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Gear score

2,869 bytes added, 21 April
The measure of the power of an item.
==Overview==[[File:Gear score.png|thumb|right|Gear score on an item as outlined in red. ]]
This *Gear score is the measure is only an indication of the power of an item and an item of higher gear score may not necessarily be a better item for your play style than an item of lower gear is the only factor in increasing [[champion score]].
*This can be increased by having high primary and secondary stats, better [[relics]], [[armor]] and [[weapons]] in terms of rarity, [[Chaos|chaos level]], using [[mods]], and the level of the item. *This measure is only an indication of the power of an item and an item of higher gear score may not necessarily be a better item for your play style than an item of lower gear score.  =How gear score works=The way gear score drops exactly works is different per gamemode. In general there can be 2 factors withholding you from pushing your gear scores further: current difficulty ''-and-'' your current gear score. The loot table (game mechanics determining dropped gear possible stats) is updated every single time an item drops, so you don't have to pickup, equip or anything for an item to be registered as your gear. Gear score also does is tracked for every individual type ([[Gloves]], [[Boots]], [[Helmet]], [[Chest]], [[Weapons]], [[Relics]]). This means that if you don't get to see a drop for [[Gloves]] in a while, these might get a bit behind compared to your [[Helmet]] for instance. ==Survival/Expeditions==Every [[Survival]] wave and every [[Expeditions]] chaos have a hard cap on the gear score it can drop. This means that if your current gear score for an item is 10k and you play a chaos 1 match, you will just drop items on chaos 1 lvl 10/10, but this will not take into account exceed or match your current score of 10k. On the strength other hand, the score of gear drops also can't exceed your current gear score by more then 5%. This means that if you are currently at campaign level gear and you join a [[MSurvival]] game on wave 61 (equivalant of Chaos 10), it won't start dropping you choas 10 gear straight away.oIn [[Survival]] and [[Expeditions]], the score for dropped gear can have a range of 92%-105% of your current gear score if the current difficulty you're playing doesn't cap it before that (if you're at 1000 gear score on gloves, a glove can drop with score 920-1050).d ==Onslaught==In [[Onslaught]] things work quite a bit different.sThe entire 92%-105% rule from [[Survival]]/[[Expeditions]] is ignored here, instead in [[Onslaught]] the score of item drops are completely based on the floor you're playing at. It doesn't matter whether your current gear is campaign or chaos 10, if you play any onslaught wave 234-299 for instance, it will drop you 10/10 chaos 8 gear. ==Gear level==As mentioned before, there's multiple factors determining your gear score and the gear level is one of them. One thing to note is that max primary/secondary stat ranges can differ even within the same item level. The max chaos 10 primary stat of a level 10/10 relic is 110,513, however there will be 10/10 c10 relics with less then that as max stat range. This is due to the fact that -just like gear score-, the range of an itemstat will continue to go up and up with every new item drop and it won't just jump you from 1 upgrade level to another. Instead it will just keep progressing and giving you slightly better stat ranges even between upgrade levels.

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