Mana Bomb

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Mana Bomb
Apprentice manabomb.png
The Apprentice charges his staff and unleashes a massive explosion dealing Magical Damage. While charging, the Apprentice takes reduced damage. Deals extra damage to Marked enemies.
Ability Statistics
Hero: Apprentice
Mana Cost: 100
Base Recharge: 10
Damage Type:


Damage Scalar: On record: 2669% ~ 10456% Ability Power
Status Effect: 0

Mana Bomb is an Apprentice ability. The Apprentice charges his staff for 3 seconds and unleashes a massive explosion dealing Magical Damage. While charging, the Apprentice takes reduced damage. This ability deals 50% extra damage to Marked enemies. Removes marks on hit. Damage decreases based on distance from staff (not caster).