Scarecrow (Pet)

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Scarecrow Pet

Little Scarecrow.png
Little Scarecrow
Legendary Icon.png Legendary

Hatched From
Little Scarecrow Icon.pngSpecial Creeper Egg Icon 1.png   Little Scarecrow Egg
No longer obtainable. Gem Icon.png 400 from The Emporium during Harvest Moon Festival Event 2024.

Evil Scarecrow Icon.pngSpecial Creeper Egg Icon 1.png   Evil Scarecrow Egg
No longer obtainable. Rare victory chest drop during Harvest Moon Festival Event 2024.

Golden Scarecrow Icon.pngGolden Creeper Egg Icon.png   Golden Scarecrow Egg
No longer obtainable. 250 Million Gold Icon.png from the Black Market Dealer during Harvest Moon Festival Event 2024.

"A tattered, straw-filled egg with a haunting aura."

The Scarecrows are pets tied to Harvest Moon Festival Event 2024. There are currently 3 variants sharing the same unique ability.

Primary Attack and Pet Ability

  • Primary Attack
Scarecrows fires a gourd projectile that does mild splash damage on impact.
Attack rate: 1s - 1.20s (100 - 120)
Projectiles: 1
Min-Max Stat Ranges
(Assumes max pet power and affection & 0 Gear Score)
Stat Hatchling Fledgling Veteran Elder
Attack Damage 1360-2500 2410-3550 3810-4950 4860-6000

Scarecrow Pet Basic Attack.gif
Scarecrow Primary Attack.

  • Pet Ability: Call of Scarecrow
Fires a Cursed Apple that summons a scarecrow that confuses enemies for 10s. Confused enemies take 25% increased damage. Cooldown of 45s.
Can be rerolled into other Creeper or Elemental (if Primary Attack is rolled with an element) Abilities.

Scarecrow Pet Ability.gif
Call of Scarecrow Pet Ability.


  • DD2 Splash Logo.png September 10th 2024 : Little, Evil and Golden Scarecrows Introduced.