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(Types of Armor: Commented out for now until armor sets are uploaded)
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[[File:Legendary Armor Set 3.png|250px]]<br>
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[[File:Legendary Armor Set 4.png|250px]]
|-|Ancient Sets=
[[File:Earth Lord's Armor Set.png|250px]]<br>
[[File:Storm Lord's Armor Set.png|250px]]<br>
[[File:Water Lord's Armor Set.png|250px]]<br>
[[File:Fire Lord's Armor Set.png|250px]]

Revision as of 13:20, 3 March 2025


Armor is a type of Equipment that is equipped on a Hero through the inventory.
All Armor can be equipped with every Hero, and has 1 Primary stat being Armor, 1 random Secondary stat that can be Hero Health, Hero Damage, or Ability Power.
When armor reaches the godly rarity level, 1 random Tertiary stat will appear that can be Hero Health, Hero Damage, Ability Power, Hero Crit Chance, Hero Crit Damage, or Movement Speed.
The tertiary stat will not roll the exact same stat type as the secondary.
It is important to find armor pieces with the correct secondary stats to match your build as like the primary stat it can not be rerolled into another stat.

Stat Ranges


All Stats Assume Max Upgrades (Minimum-Maximum stat rolls)
Stat Campaign Chaos 1 Chaos 2 Chaos 3 Chaos 4 Chaos 5 Chaos 6 Chaos 7 Chaos 8 Chaos 9 Chaos 10
Armor Armor Icon.png 475-530 779-869 1,417-1,581 2,353-2,626 3,588-4,004 5,150-5,748 6,966-7,774 9,633-10,751 13,001-14,509 16,377-18,277 20,631-23,024
HH/HD/AP Hero Health Icon.pngHero Damage Icon.pngAbility Power Icon.png 475-534 779-876 1,417-1,594 2,353-2,648 3,588-4,037 5,150-5,794 6,966-7,837 9,633-10,837 13,001-14,626 16,377-18,425 20,631-23,210
Tertiary - Crit Chance Hero Crit Chance Icon.png 0.1%-0.1% 0.1%-0.1% 0.2%-0.2% 0.3%-0.3% 0.4%-0.5% 0.6%-0.6% 0.8%-0.8% 1%-1.2% 1.4%-1.6% 1.8%-2% 2.2%-2.5%
Tertiary - Crit Damage Hero Crit Damage Icon.png 0.2%-0.2% 0.3%-0.3% 0.5%-0.5% 0.8%-0.9% 1.2%-1.4% 1.7%-1.9% 2.3%-2.5% 3.1%-3.5% 4.2%-4.7% 5.3%-5.9% 6.7%-7.5%
Tertiary - HH/HD/AP Hero Health Icon.pngHero Damage Icon.pngAbility Power Icon.png 169-189 278-310 505-564 839-937 1,279-1,428 1,836-2,050 2,483-2,773 3,433-3,834 4,633-5,175 5,836-6,519 7,352-8,211
Tertiary - Movement Speed Hero Movement Speed Icon.png 5-6 8-9 14-16 23-25 35-39 49-55 67-74 92-103 124-138 156-174 179-219


Item Quality is represented by rarities shown below listed from the worst to the best.
  • Epic Icon.png Epic Two Shard and Mod Slots.
  • Godly Icon.png Godly Three Shard and Mod Slots and one Tertiary Stat.
  • Ancient Icon.png Ancient Three Shard and Mod Slots and one Tertiary Stat and Set Bonus.

Types of Armor

Some Beta Armor may not follow what is listed below, but other gear will match the following:

  • Warlock = Ability Power
  • Ranger = Hero Damage
  • Warrior = Hero Health

Unique Armor

In Dungeon Defenders 2 there is currently 1 obtainable unique piece of armor.
Unique armor may possess a special skin model or locked mods bound to the piece.