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28 bytes removed, 08:47, 15 November 2022
Trivia and Notes
* When the Protean Shift expansion (3.0) went live, all Xbox One Players at that time gets to redeem a code for the Protean Shellmet as appreciation for installing DD2 on Xbox One. A short time later, [CG]Lawlta decided to also repurposed it as a stream giveaway item so it can be accessible to PC and PS4 players too.
* The Pizza Gliders made it into DD2 because [CG]Lawlta loves pizza. And boy, does he love them! So much that he was persistently pushing for the wings' implementation for quite a while.
* The Caster's flairs was CG's way of supporting the TCG streamers who have been reliable for a year and have helped make DDII better.

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