System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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apihelp-managetags-example-deactivate (talk) (Translate) Deactivate a tag named <kbd>spam</kbd> with the reason <kbd>No longer required</kbd>
apihelp-managetags-example-delete (talk) (Translate) Delete the <kbd>vandlaism</kbd> tag with the reason <kbd>Misspelt</kbd>
apihelp-managetags-param-ignorewarnings (talk) (Translate) Whether to ignore any warnings that are issued during the operation.
apihelp-managetags-param-operation (talk) (Translate) Which operation to perform: ;create:Create a new change tag for manual use. ;delete:Remove a change tag from the database, including removing the tag from all revisions, recent change entries and log entries on which it is used. ;activate:Activate a change tag, allowing users to apply it manually. ;deactivate:Deactivate a change tag, preventing users from applying it manually.
apihelp-managetags-param-reason (talk) (Translate) An optional reason for creating, deleting, activating or deactivating the tag.
apihelp-managetags-param-tag (talk) (Translate) Tag to create, delete, activate or deactivate. For tag creation, the tag must not exist. For tag deletion, the tag must exist. For tag activation, the tag must exist and not be in use by an extension. For tag deactivation, the tag must be currently active and manually defined.
apihelp-mergehistory-description (talk) (Translate) Merge page histories.
apihelp-mergehistory-example-merge (talk) (Translate) Merge the entire history of <kbd>Oldpage</kbd> into <kbd>Newpage</kbd>.
apihelp-mergehistory-example-merge-timestamp (talk) (Translate) Merge the page revisions of <kbd>Oldpage</kbd> dating up to <kbd>2015-12-31T04:37:41Z</kbd> into <kbd>Newpage</kbd>.
apihelp-mergehistory-param-from (talk) (Translate) Title of the page from which history will be merged. Cannot be used together with <var>$1fromid</var>.
apihelp-mergehistory-param-fromid (talk) (Translate) Page ID of the page from which history will be merged. Cannot be used together with <var>$1from</var>.
apihelp-mergehistory-param-reason (talk) (Translate) Reason for the history merge.
apihelp-mergehistory-param-timestamp (talk) (Translate) Timestamp up to which revisions will be moved from the source page's history to the destination page's history. If omitted, the entire page history of the source page will be merged into the destination page.
apihelp-mergehistory-param-to (talk) (Translate) Title of the page to which history will be merged. Cannot be used together with <var>$1toid</var>.
apihelp-mergehistory-param-toid (talk) (Translate) Page ID of the page to which history will be merged. Cannot be used together with <var>$1to</var>.
apihelp-mobileview-description (talk) (Translate) Returns data needed for mobile views.
apihelp-mobileview-example-1 (talk) (Translate) Get information about section 0 of [[Doom metal]]
apihelp-mobileview-example-2 (talk) (Translate) Get information about section 0 and sections containing references of [[Candlemass]]
apihelp-mobileview-example-3 (talk) (Translate) Get information about sections 1 and later and sections containing references of [[Candlemass]]
apihelp-mobileview-param-maxlen (talk) (Translate) Pretend all text result is one string, and limit result to this length.
apihelp-mobileview-param-noheadings (talk) (Translate) Don't include headings in output.
apihelp-mobileview-param-noimages (talk) (Translate) Return HTML without images.
apihelp-mobileview-param-notransform (talk) (Translate) Don't transform HTML into mobile-specific version.
apihelp-mobileview-param-offset (talk) (Translate) Pretend all text result is one string, and return the substring starting at this point.
apihelp-mobileview-param-onlyrequestedsections (talk) (Translate) Return only requested sections even with $1prop=sections.
apihelp-mobileview-param-page (talk) (Translate) Title of page to process.
apihelp-mobileview-param-pageprops (talk) (Translate) What page properties to return, a pipe ("|") separated list or "*" for all properties.
apihelp-mobileview-param-prop (talk) (Translate) Which information to get: ;text:HTML of selected sections. ;sections:Information about all sections on the page. ;normalizedtitle:Normalized page title. ;lastmodified:ISO 8601 timestamp for when the page was last modified, e.g. "2014-04-13T22:42:14Z". ;lastmodifiedby:Information about the user who modified the page last. ;revision:Return the current revision ID of the page. ;protection:Information about protection level. ;editable:Whether the current user can edit this page. This includes all factors for logged-in users but not blocked status for anons. ;languagecount:Number of languages that the page is available in. ;hasvariants:Whether or not the page is available in other language variants. ;displaytitle:The rendered title of the page, with {{DISPLAYTITLE}} and such applied. ;pageprops:Page properties.
apihelp-mobileview-param-prop-withimages (talk) (Translate) Which information to get: ;text:HTML of selected sections. ;sections:Information about all sections on page. ;normalizedtitle:Normalized page title. ;lastmodified:ISO 8601 timestamp for when the page was last modified, e.g. "2014-04-13T22:42:14Z". ;lastmodifiedby:Information about the user who modified the page last. ;revision:Return the current revision ID of the page. ;protection:Information about protection level. ;editable:Whether the current user can edit this page. This includes all factors for logged-in users but not blocked status for anons. ;languagecount:Number of languages that the page is available in. ;hasvariants:Whether or not the page is available in other language variants. ;displaytitle:The rendered title of the page, with {{DISPLAYTITLE}} and such applied. ;pageprops:Page properties. ;image:Information about an image associated with this page. ;thumb:Thumbnail of an image associated with this page.
apihelp-mobileview-param-redirect (talk) (Translate) Whether redirects should be followed.
apihelp-mobileview-param-revision (talk) (Translate) Request a specific revision.
apihelp-mobileview-param-sectionprop (talk) (Translate) What information about sections to get.
apihelp-mobileview-param-sections (talk) (Translate) Pipe-separated list of section numbers for which to return text. "all" can be used to return for all. Ranges in format "1-4" mean get sections 1,2,3,4. Ranges without second number, e.g. "1-" means get all until the end. "references" can be used to specify that all sections containing references should be returned.
apihelp-mobileview-param-thumbheight (talk) (Translate) Maximum thumbnail height.
apihelp-mobileview-param-thumbsize (talk) (Translate) Maximum thumbnail dimensions.
apihelp-mobileview-param-thumbwidth (talk) (Translate) Maximum thumbnail width.
apihelp-mobileview-param-variant (talk) (Translate) Convert content into this language variant.
apihelp-move-description (talk) (Translate) Move a page.
apihelp-move-example-move (talk) (Translate) Move <kbd>Badtitle</kbd> to <kbd>Goodtitle</kbd> without leaving a redirect.
apihelp-move-param-from (talk) (Translate) Title of the page to rename. Cannot be used together with <var>$1fromid</var>.
apihelp-move-param-fromid (talk) (Translate) Page ID of the page to rename. Cannot be used together with <var>$1from</var>.
apihelp-move-param-ignorewarnings (talk) (Translate) Ignore any warnings.
apihelp-move-param-movesubpages (talk) (Translate) Rename subpages, if applicable.
apihelp-move-param-movetalk (talk) (Translate) Rename the talk page, if it exists.
apihelp-move-param-noredirect (talk) (Translate) Don't create a redirect.
apihelp-move-param-reason (talk) (Translate) Reason for the rename.
apihelp-move-param-to (talk) (Translate) Title to rename the page to.
apihelp-move-param-unwatch (talk) (Translate) Remove the page and the redirect from the current user's watchlist.
apihelp-move-param-watch (talk) (Translate) Add the page and the redirect to the current user's watchlist.
apihelp-move-param-watchlist (talk) (Translate) Unconditionally add or remove the page from the current user's watchlist, use preferences or do not change watch.
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