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1,904 bytes added, 06:54, 1 January 2019
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Map - Gates of Dragonfall (Dragonfall Town)
Playing Condition - this map has three lanes (no air lanes), two of which will spawn normal C1 enemy schedules. However, each This incursion uses the common pool of mutators. Each wave one of the three lanes will be designated as the Griblock Horde lane, and will blink red on the schedule. This is assigned at random, and may change lanes each wave. Lane bosses can also spawn each wave on any lane at random. The Horde lane will consist of large numbers of three enemy types - Kobolds (skate version), Bomb Goblins (bright purple skin flair), and mini versions of Griblock (basically high health version of Goblins with bright purple skin flair added). The Horde comes in groups of tight packs with Kobolds in front, mini-Griblocks next, and followed by Bomb Goblins. Enemy types in a group typically number from 3-12 of each class, with about 15-20 total in each group. Groups are seperated by small packs of 3 or so Bomb Goblins. The Horde lane will last longer than the other two lanes with larger numbers and spread out groups. On wave 5, the Horde lane will change to 39 Kobolds and 140 Bomb Goblins. Griblock may also spawn as a large lane boss on any red schedule lane, on any wave, and can spawn on more than one lane on a single wave. Wave 5 can have zero boss spawns.
Special Weapon - Lunar Portal (wand for Apprentice/Adept). Wand has 4 spread, 3 speed, and "diamondshot" which is in the shape of a tight square pattern turned 45 degrees.
Special Weapon MOD - Lunar Caller, "secondary attacks summon Lunar Portals that deal XX% Ability Power as magical damage per second for XX seonds. Up to X portals." C1 values [56-155%, 9.65-17.5s, 1-6 portals], C7 values [116-215%, 18.65-33.5s, 4-9 portals]. Note - the portal is a stationary star with wide range that you place, it then fires a continuous beam from it, attacking a singular enemy (until it dies), and each portal can only attack one separate enemy at a time.
'''Chaos 2 Maps'''
Note that on both Chaos 2 maps, the only additional lane boss that spawns is Thorc, the large Cyborc. He can spawn on multiple waves, and more than one lane at a time. His spawn rate is rather low though
Wyvern Enthusiast
Map - Forrest Crossroads (The Liferoot)
Playing Condition - this incursion is very similar to a C2 expedition of Forrest Crossroads, where the four ground lanes are the same but the air lanes have greatly increased numbers and a 3rd airlane is added on the north of the map. This incursion uses the common pool of mutators. Air lanes will have up to three different types of enemies and number from 30-50 each lane as waves progress. On wave 4, one air lane will drop to only 12, and on wave 5 all three drop to only 12. On wave 5, three ogres will spawn as bosses, each with a separate mutator. If you look at the schedules, you can see where and in what order they spawn, as the first type ogre spawns first, and second type second, and third spawns last. The Ogre spawns are delayed to be spread out. No Ogres will come from the west spawn point.
Reward Weapon - North Pole (light staff for the Monk/Initiate). It has 1 spread and 2 speed.
Special Weapon MOD - Pole Launcher, "Secondary Attacks fire additional North Poles that deal XXX-XXX% Hero Damage as Frost Damage, pierce 2 enemies and slows them by 40% for X-XX seconds". C1 vlaues [?-?, ?-?], C7 values [303-390%, 8.1-11s]. Note that this attack fires in an arc path and has a short range. You must aim high or jump to increase its range to hit enemies further away.
Forrest Poachers
Map - Liferoot Forrest (The Liferoot)
Playing Condition - this incursion is very similar to a C2 expedition of Liferoot Forrest, where the four ground lanes are the same but the air lanes have increased numbers. This incursion uses the common pool of mutators.

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