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Hex Thrower

2 bytes added, 19:09, 2 March 2023
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Hex Throwers, by nature, are one of the easier Chaos enemies to fight. While they are able to target your towers from afar, they still prioritize [[Defenses#Blockades|Blockades]] like most enemies, so they are not as much of a threat to non-DPS [[Defenses#Blockades|Blockades]]in terms of targeting. [[Series EV2|EV2's]] [[Reflect Beam]] can be very useful for reflecting the javelins, as well as any other projectiles to keep your towers alive. If you don't have EV2, avoid clumping defenses around your Blockades as curse spots has enough range to affect any nearby defenses.
Be wary of Hex Thrower activities in maps (such as Throne Room or Embermount Volcano etc.) where cores are positioned in a place where they can be easily sniped. To solve this, either utilize spawn-camping strategies to elimite eliminate Hex Throwers early or wrap cores with Reflect Beams to prevent any unexpected snipes.

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