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5,386 bytes added, 18:17, 31 October 2019
Power Surge
===Chrome Enemies===
'''<u>Map</u>''' - [[Forgotten Ruins]] (Ancient Ruins), 5 waves.
'''<u>Victory Condition</u>''' - On Wave 5, all main crystal cores still have health, and all enemies are defeated.
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<u>Playing Tips ('''WARNING - SPOILERS''')</u>:
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"> Chaos One enemies have hefty defenses against projectile attacks, so unless you have Piercing MODs on your Relics, try using AOE based attacks such as auras, traps, and nodes. Barricades on each lane are highly recommended while your AOE defenses whittle down their HP.
[[File:Chrome_Mutator.png|The Chromed enemies and the "Chrome" Mutator in an enemy schedule below.|thumb]]
The Chrome mutator means that no crowd control effects will work. This includes stun, freeze, and slow. There is no need to use any crowd control abilities on this stage, as they will not work here. If crowd control attacks are used, the animations will still be applied (e.g. frozen enemies are encased in ice) but it will have no effect on the enemy movement. All spawned enemies will also have a chrome skin flair appliedsilver-ish chromed look. Summoned enemies (i.e. [[Dark_Mages|Dark Mage]] skeletons) will not have chrome skin, but the Chrome mutator is still applied.
'''<u>Special Weapon Reward</u>''' - [[File:Terra_Blade_Icon.png|35px]] '''Terra Blade''' (Light [[Weapons#Swords|sword]] for The [[Squire]]/[[Dryad]]/[[Barbarian]]). Defeating this Incursion for the first time also unlocks this weapon to be purchasable from the Wayfarer.
* Although two different versions of this sword can drop, with only the Squire or Dryad listed as usable, all three sword using heroes can use either one. Up to two special weapons can drop in one victory chest.
*<u>Special Weapon MOD</u> - '''Terra Wisp''', "fire a wisp that deals XX-XX% Hero Damage. It pierces up to X-X enemies and fires once per a second." Chaos 1 values [17.7-38%, 2-5 enemies], Chaos 7 values [59.7-80%, 8-11 enemies]. The wisp is a short projectile that fires out at chest level horizontally on melee swings. This attack pierces, but that does not include Chaos enemy's defenses such as [[Shield_Geode|Geode]] or [[Vanguard]] shields.
===Griblok's Horde===
'''<u>Map</u>''' - [[The Gates of Dragonfall]] (Dragonfall Town), 5 waves.
'''<u>Victory Condition</u>''' - On Wave 5, the main crystal core still has health, and all enemies are defeated.
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[[File:Borderless_GH.png|A Horde lane consist of a hefty amount of mini-Gribloks & Quiblys and Tier 2 Kobolds.|thumb]] Each wave one of the three ground lanes will be designated as the Griblok 's Horde lane, and will blink red on the schedule. This is assigned at random, and may change lanes each wave. The Horde lane will consist of large numbers of three enemy types - [[Kobolds_(Regular)|Kobolds]] (Tier 2 - skate version), mini versions of [[Quibly]], and mini versions of [[Griblok]]. This map has no air lanes on any waves. The Horde comes in groups of tight packs with Kobolds in front, mini-Gribloks next, and followed by mini-Quiblys. Enemy types in each group typically number from 3-12 of each class, with about 15-20 total in each group. Groups are separated by small packs of 3-6 mini-Quiblys. The Horde lane will last longer than the other two lanes with larger numbers and spread out groups. On wave 5, the Horde lane will change to 39 Kobolds and 140 mini-Quiblys. Griblok may also spawn as a large miniboss named '''Griblok the Razor ''' on any red schedule lane, on any wave, and can spawn on more than one lane on a single wave. Wave 5 can have zero miniboss spawns.</div>
'''<u>Special WeaponReward</u>''' - [[File:Lunar_Portal_Staff_Icon.png|35px]] '''Lunar Portal''' ([[Weapons#Staves|staff]] for [[Apprentice]]/[[Adept]]). Staff has 4 spread, 3 speed, and "diamondshot" which is in the shape of a tight square pattern turned 45 degrees. Defeating this Incursion for the first time also unlocks this weapon to be purchasable from the Wayfarer. 
* <u>Special Weapon MOD</u> - '''Lunar Caller''', "secondary attacks summon Lunar Portals that deal XX% Ability Power as magical damage per second for XX seconds. Up to X portals." Chaos 1 values [56-155%, 9.65-17.5s, 1-6 portals], Chaos 7 values [116-215%, 18.65-33.5s, 4-9 portals]. The portal is a stationary star with wide range that you place with the secondary fire button. It then fires a single continuous beam out from it, attacking a singular enemy until that enemy dies. Each portal can only attack one separate enemy at a time, and they do not stack attacks.
===Wyvern Enthusiast===
'''<u>Map</u>''' - [[Forest Crossroads]] (The Liferoot), 5 waves.
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<u>Playing Tips ('''WARNING - SPOILERS''')</u>:
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"> [[File:Wyvern_Enthusiast_extra_air_lane.png|The highlighted air enemy spawn icon signifies the 3rd air lane.|thumb]]The key to this map is to counter Cyborks in each lane and having plenty of air defenses against the large amount of fliers that will come from 3 directions. A 3rd air lane is added on the north end of the map(Birch Path - above Ruin Cave lane). Each air lane has up to three different types of enemies ([[Wyverns]], [[Kobolds_(Flying)|Flying Kobolds]], and [[Lightning Bugs]]). Cyborks will target auras, nodes, and traps but do not target towers. The more range your towers have, the better. Air lanes will number from 30-50 in each lane as waves progress, and typically all spawn late in the wave. On Wave 4, one air lane will drop to only 12 enemies, and on Wave 5 all three drop to only 12. This means you can readjust your air defenses on the last waves, and possibly move some towers into position to help with minibosses instead.  
