
From Dungeon Defenders 2 Wiki
Revision as of 23:11, 18 December 2018 by Blockerwiz (talk | contribs) (Added 2 maps)

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Mastery is a game mode similar to Expeditions, except each map has a set of challenges to complete while your gear is capped, creating a much more difficult challenge than Expeditions.


Victory: Survive all waves
Perfectionist: Earned all stars in the same attempt
Not Even a Scratch: No cores fall below 90% health
Under Pressure: Finish each combat phase in under 180 seconds
State of Decay: No defenses are repaired
Base Builder: Build only tower type defenses
Master Strategist: No defenses are sold or destroyed
Protect Your Jewels: No Main core(s) fall below 90% health
EMP Active: Build no aura type defenses
Broken Links: Build no node type defenses
Careful Planning: No defenses are destroyed
Immortal: No hero deaths
Equal Opportunity: Don't build more than one of a specific defense
Budget Cuts: No defenses are upgraded
Think Fast: Complete each build phase in under 30 seconds
All Lanes Open: Build no blockade type defenses
Diversity: Complete all phases with 10 or more different defenses


All maps have the Victory and Perfectionist challenges. They will not be listed in the table below as they are implied.

Dragonfall Castle

Map C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7
Ramparts Siege Not Even a Scratch
Under Pressure
State of Decay
All Lanes Open
Careful Planning
EMP Active
State of Decay
Budget Cuts
Think Fast
State of Decay
Budget Cuts
Think Fast
Protect Your Jewels
Equal Opportunity
State of Decay
All Lanes Open
Under Pressure
Not Even a Scratch
Budget Cuts
Goodbye Blue Sky
The Ramparts Think Fast
Goodbye Blue Sky
Under Pressure
State of Decay
Budget Cuts
Broken Links
Goodbye Blue Sky
Think Fast
State of Decay
Careful Planning
Under Pressure
Protect Your Jewels
Careful Planning
Protect Your Jewels
Budget Cuts
State of Decay
Assault on Throne Room Base Builder
Master Strategist
Protect Your Jewels
The Throne Room EMP Active
Broken Links
Careful Planning

Lost Dungeons

Map Challenges
Unholy Catacombs Careful Planning
Equal Opportunity
Buried Bastille Careful Planning
Budget Cuts
Protect Your Jewels
Molten Citadel Think Fast
Master Strategist
Equal Oppurtunity
Crumbled Bulwark Think fast
Master Strategist
State of Decay

The Liferoot

The High Seas


Ancient Ruins

Rotting Ravine

Dragonfall Town