There are currently 16 flair sets in the game:
* '''Raven Crow Lord set''' - (Raven Lord Crest, Raven Lord Wing, Raven Lord Molt and Raven Lord Mist)
* '''Bramblewood set''' - (Bramblewood Crowns and Bramblewood Wings)
* '''Bonemancer's set''' - (Bonemancer's Crown and Bonemancer's Wings)
* '''Bitey McShark set''' - (Bitey McShark's Mask, Not-A-Dolphin and Feeding Frenzy)
* '''Frost Drake set''' - (Frost Drake Mask, Frost Drake Wings, Frost Spine Tail and ???)
* '''Seismancer set''' - (Seismancer Familars and Seismic Pressure)
* '''Au set''' - (Glimmer of Au and Path of Au)