[[File:Wyvern_Enthusiasts.png|500px|From left to right - '''Timothy, Wyvern Fan''' , '''Jimothy, Wyvern Enthusiast''' and '''Gregory, Wyvern Aficionado'''.|thumb]]
On Wave 5, three [[Ogre|Ogres]] with unique armor flairs will spawn as minibosses. You can see where and in what order the ogres will spawn on the lane schedules, as the first type Ogre ('''Timothy, Wyvern Fan''') spawns first, and second type ('''Jimothy, Wyvern Enthusiast''') second, and the third ('''Gregory, Wyvern Aficionado''') spawns last. The Ogre spawns are delayed to be spread out. No Ogres will come from the Middle West spawn point(Spooky Woods lane). The only additional miniboss that spawns is [[Thorc_the_Terrible|Thorc]]. He can spawn on multiple waves, and more than one lane at a time, but his spawn rate is low.</div>
'''<u>Special Weapon Reward</u>''' - [[File:North_Pole_Icon.png|35px]] '''North Pole''' (light [[Weapons#Polearms|polearm]] for the [[Monk]]/[[Initiate]]). It has 1 spread and 2 speed. This weapon does not drop in the victory chest and can only be gotten from the Wayfarer. Defeating this Incursion for the first time unlocks this weapon to be purchasable from the Wayfarer. 
* <u>Special Weapon MOD</u> - '''Pole Launcher''', "Secondary Attacks fire additional North Poles that deal XXX-XXX% Hero Damage as Frost Damage, pierce 2 enemies and slows them by 40% for X-XX seconds". Chaos 2 values [?-?, ?-?], Chaos 7 values [303-390%, 8.1-11s]. This attack fires in an upwards arc path and has a short range. You must aim high or jump to increase its range to hit enemies further away. Attacks hit with Frost, so they have a chance to chill the enemy on contact.
===Forrest Poachers===
'''<u>Map</u>''' - [[Liferoot Forest]] (The Liferoot), 5 waves.
'''<u>Victory Condition</u> ''' - On Wave 5, the main crystal core still has health, and all enemies are defeated.
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[[File:Forest_Poachers.png|500px|From left to right - '''Sammie the Trapper''', '''Statch the Stalker''', '''Steiner the Hunter''' and '''Sturgis the Falconer'''|thumb]] The 4 Poachers spawn once per a wave, starting on Wave 2. They do not get separate mutators from the lane they spawn in, and can spawn on any lane at random. When they first spawn, their icon will appear as a purple question mark, until they pass the spawn point. All 4 are enlarged versions of normal enemies with large health amounts and unique skin flairs. The lane they spawn on will blink red, and you can see them on the schedule. '''Sammie the Trapper ''' spawns on Wave 2 as a [[Goblins_(Bomb)|Bomb Goblin]] whose attacks inflict Oiled status. Sach '''Statch the Stalker ''' spawns on Wave 3 as a [[Javelin_Throwers|Javelin Thrower]] whose attacks inflict Poisoned status. '''Steiner the Hunter ''' spawns on Wave 4 as an [[Orcs|Orc]]. '''Sturgis the Falconer ''' spawns on Wave 5 as a [[Lady_Orcs|Lady Orc]]. The only additional miniboss that spawns is [[Thorc_the_Terrible|Thorc]]. He can spawn on multiple waves, and more than one lane at a time, but his spawn rate is low. On Wave 4 only, there are no air lanes. </div>
'''<u>Special Weapon Reward</u>''' - [[File:Tusnami_Icon.png|35px]] '''Tsunamic Chlorophyte''' ([[Weapons#Bows|bow]] for [[Huntress]]). Has 5 spread, 2 speed, and "Chlorophyte Arrows" which is in the shape of a vertical straight line. Defeating this Incursion for the first time also unlocks this weapon to be purchasable from the Wayfarer.
* <u>Special Weapon MOD</u> - '''Chlorophyte Chip''', "fires a column of Chlorophyte Arrows that deal XX% bonus magical earth damage and may reflect off of one surface." Chaos 2 values [14.4-26%], Chaos 7 values [34.4-46%]. All 5 arrows can uniquely reflect off of surfaces, and that does not include enemies and does not pierce. The projectile will apply any crowd control or elemental values of the hero upon contact with the enemy. This attack does not pierce.
==[[Chaos#Chaos_III|Chaos III]] Incursions==
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------===Dawn of the Blood Moon===
==[[Chaos#Chaos_IIIFile:Dawn_of_the_Blood_Moon_Banner_II.png|Chaos 3600px|thumb]] Incursions==
===Dawn of the Blood Moon==='''<u>Map</u> -''' [[Forest Biome]] (The Liferoot), 5 waves.
<u>Map</u> - [[Forest Biome]] (The Liferoot), 5 waves.
'''<u>Playing Condition</u> -''' This is a [ Terraria] crossover map, with a big red moon added to the sky. In the final wave you will face the boss Eye of Cthulhu. This map has the same enemy schedules for all regular ground lanes as found in a Chaos 3 expedition of this map, but air lanes contain only Demon Eyes. Additional spawn points have also been added to this stage that are not marked on the map that generate [[Skeletons]]. No mutators are found on any lanes for this incursion.
