Template:Mercenary Defenses

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List of Mercenary-specific Defenses:

Tower Type Description Additional info
Mana cost Damage Type Targets
Mercenary Royal Guard Blockade.png Royal Guard Blockade Blockade Blocks enemies. Attacks with his shield dealing physical damage. The Earthen Guard Shard can be used to add a chance for "splash" damage. 30 Physical Melee
Mercenary Nether Spider Spawner.png Nether Spider Spawner Trap Spawns several (max 3) spiders that run towards enemies and explode, dealing physical damage and weakening enemy attacks. Note that spiders cannot target Flying enemies, but may hit them if nearby a ground target. 40 Physical Nearest (AoE)
Mercenary Nether Archer.png Nether Archer Tower Fires bolts of dark energy that bounce between enemies, dealing less damage after each bounce. The Ghost Arrows shard can be used to increase "bounces" from 3 to 8. 50 Magical Nearest (Chains)
Mercenary Elvish Artillery Cannon.png Elvish Artillery Cannon Tower Fires a chaotic ball of energy dealing area of effect storm damage. The Critical Allocation Shard, can be used to massively increase Crit chance/Damage, at the cost of Range. 60 Storm Nearest (AoE)