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Pet Abilities

4,957 bytes added, 19:40, 4 August 2017
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== Description ==
Upon evolving to Fledgling, pets gains abilities that can be activated using the X and 9 keys by default.
These can be offensive abilities that deal damage, defensive that protect you or your towers, or utility such as causing status effects.<br /><br />The ability acquired is randomly determined from a pool based on their species and elemental attack property. The ability can be rerolled by the Petrinarian using a reroll item. Upon further evolution, the ability's effect will be amplified.
== Abilities ==
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{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Ability Name !! Ability Text Description !! data-sort-type="number"| Cooldown (sec) !! Pet Type || Offensive? !! Defensive? !! Utility?|-| Blizzard || Summon a blizzard that slows nearby enemies for 40% and deals 125% water Hero Damage per second for 8s. || 20 || style="background:#004080" | '''Water'''|| style="background:green" | True || style="background:red" | False || style="background:green" | True|-| Boulder || Roll a giant boulder through 5 enemies, dealing 1500% crushing earth Hero Damage. || 45 || style="background:#663300| '''Earth''' || style="background:green" | True || style="background:red" | False || style="background:red" | False|-| Bouncing Fire || Fires a bouncing fireball piercing 5 enemies and dealing 1,100% fire Hero Damage. || 30 || style="background:#991f00| '''Fire''' || style="background:green" | True || style="background:red" | False || style="background:red" | False|-| Bubble Entrapment || Fire a bubble that knocks up an enemy for 5 sec and deals 2400% water Hero Damage. || 30 || style="background:#004080" | '''Water'''|| style="background:green" | True || style="background:red" | False || style="background:green" | True|-| Chain Lightning || Fire a lightning ball that can hit 4 enemies for 850% storm Hero Damage. || 30 || style="background:#5900b3| '''Storm''' || style="background:green" | True || style="background:red" | False || style="background:red" | False|-| Curse Aura || Boosts speed by 50%, reduces enemy damage by 50% and deals 150% magical Hero Damage for 10 sec. || 45 || style="background:#c44dff| '''Creeper''' || style="background:red" | False || style="background:green" | True || style="background:green" | True|-| Dragon Breath || Breathes fire in a frontal cone, dealing 200% magical Hero Damage per second for 5s. || 30 || style="background:#008080| '''Dragon''' || style="background:green" | True || style="background:red" | False || style="background:red" | False|-| Dragon Protection || Shields nearby defenses for 400% Hero Damage for 10s. || 45 || style="background:#008080| '''Dragon''' || style="background:red" | False || style="background:green" | True || style="background:red" | False|-| Drenching Wave || Rolls a wave dealing 625% water Hero Damage and drenching enemies for 5s. || 30 || style="background:#004080" | '''Water'''|| style="background:green" | True || style="background:red" | False || style="background:green" | True|-| Encouragement || Uplift your spirit by restoring 75 blue mana! || 28 || style="background:#808000| '''Gato''' || style="background:red" | False || style="background:red" | False || style="background:green" | True|-| Field of Swords || Create a field of swords dealing 130% physical Hero Damage per second for 15s. || 60 || Special || style="background:green" | True || style="background:red" | False || style="background:red" | False|-| Fire Barrage || Fire 6 fireballs at your target, dealing 425% fire Hero Damage each. || 20 || style="background:#991f00| '''Fire''' || style="background:green" | True || style="background:red" | False || style="background:red" | False|-| Fire Pillar || Creates a flaming pillar dealing 200% fire Hero Damage per second for 10s. || 45 || style="background:#991f00| '''Fire''' || style="background:green" | True || style="background:red" | False || style="background:red" | False|-| Fire Shield || Gain a fire shield for 6s reflecting 1,500% damage taken before resist. || 30 || style="background:#991f00| '''Fire''' || style="background:red" | False || style="background:green" | True || style="background:red" | False|-| Frost Shards || Fire 8 frost shards dealing 265% water Hero Damage each. || 20 || style="background:#004080" | '''Water'''|| style="background:green" | True || style="background:red" | False || style="background:red" | False|-| Gato Fireworks || Fires a trio of fireworks dealing 915% magical Hero Damage each. || 30 || style="background:#808000| '''Gato''' || style="background:green" | True || style="background:red" | False || style="background:red" | False|-| Ghost