<u>Playing Condition</u> - This is a [ Terraria] crossover map, with a big red moon added to the sky. In the final wave you will face the boss Eye of Cthulhu. This map has the same enemy schedules for all regular ground lanes as found in a Chaos 3 expedition of this map, but air lanes contain only Demon Eyes. Additional spawn points have also been added to this stage that are not marked on the map that generate [[Skeletons]]. No mutators are found on any lanes for this incursion.
 '''<u>Victory Condition</u> - ''' On Wave 5, all main crystal cores still have health, and Eye of Cthulhu is defeated.
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<u>Playing Tips ('''WARNING - SPOILERS''')</u>:
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"> [[File:Demon_Eyes.png|A Demon Eye and a bunch of Demon Eyes.|230px|thumb]]Chaos Three enemies have hefty defenses against projectile attacks with reflective shields, so unless you have Piercing MODs on your Relics, try using AOE based attacks such as auras, traps, and nodes on normal lanes.  All air enemies are [ Demon Eyes ] (A unique type of enemies from the world of Teraria.) which are mini eyeballs) that track tracks and attack only the hero. They do not attack any type of tower or the crystal. Waves 1, 3, and 5 have infinite building timers, however Waves 2 and 4 start automatically after 30 seconds unless you ready-up before then. The final wave is a Boss round and enemies will infinitely spawn until the Boss is defeated, which will then end the stage immediately. The Boss is Eye of Cthulhu (giant eyeball) that tracks and attacks the hero while spawning Demon Eyes as well. It spawns randomly from either air spawn point, and it can be seen on the schedule before the wave starts.   
<u>In order to survive to wave 5, the next two points are something that the players have to be aware of -</u>
Skeleton Spawn Points - There are 7 in total, and there is no way to know how many enemies it produces or if any minibosses will spawn from one. A map can be found below (pic coming soon). 3 spawn points are on the North end of map, in the front of each of the cottage doorways on the path that goes off to the East. One spawn point is just inside the lower Southwest cave entrance (single enemy path), next to the crystal. One is found inside the cave on the second floor between the previous point and the triple spawn lane, next to the some treasure chests and a skeleton. The final two are midway down the triple spawn lane, next to a group of sunflowers on either side of the lane.
[[File:DotBM-Secret-Skelly-Spawn-Areas.jpg|The Location of the Skeleton Spawn Points.|thumb]]
'''Secret Skeleton Spawn Points -''' There are 7 in total, and there is no way to know how many enemies it produces or if any minibosses will spawn from one. A map can be found beside to show the secret spawn points.
* 3 spawn points are on the North end of map, in the front of each of the cottage doorways on the path that goes off to the East.  * One spawn point is just inside the lower Southwest cave entrance (single enemy path), next to the crystal.  * One is found inside the cave on the second floor between the previous point and the triple spawn lane, next to the some treasure chests and a skeleton.  * The final two are midway down the triple spawn lane, next to a group of sunflowers on either side of the lane.  If you decide to build in a turtle strategy, then these spawn points might not be a problem. If you're building in a spread out way or even spawn-camping, while there are chokepoints which are very useful, always make sure to allocate some defense to take care of those spawn points that doesn't lead to a chokepoint since they can occasionally be deadly if left unchecked.  [[File:Slekeleon_%26_Treet.png|Slekeleon and Treet.|thumb]][[File:Spooky_Skeleton_Minibosses.png|The skeleton hero minibosses. Left to right - Skeleton Apprentice, Squire, Huntress and Monk.|thumb]]'''Minibosses/Special Weapon Drops - ''' Aside from the Geode Prime Miniboss spawning on wave 5 due to this being on Chaos 3 difficulty, there are 6 other types of minibosses that spawns. They can only spawn either at the north or southeast lanes (And also only the north skeleton spawn points too.) No other types will spawn. * On Waves 2-4, the only normal minibosses that spawn are '''[[Slekeleon|Slekeleons]]''', and then on Wave 5 one [[Geode_Prime_-_Leader_of_the_Shield_Geodes|Geode Prime]] will also randomly spawn. Keep track of all the Slekeleons, as they will regenerate resurrect on the beginning of the next wave where they died, and by Wave 5 they can stack upwhich can be deadly.  * There is also a [[Orcs|Orc]] miniboss named '''Treet ''' (i.e. Halloween theme, as in Trick or "Treet") that may spawn randomly and has a unique zombie skin flair.  * In addition to these minibosses there is also 4 special hero skeleton minibosses, one for each of the 4 starting heroes '''(Skeleton MonkApprentice, Skeleton HuntressSquire, Skeleton Apprentice, Huntress & Skeleton SquireMonk) ''' at normal size, and each will have a unique purple skeleton flairtint. They spawn with only a purple question mark as their icon on the screen. They mostly only spawn from the North spawn point and the 3 skeleton points by the cottages, although they sometimes spawn from the South as well. Multiples ones often spawn on each wave, from Waves 2-4. These 4 skeleton minibosses are special because they each have a low probability of dropping a unique weapon. Each class only drops one weapon for their class, so only the Skeleton Squire drops the sword weapon. There are 4 special weapons, each with a unique skin, but no special MODs. MOD slot one will be empty and has no effect, even though it shows a MOD level, and slot two will have a random normal MOD. MOD slot 1 can be tinkered, and the level currently shown on it plays no part in that process. All shot styles are "spooky" flair.  <u>Skeleton Heroes Miniboss Weapon Drops:</u> ''(In the Order of - Skeleton Apprentice, Skeleton Squire, Skeleton Huntress & Skeleton Monk.)''  [[File:Raven%27s_Claw_Icon.png|35px]] '''Raven's Claw''' [[Weapons#Staves|staff]], [[File:Iron_Reaper_Icon.png|35px]] '''Iron Reaper''' [[Weapons#Swords|sword]], [[File:Bow_O%27Lantern_Icon.png|35px]] '''Bow O'Lantern''' [[Weapons#Bows|bow]] & [[File:Wailing_Glaive_Icon.png|35px]] '''Wailing Glaive''' [[Weapons#Polearms|polearm]].
