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Kobold Flier

39 bytes removed, 05:37, 12 February 2023
Updating enemy infobox and removing unnecessary info
''This page is about the Non-Chaos variantregular Kobold Flier. For the Chaos EMP variant, see [[Kobolts]]''
{{Enemy Infobox
|image = [[File:Kobold_Flier_ItselfEnemy - Kobold Flier.png|300px]]|damage_type enemy_types = ??Support, Air|damage lane_type = ??Air|health appearances = ??All game modes|schedule icon schedule_icon = [[File:Kobold_Glider_IconKobold Flier Icon.png|60px]]
== Description ==
You will want to take them down fast, at least at the bottom end of their health so they don't have time to dive your [[Defense|defenses]] or [[Maps#Objectives|Cores]].
== Schedule Icon ==
[[File:Kolbold (Flier).png]]
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