Wail || Haunt enemies, increasing damage taken by 100% for 5s. || 60 || Special || style="background:green" | True || style="background:red" | False || style="background:green" | True|-| Gravebolt || Fire a life-stealing bolt at the the target enemy. || 30 || style="background:#c44dff| '''Creeper''' || style="background:green" | True || style="background:red" | False || style="background:green" | True|-| Hex || Nearby enemies take 1,250% magical Hero Damage and then deal 50% less damage for 9s. || 45 || style="background:#c44dff| '''Creeper''' || style="background:green" | True || style="background:green" | True || style="background:red" | False|-| Ice Ball || Roll an ice ball through 5 enemies, dealing 1800% water Hero Damage. || 60 || style="background:#004080" | '''Water'''|| style="background:green" | True || style="background:red" | False || style="background:red" | False|-| Lightning Grenade || Lob a sticky grenade that detonates on enemies dealing 2000% storm Hero Damage. || 45 || style="background:#5900b3| '''Storm''' || style="background:green" | True || style="background:red" | False || style="background:red" | False|-| Lil Betsy Projectile || Fires a bolt dealing 2500% magical Hero Damage and reducing enemy damage by 50% for 8s. || 30 || Special || style="background:green" | True || style="background:green" | True || style="background:red" | False|-| Maelstorm || A maelstorm reduces speed and attacks by 40% and deals 220% Hero Damage per second for 8s. || 60 || Special || style="background:green" | True || style="background:red" | False || style="background:green" | True
| Blizzard Oil Spit || Summon a blizzard that slows Lobs an oiling blob at enemies while , dealing damage1500% earth Hero Damage and slowing them by 40% for 5s. || 12 30 || style="background:#663300| '''Earth''' || style="background: green" | TRUE True || style="background: red" | FALSE False || style="background: green" | TRUETrue
| Boulder Plague Claw || Roll Calls forth a giant boulder through enemiesclaw dealing 650% magical Hero Damage, damaging them along the wayincreasing x1.5 per hit. || 5 60 || Special || style="background: green" | TRUE True || ???? style="background:red" |False || style="background:red" | ????False
| Bouncing Fire Poison Shield || Bounce a fireball towards enemies, damaging them along the wayGain shield for 7s reflecting 1750% damage before resist. || 8 45 ||style="background:#663300| '''Earth''' || style="background:red" | False || style="background:green" | True || style="background:red" | False
| Chain Lightning Poison Spit || Fire Fires a lightning ball that can hit up to 4 enemiesPoison bolt dealing 2000% earth Hero Damage and 150% damage per second for 6s. || 30 ||style="background:#663300| '''Earth''' || style="background:green" | True || style="background:red" | False || style="background:red" | False
| Curse Aura Poisonous Tips || Boost your speed and curse enemies while you are near them Attacks from all heroes in small radius deal 120% bonus earth damage for 8s. || 12 45 ||style="background:#663300| '''Earth''' || style="background:red" | False || style="background:red" | False || style="background:green" | True
c| Rock Throw || Throw a rock dealing 2500% earth Hero Damage and knockback to one enemy. || 30 || style="background:#663300| '''Earth''' || style="background:green" | True || style="background:red" | False || style="background:green" | True|-| Sandstorm || Increases speed by 50% and attacks deal 115% bonus earth Hero Damage for 7s. || 30 || style="background:#663300| '''Earth''' || style="background:red" | False || style="background:red" | False || style="background:green" | True|-c |Shinku Gatodouken || Fire a devastating magical blast dealing 2,500% Hero Damage and knockback to one enemy. || 30 || style="background:#004080"| 12 '''Water''' || style="background: green" | TRUE True || style="background: red" | FALSE False|| style="background: green" | TRUETrue
| Dragon Breath Shock Shield || Breathe fire upon all foes in front of you. || 30 || style="background: green" | TRUE || ???? || ????|- | Dragon Protection|| Create Gain a protective storm shield on nearby defensefor 7s that reflects 2000% damage taken before resists. || 60 || style="background: red" | FALSE || style="background: green" #5900b3| TRUE '''Storm''' || style="background: red" | FALSE|- | Encouragement || Bless yourself with blue mana. || 20 False || style="background: redgreen" | FALSE True || style="background: red" | FALSE || style="background: green" | TRUE|- | Fire Barrage || Fire a series of fireballs at the enemy! || 8 || style="background: green" | TRUE || ???? || ????False