Skeleton Miniboss Weapon Drops: '''Wailing Glaive''' [[Weapons#Polearms|polearm]], '''Bow O'Lantern''' [[Weapons#Bows|bow]], '''Raven's Claw''' [[Weapons#Staves|staff]], and '''Iron Reaper''' [[Weapons#Swords|sword]].</div>
[[File:Eye_of_Cthulhu_forms.png|Left - The Eye of Cthulhu's form in it's first phase. Right - The Eye of Cthulhu's form in it's second phase.|thumb]]
'''<u>Wave 5 : The Eye of Cthulhu -</u>''' The final wave is a Boss round and enemies will infinitely spawn until the Boss is defeated, which will then end the stage immediately. The Boss is The [ Eye of Cthulhu] which is a giant eyeball that's also a unique enemy from Terraria alongside [ Demon Eyes]. It spawns randomly from either air spawn point, and it can be seen on the schedule before the wave starts.
This boss has two phases -
* In its ''first phase'', it slowly follows the player keeping a very short distance away while spawning demon eyes from the middle of its iris.
* When it's damaged to the point of half health, it changes to its ''second phase'', morphing to a more grotesque form, having a giant maw instead an iris. During this phase, its speed is increased and will start to physically charge at players.
<u>Special Weapon</u> - '''Celebration!!!''' ([[Weapons#Canisters|canister]] for [[Series EV2]]). It has 2 spread, 2 speed, and fires "Celebration!!!" shots. This weapon does not drop in the victory chest and can only be gotten from the Wayfarer.
<u>Special Weapon MOD</u> - '''Celebration!!!''', "fires two homing projectiles that detonate in a festive explosion dealing 72% Hero Damage as magical damage over a small area." The values are fixed, so it does not matter what level the weapon is or what level the MOD is. The explosion flair is fireworks, and hits for a very limited AOE attack. The projectiles are two homing rockets that fire in separate horizontal arcs, making an oval pattern, with the size of the arc is based on how far away the target you are aiming at when you fire. If it misses, the rocket will spin around the target and attempt to hit it again, and eventually explode. Since the projectiles arc, there is a void spot directly in front of EV2 that it cannot hit at very close range, so this weapon is best used at any distance. The projectile will apply any crowd control or elemental values of the hero upon contact with the enemy.
'''<u>Special Weapon Reward</u> -''' [[File:Celebration_Canister_Icon.png|35px]] '''Celebration!!!''' ([[Weapons#Canisters|canister]] for [[Series EV2]]). It has 2 spread, 2 speed, and fires "Celebration!!!" shots. This weapon does not drop in the victory chest and can only be gotten from the Wayfarer.
* <u>Special Weapon MOD</u> - '''Celebration!!!''', "fires two homing projectiles that detonate in a festive explosion dealing 72% Hero Damage as magical damage over a small area." The values are fixed, so it does not matter what level the weapon is or what level the MOD is. The explosion flair is fireworks, and hits for a very limited AOE attack. The projectiles are two homing rockets that fire in separate horizontal arcs, making an oval pattern, with the size of the arc is based on how far away the target you are aiming at when you fire. If it misses, the rocket will spin around the target and attempt to hit it again, and eventually explode. Since the projectiles arc, there is a void spot directly in front of EV2 that it cannot hit at very close range, so this weapon is best used at any distance. The projectile will apply any crowd control or elemental values of the hero upon contact with the enemy.
===Kobold Bling King===
<u>Map</u> - [[Little-Horn ValleyFile:True_Bling_King_Banner.png|590px|thumb]] (Dragonfall Town), 5 waves.
'''<u>Map</u> -''' [[Little-Horn Valley]] (Dragonfall Town), 5 waves.
<u>Playing Condition</u> - This is a gathering mission where you collect gold nuggets and bring it to the Kobold King found in the center of the map. Each wave has a gold amount that must be collected to end the stage, and enemies will infinitely spawn until then. Each wave has a time limit that the required gold amount must be collected and returned to the King by, or you will fail the incursion. This map has the same enemy schedules for all lanes as found in a Chaos 3 expedition of this map, with the addition of Golden Crystal Beasts. All normal minibosses can spawn, but will not drop any gold. This incursion assigns one mutator to each lane and miniboss from the common pool of mutators.
'''<u>Playing Condition</u> -''' This is a gathering mission where you collect gold nuggets and bring it to the Kobold King found in the center of the map. Each wave has a gold amount that must be collected to end the stage, and enemies will infinitely spawn until then. Each wave has a time limit that the required gold amount must be collected and returned to the King by, or you will fail the incursion. This map has the same enemy schedules for all lanes as found in a Chaos 3 expedition of this map, with the addition of Golden Crystal Beasts. All normal minibosses can spawn, but will not drop any gold. This incursion assigns one mutator to each lane and miniboss from the common pool of mutators.
<u>Victory Condition</u> - On Wave 5, all main crystal cores still have health, and all required nuggets are brought to the Kobold King before the timer expires.
'''<u>Victory Condition</u> -''' On Wave 5, all main crystal cores still have health, and all required nuggets are brought to the Kobold King before the timer expires.
