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Queen Death Weaver
[[Chaos VIII - Queen Death Weaver.png|300px]]
Enemy Types ?
Lane Type ?
Appearances Chaos VIII Expeditions, Onslaught, Incursions & Mastery
Schedule Icon Miscellaneous Enemy Icon.png

The Queen Death Weaver is a miniboss enemy first found on Chaos VIII. She is the miniboss version of the Death Weaver. Her ability consist of firing web projectiles that webs heroes on hit, slowing the target down.

The projectiles are also supposed web towers on hit but that doesn't really work currently.


When spawned, the Queen Death Weaver will slowly crawl towards the core, potentially attacking heroes or defenses that aggroes them. The miniboss doesn't attack regular towers unless they completely block her path. But any nearby heroes or blockades will easily get her attention.

Her attack only consists of firing ranged projectiles that deals magical damage. The attacks also web targets up on hit, slowing them down. Unlike regular Death Weavers, she does not have a melee attack nor does she leaves a giant web on the ground when defeated.

The Queen Death Weaver does not move as fast as Tuskars or Quiblys, her speed is roughly comparable to a miniboss like Thorc.


Currently the Queen Death Weaver is one of the least threatening minibosses as she doesn't leave any webbings on the ground on death like regular Death Weaver do. Any viable strategies available should be sufficient provided the defenses used are strong enough.

With that said, Queen Death Weavers does take more damage from defenses equipped with M.O.D.S. such as Anti-Chaos Servo, Anti-Ranged Servo and Anti-Miniboss Servo. Heroes will have an easier time deal with her if their weapons are equipped with M.O.D.S. such as Chaos Chip, Ranged Chip and Miniboss Chip.

Additional, if Range-Boom, Chaos-Boom, Miniboss-Boom Servos and Rangesplosion, Chaosplosion and Minibossplosion Chips are equipped on relics and weapons respectively, the Queen Death Weaver will detonate on death dealing damage to other nearby enemies. However, since Chaos 8 is near late-game, Boom builds are virtually useless by that point as there are much better mods to use.


The Queen Death Weaver will have a chance to spawn on wave 5 in Chaos 8 Expeditions/Mastery as a frontline miniboss. In Chaos 8 Prime Incursions, multiple Queen Death Weavers can also spawn in various lanes at the same time from wave 2 onwards.

In Onslaught, the Queen Death Weaver starts appearing at Floor ??? in a specific ground schedule called "Arachnophobia". Every wave, the lane is guaranteed to spawn a Queen Death Weaver. In a Lost Temple Omega Wave, the Arachnophobia lane will only spawn three Queen Death Weavers.

Unlike most minibosses, the Queen Death Weaver is not part of the roster that spawns a random miniboss for the players to deal with each wave in Onslaught.


CG dev IDHC revealed that the projectiles the Queen Death Weaver fires is bugged. It's supposed to affect any towers the projectiles hit, just like how heroes get webbed.


  • DD2 Splash Logo.png December 15th 2021 : Added to Onslaught through the Arachnophobia schedule.
  • DD2 Splash Logo.png July 27th 2021 : Introduced.