| Fire Pillar Short Fuse || Create a pillar of fire that Piercing orb deals fire damage to every enemy it touches600% storm Hero Damage and 200% storm Hero Damage per second for 6s. || 15 60 || style="background:#5900b3| '''Storm''' || style="background: green" | TRUE True || style="background:red" |False | ???? |style="background:red" | ????False
| Fire Shield Snowball || Gain Fire a fire shield around the hero does fire damage snowball dealing 2750% water Hero Damage to enemies who hit the heroone enemy. || 15 30 || style="background:#004080" | '''Water'''|| style="background: green" | TRUE True || style="background: greenred" | TRUE False || style="background: greenred" | TRUEFalse
| Frost Shards Soothing Water || Fire a series of frost shards at target enemiesMagical waters restore 300% Hero Damage as health. || 7 20 || style="background: green" | TRUE || ???? || ????|- | Gato Fireworks || Fire an impressive display of fireworks at target enemy. || 8 || style="background: green#004080" | TRUE || ???? || ????|- | Gravebolt || Fire a lifestealing bolt at the the target enemy. || 8 || style="background: green" | TRUE || style="background: green" | TRUE '''Water'''|| style="background: red" | FALSE|- | Hex || Releases a shockwave that curses all targets in area. || 12 || style="background: green" | TRUE || style="background: red" | FALSE || style="background: green" | TRUE|- | Lightning Grenade || Lob a lightning grenade at enemy, detonates after 4 seconds. || 12 || style="background: green" | TRUE || ???? || ????|- | Maelstrom || Fire a ominous bolt at the enemy and create a maelstrom of despair! || 14 || style="background: green" | TRUE || style="background: red" | FALSE || style="background: green" | TRUE|- | Oil Spit || Lob an oil blob at enemy. Enemies in area are oiled which can be set a blaze. || 12 || ???? False || style="background: red" | FALSE False || style="background: green" | TRUETrue
| Poison Spit Sparkle Party || Fire a poison bolt at enemy Dazzles nearby enemies for 1000% magical Hero Damage and stunning them for 5s. || 8 30 || style="background: green" #808000| TRUE '''Gato''' || ???? style="background:green" |True | ????|- | Rock Throw style="background:red" || Throw a giant rock at your enemy! || 8 False || style="background: green" | TRUE || ???? || ????True
| Sandstorm Stalagmite || Empower you with movement speedRelease stalagmites beneath your foes to knock them up and deals 1000% earth Hero Damage. || 20 30 || style="background: red#663300| '''Earth''' || style="background:green" | FALSE True || style="background: red" | FALSE False || style="background: greenred" | TRUEFalse
| Shock Shield Stinky Pits || Creates a storm shield around the hero, does shock damage Deals 300% earth Hero Damage each second for 6s to nearby enemies who hit the hero. || 16 45 || style="background:#663300| '''Earth''' || style="background: green" | TRUE True || style="background: greenred" | TRUE False || style="background: greenred" | TRUEFalse
| Short Fuse Stranglethorn || Fire Fires a orb of electricity to overload your piercing vine that stun enemies! and deals 180% earth hero damage per second for 5s. || 30 || style="background:#663300| '''Earth''' || style="background: green" | TRUE True || style="background: red" | FALSE False || style="background: red" | FALSEFalse
| Soothing Water Thunderstorm || Restore health with the power of the watersCreates a thunderstorm dealing 750% storm Hero Damage per second for 3s. || ?? 60 || style="background: red" | FALSE Special || style="background: green" | TRUE True || style="background: green" | TRUE|- | Sparkle Party || Dazzle enemies with your brilliance! || 15 || ???? || ???? || TRUE|- | Stalagmite || Release stalagmites beneath your foes knocking them up. || 14 || style="background: greenred" | TRUE || | ???? False || style="background: greenred" | TRUEFalse
| Stinky Pits Unified Defense || Summon a poison storm that damages enemies Shields for 6 sec, reflecting 750% water damage and applies poisondealing 400% water Hero Damage per second. || 12 60 || Special || style="background: greenred" | TRUE False || style="background: redgreen" | FALSE True || style="background: greenred" | TRUEFalse
| Stranglethorn || Vines whip across the ground strangling your enemies. || 12 || style="background: green" | TRUE || style="background: red" | FALSE || ????
| Thunderstorm || Create a thunderstorm to overwhelm your enemies! || 12 || style="background: green" | TRUE || ???? || ????
<!-- Blizzard
Bouncing Fire
Bubble Entrapment
Chain Lightning
Curse Aura
Dragon Breath
Dragon Protection
Drenching Wave
Field of Swords
Fire Barrage
Fire Pillar
Fire Shield
Frost Shards.
Gato Fireworks
Ghost Wail
Ice Ball
Lightning Grenade
Lil Betsy Projectile
Oil Spit
Plague Claw
Poison Shield
Poison Spit
Poisonous Tips
Rock Throw
Shock Shield
Short Fuse
Soothing Water
Sparkle Party
Stinky Pits
Unified Defense

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