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<u>Playing Tips ('''WARNING - SPOILERS''')</u>:
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"> [[File:Explodinators.png|An Explodinator.|100px|thumb]]Chaos Three enemies have hefty defenses against projectile attacks with reflective shields, so unless you have Piercing MODs on your Relics, try using AOE based attacks such as auras, traps, and nodes on ground lanes. Gold is hidden around the stage and it is also dropped from a new miniboss called the Golden Crystal Beast. Once a nugget is given to the King at a lit up circle near his feet, a small brown gold bag will appear to represent that completed nugget. The map is dark, so the gold nuggets can be hard to see, but they do sparkle. You can only hold 1 gold nugget at a time, and must return it to the Kobold King within 20 seconds, or you will lose that nugget. If you switch heroes or die while you have a nugget, you will lose it.
There is also a unique enemy called an '''Explodinator''' which spawns in certain lanes during certain waves. They are a more powerful version of kobolds which also have the ability to fire rockets everywhere in a medium radius around them. The rockets are very deadly as they could result in a one hit death to a hero. However despite their power, Explodinators are quite tiny, roughly a tad bit smaller than a regular goblin though their presence can be known through rockets firing everywhere from them which are also very visible through sparks flaring from rockets flying and exploding.
Gold can be found in 12 or so hidden locations on the map, see the below map (pic coming soon), of which about 2-4 are generated at the beginning of the wave at random and a couple more nuggets will generate as the stage progresses. On Wave 5, up to 7 hidden nuggets can randomly spawn as the stage progresses. Gold is also dropped by special minibosses that constantly spawn from lanes called Golden Crystal Beasts (a large gold flair [[Witherbeasts|Witherbeast]]). Each of these minibosses will drop one gold nugget. The dropped nuggets can stack on the ground in the same wave. Once the required amount of nuggets has been given to the Kobold King in a wave, that wave will end. All dropped, held, and hidden gold nuggets will vanish at the end of each wave. Be careful not to place or aim defenses too close to a spawn point so that when the Golden Crystal Beasts drops the nugget, it falls outside of the spawn point and you can reach it.
[[File:The_Bling_King_Platform_2nd_ver.png|The Kobold Bling King's platform, where you will give the gold crystals/nuggets.|thumb]]
[[File:Golden_Whiterbeast.png|A Golden Crystal Beast and a gold crystal/nugget that it drops.|thumb]]
'''Gold Nuggets and The Kobold Bling King.'''
Wave Requirements: Wave 1Gold is hidden around the stage and it is also dropped from a new miniboss called the '''Golden Crystal Beast'''. Once a nugget is given to '''The Kobold Bling King''' at a lit up circle near his feet, a small brown gold bag will appear to represent that completed nugget (image above) 7 . The map is dark, so the gold nuggetscan be hard to see, but they do sparkle. You can only hold 1 gold nugget at a time, 245 and must return it to the Kobold King within 20 seconds; Waves 2-4) 9 nuggets, 270 seconds; Wave 5) 10 nuggetsor you will lose that nugget. If you switch heroes or die while you have a nugget, 300 secondsyou will lose it. </div></div>
[[File:Bling_Crystal_Locations.png|The 12 known hidden locations that gold nuggets can spawn from. The center of the map shows the Bling King's location.|thumb]]
Gold can be found in 12 or so hidden locations on the map (see the map beside), of which about 2-4 are generated at the beginning of the wave at random and a couple more nuggets will generate as the stage progresses. On Wave 5, up to 7 hidden nuggets can randomly spawn as the stage progresses. Gold is also dropped by special minibosses that constantly spawn from lanes called Golden Crystal Beasts (a large gold flair [[Witherbeasts|Witherbeast]]). Each of these minibosses will drop one gold nugget. The dropped nuggets can stack on the ground in the same wave. Once the required amount of nuggets has been given to the Kobold King in a wave, that wave will end. All dropped, held, and hidden gold nuggets will vanish at the end of each wave. Be careful not to place or aim defenses too close to a spawn point so that when the Golden Crystal Beasts drops the nugget, it falls outside of the spawn point and you can reach it.
'''Wave Requirements to clear each wave:''' Wave 1) ''<u>Special Weapon7 nuggets in 245 seconds</u> ;'' Waves 2- 4) ''<u>9 nuggets in 270 seconds</u>;'Bling King Bow'Wave 5) '', which shows up <u>10 nuggets in inventory as "Bling-O-Midas" ([[Weapons#Bows300 seconds</u>''.</div>|bow]] for [[Huntress]]). Has 1 spread, 2.5 speed, and Single II type. Primary attacks are lava ball flair that burst on impact, but have no AOE effect and do not Ignite. It is only cosmetic. }
<u>Special Weapon MOD</u> - '''Bling Blast''', "charged shots fire a stream burning enemies for XX% Hero Damage twice per second for X.XX seconds. The stream is XX degrees wide and XXXX units long." Chaos 3 values [45.5-60%, 6.61-8.22s, 40-50 degrees, 1465-1900 units], Chaos 7 values [65.5-80%, 8.83-10.44s, 53-63 degrees, 2065-2500 units]. Hold the charge button down until this fires, and keep the button pressed for it to continue firing the stream for the full time length. Let the button go and hold it again to fire another time. It fires out in a wide, continuous, horizontal fan pattern. This hits with Fire damage, so it will ignite any oiled enemies. This attack also pierces.
'''<u>Special Weapon Reward</u> -''' [[File:Bling-O-Midas_Icon.png|35px]] '''Bling King Bow''', which shows up in inventory as "Bling-O-Midas" ([[Weapons#Bows|bow]] for [[Huntress]]). Has 1 spread, 2.5 speed, and Single II type. Primary attacks are lava ball flair that burst on impact, but have no AOE effect and do not Ignite. It is only cosmetic.
