, Normal and Hard difficulty
  • Special Ability: Earth Spike
Golden Elemental Storm Cat Icon.png
  • Golden Elemental Storm Cat - Legendary Icon.png Legendary
  • Chance to acquire from Elemental Rumble Victory Chest, Normal and Hard difficulty
  • Special Ability: High Voltage
Golden Elemental Water Cat Icon.png
  • Golden Elemental Water Cat - Legendary Icon.png Legendary
  • Chance to acquire from Elemental Rumble Victory Chest, Normal and Hard difficulty
  • Special Ability: Water Gun
Golden Elemental Fire Cat Icon.png
  • Golden Elemental Fire Cat - Legendary Icon.png Legendary
  • Chance to acquire from Elemental Rumble Victory Chest, Normal and Hard difficulty
  • Special Ability: Volcanic Shrapnel

Elemental Candy
Element Effect
Earth Killing an enemy has a 65% chance to summon an earthquake, dealing 150% of your hero damage as earth damage to nearby enemies.
Storm Randomly create an EMP blast that deals 150% of your hero damage as electric damage and stuns enemies.
Water Attacking an enemy has a 55% chance to spawn a geyser under them, dealing magical water damage and knocking them up.
Fire Randomly shoot out a volcanic, homing projectile to nearby enemies, dealing 2500% of your ability power as fire damage.
Elemental Candy effects do not stack. Consuming an Elemental Candy while a buff is already active will replace the current buff regardless of the Elemental Candy buff type or remaining buff duration.

Elemental Stones
Element Description Acquisition
Earth A Earth Lord Set upgrade material. Elemental Rumble: Earth Week
Storm A Storm Lord Set upgrade material. Elemental Rumble: Storm Week
Water A Water Lord Set upgrade material. Elemental Rumble: Water Week
Fire A Fire Lord Set upgrade material. Elemental Rumble: Fire Week
Elemental Essence
Total Essence Rewards
20 Elemental Essence Icon.png 500,000 gold.
40 Elemental Essence Icon.png 1 defender pack.
60 Elemental Essence Icon.png 500 defender medals.
80 Elemental Essence Icon.png 5 elemental stones of the week’s designated element.
100 Elemental Essence Icon.png 1 piece of ancient armor of the week’s designated element.
Easy Completion 10 Elemental Essence Icon.png
Medium Completion 25 Elemental Essence Icon.png
Hard Completion 50 Elemental Essence Icon.png