* <u>Special Weapon MOD</u> - '''Bling Blast''', "charged shots fire a stream burning enemies for XX% Hero Damage twice per second for X.XX seconds. The stream is XX degrees wide and XXXX units long." Chaos 3 values [45.5-60%, 6.61-8.22s, 40-50 degrees, 1465-1900 units], Chaos 7 values [65.5-80%, 8.83-10.44s, 53-63 degrees, 2065-2500 units]. Hold the charge button down until this fires, and keep the button pressed for it to continue firing the stream for the full time length. Let the button go and hold it again to fire another time. It fires out in a wide, continuous, horizontal fan pattern. This hits with Fire damage, so it will ignite any oiled enemies. This attack also pierces.
 ==[[Chaos#Chaos_IV|Chaos 4IV]] Incursions==
===Spectral Assault===
'''<u>Map</u>''' - [[Unholy Catacombs]] (Lost Dungeons), 5 waves.
'''<u>Victory Condition</u>''' - On Wave 5, the main crystal core still has health, and all enemies are defeated - which does not include the Spectral Knights.
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<div class="mw-collapsible-content">Chaos Four enemies have hefty defenses against attacks that cause slow, so be sure to adjust your layout to account for the [[Berserker_Orc|Berserker Orcs]] that will rush out from the ground lanes. They can be stunned, frozen, and launched into the air though, so those are good tactics to stall them. Well placed barricades will also help to keep them from the crystal.
[[File:Cleansing_Swords_and_Location.png|A Cleansing Sword and their locations.|thumb]]
[[File:Cleansing_Swords_and_Spectral_Knights_%26_Icons.png|Cleansing Swords with the needed flame colors to cleanse its matching Spectral Knights. Icons on the left indicates a specific cleansing buff in use while the icons on the right indicates a Spectral Knight.|thumb]]
Once each wave begins, at some point during the wave a Spectral Knight will spawn from any of the ground lanes. Spectral Knights are large, floating [[Squire]]-like transparent ghosts that cannot be damaged by any weapons or stopped by any defense or barricade. They slowly move on the enemy path they spawn from directly towards the crystal, and do not stop until they get there. Once there, they attack the crystal doing 500 points of damage a second, which is a relatively small amount. They do not harm any defenses or heroes. Each Knight is either colored Red, Green or Purple, and when they spawn the game message will tell you what color they are in text, and the message text itself will also be in that same color as well. The Knights are not shown on the mini-map, but are represented on the actual map by a skull and crossbones icon of the same color that they are. Keep this in mind as you cannot tell by looking at the minimap how close they are to the crystal.
===The Demon's Lair===
'''<u>Map</u> - ''' [[Molten Citadel]] (Lost Dungeons), 3 waves.
'''<u>Playing Condition</u> - ''' This is a Boss fight against the Demon Lord. This map has the same enemy schedules for all lanes as found in a Chaos 4 expedition of this map, with the addition of Lava Guardians. All normal minibosses can spawn. This incursion assigns two mutators to each lane and miniboss from the common pool of mutators.
'''<u>Victory Condition</u> - ''' On Wave 3, the main crystal core still has health, and the Demon Lord's health is brought down to zero. 
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<u>Playing Tips ('''WARNING - SPOILERS''')</u>:
The lava ball will then stun the Demon Lord. When you activate the catapult, a lightning debuff symbol will appear on the screen for 20 seconds, representing the total time the Demon Lord is stunned for. However, he must first fall down in range to be hit, and you cannot do any damage to him until his health bar shows up on the top of the screen. The actual time you have to damage him once he is in range is about 13 seconds. This is why you want to stand on the catapult, as it will launch you at the Demon Lord, and put you quickly within range. When you get launched, you can move your hero in mid-air. Try to land to the left of the Demon lord, near the Western double spawn point, so that you do not land on any lava patches and die. The Demon Lord will always fall over in the same location, and he can be damaged the Hero as well as by any defenses you build that are within range. Once the debuff timer is up, the Demon Lord will rise up again, and you will need to get another lava ball and stun him again. This process will continue until you lower his health by a total of one third of his total health. Once you lower his health by that much, that wave will end. When the wave ends, all lava balls and debuffs will be removed. On Wave 2, repeat the exact same process until you lower his health by another third, to end that wave. On Wave 3, you must then get his health to zero to end the wave and win the stage.</div>
'''<u>Special Weapon Reward</u> -''' [[File:Bone_Glove_Icon.png|35px]] '''Bone Glove''' (fist for the [[Lavamancer]]). This weapon does not drop in the victory chest and can only be gotten from the Wayfarer.
* <u>Special WeaponMOD</u> - '''Bone GloveFist of Bones''' (fist , "Attacks fire piercing bones that deal XX.X% Hero Damage as Magical Damage. Bones can hit for the XX times and reflect off of surfaces." Chaos 4 values [?-?%, ?-? times], Chaos 7 values [42.45-55.5%, 10-13 times]. The Lavamancer]])'s primary melee attack pattern still plays out, along with the fire attack, but while doing his combo, these spinning cross-shaped bones will shoot out, one at a time, in a linear horizontal path. The bones will pierce quite a lot of enemies and reflect off of most surfaces. The projectile will apply any crowd control or elemental values of the hero upon contact with the enemy. This weapon attack pierces, but that does not drop in the victory chest and can only be gotten from the Wayfarerinclude Chaos enemy's defenses such as [[Shield_Geode|Geode]] or [[Vanguard]] shields.
 <u>Special Weapon MOD</u> - '''Fist of Bones''', "Attacks fire piercing bones that deal XX.X% Hero Damage as Magical Damage. Bones can hit for XX times and reflect off of surfaces." Chaos 4 values [?-?%, ?-? times], Chaos 7 values [42.45-55.5%, 10-13 times]. The Lavamancer's primary melee attack pattern still plays out, along with the fire attack, but while doing his combo, these spinning cross-shaped bones will shoot out, one at a time, in a linear horizontal path. The bones will pierce quite a lot of enemies and reflect off of most surfaces. The projectile will apply any crowd control or elemental values of the hero upon contact with the enemy. This attack pierces, but that does not include Chaos enemy's defenses such as [[Shield_Geode|Geode]] or [[Vanguard]] shields. ==[[Chaos#Chaos_V|Chaos 5V]] Incursions==
===Altar of the Athame===
'''<u>Map</u> - ''' Crumbled Bulwark (Lost Dungeons), 4 waves.
'''<u>Playing Condition</u> - ''' This is a miniboss battle against Dark Realm Statues and Altar Assassins. Collect Ritual Items to perform the ritual that will summon the Dark Realm Statues, and then kill of all Altar Assassins. This map has the same enemy schedules for all ground lanes as found in a Chaos 5 expedition of this map but with higher Dark Assassin spawn rates, and the addition of Dark Prophets. Air lanes spawn only Altar Assassins. All normal minibosses may spawn. This incursion uses no mutators.
'''<u>Victory Condition</u> - ''' On Wave 4, all main crystal cores still have health, and all Altar Assassins are defeated. 
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<u>Playing Tips ('''WARNING - SPOILERS''')</u>:
When the Dark Realm Statue has been defeated, all of the Altar Assassins on the stage will lose their dark skin flair and they can then finally be damaged and killed. Each wave is over once all Altar Assassins on the map have been defeated. Defeated Dark Realm Statue pillars will be shown as broken in half afterwards. Once Wave 1 is over, repeat the whole process over again on each remaining wave.</div>
===Power Surge===
'''<u>Map</u>-''' - [[Dragonfall Bazaar]] (Dragonfall Town), 5 waves.
'''<u>Playing Condition</u>-''' - All defenses are built with zero build time, with increased attack and speed stats, but disappear from the map after 35 seconds. This map has the same enemy schedules for all lanes as found in a Chaos 5 expedition of this map. All normal minibosses may spawn from any lane. No mutators are applied to any lanes.
'''<u>Victory Condition</u>-''' - On Wave 5, the main crystal core still has health, and all enemies are defeated.  
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[[File:Power_Surge_boom.png|Defenses disappears 35 seconds after placement.|500px|thumb]]
The timer defenses disappears by starts from when the defense is placed, no matter what phase it is, so it is recommend to ready-up the stage as quickly as you can on each build phase. If you sell a defense before it disappears, you get the mana back. If the defense disappears due to the timer, you will not get any mana from it. You can still upgrade defenses if you choose to, but the mana may be better saved to build more towers with instead. The increased power and speed make it so that upgrading is not really necessary.
===Return of Maldonis===
<u>Map</u> - [[Temple Of The Necrotic]] (Rotting Ravine), 5 waves.
===Bastille Master===
[[File:Bastille_Master_BannerTrue_Bastille_Master_Banner.png|700px600px|thumb]] '''<u>Map</u>''' - [[Buried Bastille]](Lost Dungeons), 5 waves.  
'''<u>MapPlaying Condition</u> ''' - [[Buried All players/heroes on this map will share a pool of lives. The map has only 1 crystal and is timed once combat begins. You will face the miniboss the Bastille]] (Lost Dungeons), 5 wavesMaster on the final wave. This map has the same enemy schedules for all lanes as found in a Chaos 7 expedition of this map. All normal minibosses may spawn. No mutators are applied to any lanes.
'''<u>Playing Victory Condition</u> ''' - All players/heroes on this map will share a pool of lives. The map has only 1 On Wave 5, the main crystal and is timed once combat begins. You will face the miniboss the Bastille Master on the final wave. This map core still has health, all enemies are defeated before the same enemy schedules for timer reaches zero, and all heroes do not lose all lanes as found in a Chaos 7 expedition of this map. All normal minibosses may spawn. No mutators are applied to any laneslives.
<u>Victory Condition</u> - On Wave 5, the main crystal core still has health, all enemies are defeated before the timer reaches zero, and all heroes do not lose all lives.
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<u>Playing Tips ('''WARNING - SPOILERS''')</u>:
This incursion also introduces a new miniboss, the Bastille Master. This is a unique miniboss to the game, and can spawn as a miniboss in other game modes. The Bastille Master appears as a NPC on the North end of the long bridge on Waves 1-4, and then on Wave 5 she disappears and then spawns from the North spawn point, usually along with another normal miniboss near the same time. What makes this miniboss unique is her ability to summon shield around her and any surrounding enemies that reflects all damage back to its source and instantly kill it. If one of your defenses attacks her while this shield is up, it will be lost. Same for your hero, if you attack any enemy with this shield active, you will lose a life. The shield is not affected by traps, auras or nodes though. The shield can still be activated while the Bastille Master is stunned. </div>
==Prime Incursions==
<big>What are they?</big> They are the highest and newest tier of incursions, selectable from the Incursions tab on the War Table. There are six different groups of incursions to play through that are releasing over time. You are able to play them as they are unleashed, the only thing that can hold you back is your own skill!  <big>What are the rewards?</big> Prime Incursions have three different rewards associated with them.  '''1. Chaos VIII Ampoules''' Each Prime Incursion has the chance to drop a Chaos VIII Ampoule. As you continuously progress, the Incursions get more and more difficult. As such, we wanted to increase the drop rate of Chaos VIII Ampoules to match that increase in difficulty. These Incursions can get pretty tough, which led us to making the hardest of these challenges have the highest drop chance for Chaos VIII Ampoules.  '''2. Chaos VIII Weapons''' We’ve added a whole new slew of weapons with new weapon models that are only available through Prime Incursions. There’s over 25 new weapons to collect, sure to scratch that collector’s itch! That’s not all there is to these weapons. Each weapon is upgraded to Chaos VIII, at the full 5/5 upgrade quality! That means they are perfectly upgraded, letting you focus on using Chaos VIII Amps to upgrade your relics and armor instead. Alongside these upgrades, we’ve curated these weapons to be what you really want. They have some of the most alluring shot and swing types many of you enjoy. ALONGSIDE THAT, included are curated mods specific to these weapons that really ensure these drops feel good and pack a punch!  '''3. Hyper Shards''' Hyper Shards are something every player wants to boost up their arsenal. Previously, they were only acquired through Mastery completion, requiring a specific amount of Mastery Stars. Now, in Prime Incursions, you earn a Hyper Shard for every group you complete[[File:Prime_Incursions_Icon. There are six groups total, so if you complete all six of the groupings, you earn the seventh Hyper Shard as a capstone reward! This means you can now have up to TWO of each Hyper Shard in your ranks, pushing back the Old Ones forces more hyper-er than before.  <big>Prime Incursion Release Dates</big> Today (August 28th 2019) we released the first two groups of Prime Incursions, Prime I and Prime II. Each of these groups contains 3 incursions, for a total of 6 to conquer. Every week, on Wednesday @ 9AM ET, we are releasing a new incursion. This is going until early November, giving you content to come back each week to enjoy. Here’s the schedule Prime I & II: August 28th<br />Prime III Malthius: September 4th<br />Prime III Power Surge: September 11th<br />Prime IV Dark Awakening: September 18th<br />Prime IV Return to Maldonis: September 25th<br />Prime IV Bastille Master: October 2nd<br />Prime V Altar of the Athame: October 9th<br />Prime V Revenge of the Yetis: October 16th<br />Prime V Spectral Assault: October 23rd<br />Prime VI Dawn of the Blood Moon: October 30th<br />Prime VI BETSY: November 5th png|thumb]]
<big>'''What are they?'''</big>
===[[Prime I Incursions===]] are the next tier of Incursions after Chaos VII Incursions. Instead of having new incursions, this tier consist of a harder version of all the current Incursions from previous Chaos difficulty tiers and a boss fight at the end. The Prime Incursions are divided into six groups with each group getting harder than the last.
'''1. Victory Chest loot'''
<u>Maps</u><br />GriblokAside from the Victory Chest having a chance to drop the incursion's Horde - [[The Gates of Dragonfall]] (Dragonfall Town)respective special weapon, 5 waves.<br />Chrome Enemies - [[Forgotten Ruins]] (Ancient Ruins), 5 waves.<br />Kobold Bling King - [[Little-Horn Valley]] (Dragonfall Town), 5 waves. the chest also have a chance to drop two more items:
<u> ''Prime Weapons'' </u> -
These weapon with unique new models drops with Chaos VIII stats fully upgraded. Furthermore, they are also rolled with curated "fan-favorites" shot/swing types and M.O.D.S. Each Prime group would have a pool of 4 different prime weapons.
<u>''Chaos VIII Ampoules'' </u> -
Like Chaos VIII Onslaught, each Prime Incursion also have a chance of dropping a Chaos VIII ampoules from its victory chest. The higher difficulty the incursions are, the higher the drop rates for the ampoules are.
'''2. Hyper Shards -'''
===Each Prime Incursion group cleared for the first time would reward a Hyper Shard. And after clearing all six groups, you'll earn the seventh Hyper Shard as a capstone reward. These hyper shards are identical to the ones earned from Mastery, meaning you'll be able to have two sets of them when you complete both Mastery and Prime II Incursions===.
== History ==
* [[File:DD2_Splash_Logo.png|35px]] '''???''' : Prime Incursions added.
* [[File:Isle_of_Dread_Logo_Splash.png|35px]] '''4.0''' : Dark Awakening Incursion added.
* [[File:Protean_Shift_Logo_Splash.png|35px]] '''3.0''' : Some Incursion have been added to Adventures.
* [[File:DD2_Splash_Logo.png|35px]] '''1.1''' : Revenge of the Yeti Incursion added.
* [[File:DD2_Splash_Logo.png|35px]] '''1.0''' : Incursions and its special weapons added to Chaos difficulties, separated into tiers with a slightly different loot roster.
<u>Maps</u><br />* '''[Early Access 19.0]''' : Removed Nightmare difficulty and leaving Incursions only on Hard difficulty. Also removed special weapons from Incursions's loot table.Wyvern Enthusiast - * '''[Early Access 17.0]''' : Added Dawn of the Blood Moon Incursion and the Wayfarer.* '''[Forest CrossroadsEarly Access 16.3]] (''' : The Liferoot), 5 waves2015 Spooky Event have returned as a permanent incursion - Return of Maldonis.<br />Forrest Poachers - * '''[[Liferoot ForestEarly Access 15.4]] (The Liferoot), 5 waves''' : Added Altar of the Athame Incursion. <br />* '''[Early Access 14.4]''' : Added The Demon's Lair - Incursion.* '''[Early Access 14.2]''' : Added Power Surge Incursion.* '''[Early Access 13.5]''' : Added Bastille Master Incursion.* '''[Molten CitadelEarly Access 13.3]''' : Added The Kobold Bling King Incursion.* '''[Early Access 12.0] (Lost Dungeons), 3 waves''' : Added Spectral Assault Incursion.

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